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Results 52551-52600 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
52551General Orders, 3 October 1779 (Washington Papers)
At a division Court-Martial held at Ramapough Septr 24th 1779—Mr Thornton Taylor Conductor of...
The fifth Campaign drawing near Towards Opening, and Lake Champlain (from the last Intelligence)...
Least there should be any misunderstanding relative to the Rime of my being at New Brunswick, I...
In consequence of the Request contained in your Letter of equal Date, I have issued my...
I have Nothing further in Charge from Congress at this Time, except the enclosed Resolve, founded...
I am told that very high credentials are in the Secretary of State’s office in favour of my old...
I Hope you will excuse the Liberty I have taken in Directing this Letter to you; as I could not...
52558[Monday June 10. 1776.] (Adams Papers)
Monday June 10. 1776. Committee of the whole. Mr. Harrison reported a Resolution. The Resolution...
I have received the Letter you have done me the honor to write to me , dated the 28 th ult o...
§ From William C. C. Claiborne. 23 August 1805, “County of Acadia Sixty Miles from New Orleans.”...
I have been favored with your Letter of the 30th of May, and sincerely felicitate you, on the...
Letter not found: from Samuel Washington, 27 May 1755. On 14 June GW wrote to his brother Samuel...
No one is more sensible than myself of the importance to every country, of the science of...
I thank you for the communication of mr Jonathan Ellicot’s letter in your’s of Aug. 28. and the...
E. Randolph with best respect to Col. Hamilton, incloses to him an account of Mr. Knox, our late...
I am hopefull this will find you safe in France after a pleasant Passage. We got to this place...
With much pleasure I have this day received your communication of the 15th Instance, and I shall...
in replie to your inquiries I answer mrs Adams had a very bad night. at 2 oclock Nancy came to my...
Letter not found : from Capt. Thomas Young Seymour, c.8 Sept. 1778. Seymour wrote GW on 9 Sept. :...
52570[Diary entry: 16 August 1799] (Washington Papers)
16. Mer. at 71 in the Morning—No wind & clear—82 at highest and 78 at N. Young Mr. McCarty dined...
Th: Jefferson with his respects to the President has the honor to inclose for his information the...
Capt. Norman (a respectable Man of this City) has arrived here from Trieste, he has just informed...
52573[Diary entry: 13 June 1795] (Washington Papers)
13. Do. do. Cloudy & cool till aft[ernoon].
Your letter of the 11 th of Octor never came to my hands ’till yesterday. Altho’ your...
From the public Situation of affairs, as also my private Situation, I after mature deliberation...
I find it a subject far from easy, to say what I think had best be done with Washington—His...
Mr. Fleming has been here and set out on his return yesterday. I did not however know of his...
The object of this communication is to ask a favour; one of no great magnitude indeed, but such...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Il y a bien longtems que je n’ai rendu mes devoirs à votre...
The Gentlemen from the Eastward have at length made their appearance & I expect in a day or two a...
Mr Morse presents his most respectful compliments to the Vice President of the United States &...
I did myself the Honour to write to you from Nantez the 29th ultimo and at the Same time...
I recieved the Night before the last a Packet from you in which I found your Letter of the 19th....
Philadelphia, 24 Dec. 1790 .Enclosing a duplicate commission for Edward Church, made out by order...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Being on board of the Virginia Packett bound to Bordeaux in...
Treasury Department, Revenue Office, December 17, 1794. “I shall be glad of your opinion whether...
52587[Diary entry: 3 February 1771] (Washington Papers)
3. Val. Crawford came this Afternoon & Price Posey went away in the Morng. Young Posey was going...
Paris, 23 May 1785 . Since he is not acquainted with TJ, though had once long ago in Norfolk, Va....
Translated extract: printed in Jacques Barbeu-Dubourg, ed., Œuvres de M. Franklin … (2 vols.,...
1817. Nov. 25 from the house to the bridge at the meadow 1100 yds along the branch to 1 st x g...
I have the honor to thank you for your favor of the 31st Ulto. It was not my intention to divert...
The enclosed came to hand this day, the Liqueurs alluded to have been in the Custom since august...
I here transmit in course the last numbers of the Leyden Gazette. Altho’ many months have passed...
About a month before the reciept of your favor of June 24. I had been requested to draw the plan...
Hanover Town, 16 Jan. 1781. Has received orders from Gen. Nelson to “March back to Caroline” and...
Yours of the 25 th came to hand last night & I am quite satisfied to pay the 2. months interest...
I had the honor of writing to Your Excellency the 13th Instant by Messenger Freeman. Inclosed...
With this letter you will receive the requested Return—I shall shortly send you an accurate...
Th: Jefferson returns his thanks to mr Smith for the volume sent him. he incloses the account of...
Certainement bien eloignè de l’ Idee meme, de faire passer la revüe aux Livres, que Vous m’avez...