Benjamin Franklin Papers

From Benjamin Franklin to Fizeaux, Grand & Cie., 28 June 1781

To Fizeaux, Grand & Cie.

Copy and partial AL (draft):4 Library of Congress

Passy, June 28. 1781


This is to desire you would retain in your Hands, if it is still there, the money that was lodg’d with you on Account of the United States by order of the Ministry here: Or if you have already delivered it, that you would again receive it, agreable to Orders I have sent by this Conveyance that it should be return’d to you; and I request you would keep the same in your Hands subject to the future Orders of Gentlemen, &c.

Messrs. Fizeaux Grand & Co.5

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

4The draft is missing several words from the ends of lines, as it was among the manuscripts that were taken to London by WTF after his grandfather’s death and cut up for patterns in a tailor’s shop; see I, xxiii.

5On June 30 BF repeated his instructions to the firm; a complete draft and copy of his letter are at the Library of Congress. He added a postscript, “This is farther to request you would remit the same to me in Bills upon Paris.”

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