Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to Lewis Harvie, 17 March 1803

To Lewis Harvie

Monticello Mar. [17. 03.]

Dear Sir

Your favor is duly recieved and I am happy to learn that [it will] be convenient for you [. . .] my [family] prop[ose]d; [. . .] the [. . .] of Capt. Lewis [. . .] [your same views]; for I would not wish [. . .] to [be employed]. but [with] a view to your [. . .] I intended to be back to Washington by the 1st of April. I fear however I have in that allowed myself too little time for the business which brought me here. still I do not altogether despair of accomplishing it, but under this uncertainty I think you had better await a letter which I will write you either on my actual1 departure hence or my arrival at Washington holding yourself in readiness to move on short warning. present my friendly respects to Colo. & mrs Harvie and accept yourself my affectionate salutations.

Th: Jefferson

PrC (DLC); faint; at foot of text: “Lewis Harvie esqr.”; endorsed by TJ in ink on verso.

TJ expected Meriwether lewis to return briefly to Washington before departing for the West, at which point Harvie would assume the duties of secretary (TJ to Lewis Harvie, 22 Apr.).

1Word interlined.

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