Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from the Comte de Mercy-Argenteau, 4 October 1782

From the Comte de Mercy-Argenteau4

AL: American Philosophical Society

Le 4 8bre. 1782

L’ambassadeur de LEmpereur aura grand soin de faire parvenir Le Paquet adressé a Mr d’Ingenhouse, que Monsieur Franklin Lui a fait l’honneur de lui envoÿer,5 il a celui de lui offrir ses hommages tres humbles.

Notation: de l’Empereur. 4. Oct. 1782

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

4The ambassador of the Holy Roman Empire, who had forwarded books and letters to Jan Ingenhousz from BF and others: XXXIV, 123; XXXV, 549; XXXVII, 468.

5The packet may have been from Ingenhousz’ friend Dr. Schwediauer, who introduced himself to BF on Sept. 17, above.

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