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Results 52551-52600 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library Le Navire Wolf appartenant au port d’Edenton et Commandé par le Capne. Sam Butler chargé de 138. boucauds de Tabac de la Virginie et quélqúes Milliers de Merin [merrain]; est arrivé dans Ce port depuis quélqúes jours, ce Capne. qui N’avait aucune Connaissance dans Ce paÿs a bien Voulû s’adresser à Nous, et comme les Administrateurs de la ferme Généralle...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Altho: you will very lately have heard from my father, I have too much pride as well as pleasure in the correspondence to relinquish my part of it; the difficulty of finding a safe conveyance for my letter can alone induce me to be silent. We had the pleasure of breakfasting with Dr Priestley on our return out of Wales, he has an exceeding pretty house 1...
ALS : American Philosophical Society None of the five Letters, which I had the Honor to write to Your Excellency in the Year 1778, from Switzerland, having been so happy, to meet with the Favor of a Reply: I could not know, how to account for My Misfortune.— Having since that Time left my native Country, to sollicit in person in Germany, several Sums due to me, from several Courts, as well as...
ALS and transcript: National Archives I am directed by my Grandfather to forward you the inclosed Papers, which were put into his Hands by the Ambassador from Portugal, and to request you would take them into Consideration.— With great Respect, I have the honour to be, Sir, Your most obedient & most humble Sert.— Oswald reported to Townshend on Oct. 2 that BF was still unwell and not able to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai reçu Par Mr Griffiths la lettre de mon cousin du 18 Septembre avec le livre que vous avez eu la bonté de m’énvoyér. J’en ferai un bon usage et je veux en apprendre plusieurs Morceaux me conseille de faire je vous envoye vôtre portrait fait de ma main d’après la gravure que vous m’avez envoyé la paix ne se fait pas et c’est ce qui me fait beaucoup de...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library I have the honor to Enclose for your Excellencys perusal the Speches of Mr. Fox &c &c which I am well assured are Genuine— The London paper of the 1st Instant, has done me the honor of mentioning that I Breakfasted with Mr Laurens— The same paper contains the Important resolutions of the most respectable Volunteer Corps against the raising of the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Jait Eü lhonneur il Lia quatre ans de diner avec vous la veille de mon depart pour Litaillie rue du Bacq chez Mr. de la faye. Je suis de retourd depuis plusiers semaines. Le 12 du Mois passé jeü lhoneur de remettre a la Reine une lettre que la Reine de Naple luy a Ecrit an ma faveurs. Je suis obligee dailler demain Vendredy a la muette et Comme jignore le...
L (draft): Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; two copies and transcript: National Archives J’ai l’honneur, M. de vous renvoyer la patente par laquelle le Sr. Thomas Barclay a êté nommé Consul des Etats unis pour resider en france, et j’y joins l’exequatur qui lui est necessaire pour legitimer Ses fonctions. Je dois vous prevenir que cette derniere piece doit etre revetue de...
AL : American Philosophical Society L’ambassadeur de LEmpereur aura grand soin de faire parvenir Le Paquet adressé a Mr d’Ingenhouse, que Monsieur Franklin Lui a fait l’honneur de lui envoÿer, il a celui de lui offrir ses hommages tres humbles. Notation: de l’Empereur. 4. Oct. 1782 The ambassador of the Holy Roman Empire, who had forwarded books and letters to Jan Ingenhousz from BF and...
Incomplete copy and copy: National Archives; copies: Massachusetts Historical Society (three), Public Record Office ; four transcripts: National Archives Articles agreed upon, by & between Richard Oswald Esqr. the Commissioner of his Britannic Majesty for treating of Peace with the Commissioners of the United States of America, on the behalf of his said Majesty on the one part, and Benjn....
L : University of Pennsylvania Library Many of the applicants for emigration during the period covered by this volume claim solid technical skills or commercial experience which they hope to exploit in some fashion in America. Laurent Josselin, whose letter is printed below, is an expert surveyor and civil architect. On November 27, M. des Rosières writes from the château de Vincennes on...
LS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Library of Congress I have the Pleasure to enclose you the Copy of an Act of Congress of the ninth of September last. I shall make no Comments on this Act which as it relieves you from farther Trouble and Anxiety on the Subject it relates to will I am sure be agreable. I am Sir Your Excellency’s most obedient & humble Servant Endorsed: Office of...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I arrived here Yesterday from Geneva, where I left young Mr. Bache very well the Day before. He, as well as his School-Mate, Mr. Johnnot were very happy to hear from you: They both appear to be contented with their Situation & what is more Monsieur Marignac seems very well satisfied with their Conduct— He treats them as Friends, & they repay him with...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library I hear Freequently of the Arival of Vesals From France to all Parts of America but not won Scrape of a Pen has your Sister Recived from you two-years & half Past. Thank God I hear of you by others that you are in Health and spirits, Sill Labouring in the way of Duty for our poor Country; and that is a comfort to me, but I can’t help wishing, tho I have...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania; copies: Virginia Historical Society (three), University of Virginia Library I have the Honor to send you herewith, Copy of a Letter from Mr. Robt. R. Livingston Secretary of Congress for Foreign Affairs—of the 18th. of July last, & of an order of Congress of the 2d. of the same Month, to which be pleased to refer. As you inform’d me in you Letter of...
(I) LS : American Philosophical Society; (II) LS : American Philosophical Society, Independence National Historical Park; copy: Library of Congress; (III) LS : American Philosophical Society (two), Syracuse University Library; L (draft): Yale University Library; copies: Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères, Library of Congress This Letter will be delivered to you by Joshua Barney...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I receiv’d in course the honor of your Excellencys Letter of the 30th Ulto: inclosing one for the Captains Cain Josiah & Deale, which I have deliver’d them.— They are extremely sensible of your Excellencys attention to their request, & beg that you will accept of their most sincere thanks.— Inclosed, I have the honor to transmit you a Letter from them.— I...
ALS : American Philosophical Society With most Sincere Distress of mind I herd last from France You was ill and Since not had the good news of your Recovery I beg Mr Thare the Barer of this may give me the Early Inteligence of your helth and wellfare— My hopes are Placd high on your life health and Situation— May almighty Ruler of Kings give you the blessing of long life is the Prayer of dr...
LS : American Philosophical Society I had the honour of addressing your Excellency the 30th. Past, Since which I have taken as much Information Concerning the probability of Sending the Supplies forward at the expence of the Court of France as I could, and I do not find that there is the least. The Intendant Informs me that the want of Transports for the Kings Service is So great that...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Après cinq mois de course et de travaux, monsieur et respectable ami, je suis arrivé avant-hier chès nôtre céleste amie, et déja nous nous sommes beaucoup entretenus de vous; inquiets de votre santé qui a été altérée pendant l’été dernier, nous supplions monsieur votre petit fils de nous en donner des nouvelles: recevés en même temps le tendre hommage de la...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library We have all got our Bonds discharged, but with a great deal of trouble and expence, we still wish to persevere in the first design, but our Circumstances being greatly impared we shall not be able to proceed directly, yet as there are hopes of a more free passage through a Peace which we conclude by our Prints not to be far off we wish early to arrive...
L : Columbia University Library Dr. Franklin regrets exceedingly that his Health does not permit him the honour & Pleasure of waiting upon Mr. & Mrs. Jay, according to their obliging Invitation.— He hopes Mr. & Mrs. Jay will condescend to indemnify him for the Loss he sustains, by honouring him with their Company at Dinner on Saturday next.— The Dr. would be happy to see Mr. Murowe at the same...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I the subscriber your Excellencies most Humble Pettioner, an American Subject, my place of residence, when at home, is in Orange County North Carolina, where I have resided for a number of years past, till Cornwallis, attacked General Green at Guilford Court House, then I went out to the West Indies, with a small property on my own Accot.; and traded...
LS : University of Pennsylvania Library Le Corsaire ameriquain Le Ciceron, Capitaine hill a nôtre consignation, est arrivé ce matin en ce port avec deux prises venant de la Jamaique; Sur une desquelles ce Sont trouvés Le lieutenant en pied & 29 hommes de L’Equipage du Vau. du Roy Le Romely, qui avoient été Sauvés par Cette prise Lorsque le Général Gaÿes qui le Commandoit, avoit Jugé a propos...
AL : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Baron Arendt, qui est arrivé icy de L’amerique par Londres & la Nouvelle York, ayant eù le malheur d’avoir été pris par Les Anglois souhaite avoir l’honneur d’assurer ses respects a Son Excellence Mr. Le Docteur Franklin pour Lui remettre une Lettre de La part du Mr Robert Morris, et se presentera demain le Vendredi chés Lui vers Le Midi. Le Baron a...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania; copy: Yale University Library Onboard of one of the prizes lately arrived at L’Orient to the address of my House Williams Moore & Co, are part of the Crew of his Brittanic Majestys ship Ramilies which sunk at sea. One of them being an Officer has desired to know if he & his Comrades are to be prisoners of War or not, having fallen into our Hands in...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I Take the liberty to Inclo: you a letter from some Americans who are taken out of some Merchant Ships. and sent off to serve his Majesty the King of France. On Receipt of the letter I waited on the Commissary General here. respecting the matter. He told me as they had served in the Merchant Ships. and got great Run money. that they ought to serve the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Permit us to request your Excelleny to Transmitt us the Necessary Order’s, for the Sale of the Two Prizes, mention’d in the Papers herewith Inclose’d— We are very Respectfully your Excellency’s Most Obedient and Very Humble Servts. Notation: Cuming & Maccarty Probably in William Macarty’s hand. These were doubtless the Luxford and Will , two of the three...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Pendant que je m’occupois à ramasser et à mettre en ordre la suite des Constitutions des Etats-unis de l’Amerique j’ai appris que M. le Duc de la Rochefoucault s’amusoit à traduire le Recueil imprimé par ordre du Congrès. Ce Seigneur, auquel j’ai eu l’honneur de presenter mon premier volume, et à qui j’ai fait voir ce que j’avois déja ramassé pour former le...
ALS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; copies: Library of Congress (two), Massachusetts Historical Society With this you will receive the Copy you desired of Mr Oswald’s Commission. I request your kind Care in forwarding the enclos’d Letter to Spain, by your first Courier. I have the honour to be with sincere Esteem & Attachment Sir Your most obedient and most humble Servant...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Comment estes vous mon bon papa? Jamais il ne m’en a tant coutté de m’éloigner de vous, chaques soirs il me semble que vous seriés bien aise de me voir, et chaques soirs je pense a vous; lundi 21 j’irai vous retrouver, j’espere qu’alors vous serés bien Sur vos jambes et que le thé du mercredi samedi, et celui du dimanche matin reprendront tout leur lustre....
LS and transcript: National Archives I have but just received Information of this Opportunity, and have only time allow’d to write a few Lines. In my last of the 26th. past I mentioned that the Negociation for Peace had been obstructed by the Want of due Form in the English Commissions appointing their Plenipotentiaries. In that for treating with us, the Mentioning our States by their public...
Extract: National Archives The three millions you mention previous to 1778 were two of them given & the third was an Advance on a Contract with the Farmers general of tobacco. Excerpted from a now-missing letter probably written in response to Morris’ letter of July 1 ( XXXVII , 568–72). An extract of BF ’s earlier response is above, Sept. 26. In Arthur Lee’s hand. During 1777 the...
AL : American Philosophical Society Les abbés de Chalut et Arnoux assurent de leur amitié leur respectable ami. Ils lui envoyent quatre lettres de recommandation pour M. le Chevalier Neuvenham. Ils sont à ses ordres dans toutes les choses qui dependront deux. Mille amitiés au cher petit fils. In the hand of Guillaume Arnoux. The first names of Arnoux and Jean Chalut have been supplied to us by...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have recd your two favors of the 25th & 30th Ultimo, it rejoices me much to hear you are getting the better of your late Complaints, the World cannot afford to part with you yet— You must not sing the Nunc Dimittis, untill you have compleated that great & glorious work which is to teach future Kings & Ministers that the Liberties & propertys of Mankind...
LS : Massachusetts Historical Society A long and painful Illness has prevented my corresponding with your Excellency regularly, but I paid the Bill you drew upon me and advised me of in your last Letter. Mr Jay has I believe acquainted you with the Obstructions our Peace Negociations have met with, and that they are at length removed. By the next Courier expected from London, we may be able...
AL : University of Pennsylvania Library Mr. de Brantsen, Ministre Plenipotentiaire de LL. HH. pp. les Etats Generaúx des Provinces Unies des Pays bas a l’honneúr d’assurér Mr. Franklin de ses tres humbles civilités et de lui envoÿer ci jointe úne lettre dú Professeúr Ingen-Hoúz, qu’il a reçue hier dans son paqúet de Vienne. Il lui offre en même temps ses services poúr faire parvenir en sureté...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Haveing the Misfortune to be Capturd by the Intriped of Sixty four Guns in the Ship Called the Retaliation Merchantmen my father in Law the Principle Owner Liveing at Newbury Port his Name is Stephen Cross Esqr Hond Sir I am on my Parole of Honour and Should beg the favour of your Kind assistance in Supplying me with ten or twelve Pounds Sir I will Give my...
LS : American Philosophical Society Nous avons Lhonneur de vous presenter mr Housberg chef d’une manufacture de fonte de fer a qui nous donnâmes il y a Trois ans une Lettre d’introduction auprès de vous Monsieur. Nous Serons charmés si Les propositions quil a vous faire peuvent vous Etre agreables c’est dans cette vue que nous nous sommes prêtes à L’instance de mr housberg. Nous avons Lhonneur...
ALS : Yale University Library It is very long since I have had the Satisfaction of a Line from you. This I attribute to the great Uncertainty of Opportunities. The last Letter I received from you mentioned an Electrical Battery, which you said was in the Hands of Mr. Coombe. I have at last got the Battery you mention, & found five of the Bottles broke. The Rest are in good Order. All your...
L : American Philosophical Society Mde. la Cesse D’houdetot qui a L’honneur D’offrir Mille tendres Complimens a Monsieur franklin Le prie De Vouloir Bien faire passer surement Ce paquet En Amerique. Il apartient a Mr. St. Jean de Crevecœur a qui il a deja Bien Voulû Rendre Ce Service a Sa Consideration. Ce Mr. De St. Jean Est aussy En peine De Scavoir Sy Mr. franklin a Recu Et agreés un Livre...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; LS (draft): Library of Congress I have been honored with two favors of Your Excellency—one presented by the Count de Segur, of the 2d. of April—the other delivered by the Prince de Broglie of the 8th.—both which were rendered doubly agreeable, by the pleasure I had in receiving them from the hands of two such amiable & accomplished Young Gentlemen.—...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I came hither on the Business of our House having 5 rich Jamaica prizes to our address, with upwards of 2000 hhd Sugar & 400 hhds Rum. The Alliance is just arrived with 4 more, & she has sent 5 into America, two have got into Nantes so we know of 16 taken; I have another privateer which I hourly expect will bring in 2 or 3 more.— I have advice from my...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Sir I have taken this oppertunity of wrighting These few lines to let you know the sewerahson [situation?] that i am in i belong to a meracahn ship belonging To the congres my ship left me behind i had the Misfortune of looseing my Cloathes the ship Left me at haver de grass and i went down to belone for to get a shipe and the comeserey Wou’ld not let...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Si jai tardé dinformer Son Exélance du malheur qui m’est Survenu dans le momen ou je devais my attendre le moins c’est que javois espoire de pouvoir remédier a une événement occationné par la mechansté et chalousie cruel de gens qui depuis que je Suis dans les affaires de L’amerique ont chergé a me nuire. Je representerés Seulement a votre Exelance que le...
Copies: University of Virginia Library, Virginia Historical Society (two) I receiv’d the Letter you did me the Honor of writing to me the 7th. instt., inclosing a copy of an order of Congress with a copy of a Letter to you from Mr. Secretary Livingston, & informing me, that you had in consequence drawn on me for £46196..19 [ i.e. , 46,196 l.t. 19 s ] payle. to your order the 12th. April next....
ALS : American Philosophical Society Rien n’est plus genereux, que l’Action, que Vous venez de faire, Monseigneur! La pauvre Veuve Hoeklin se croit heureuse. Elle a reçu un Billet que Son Excellence, Votre Beaufils aye accepté 200 Pound de Mons. Schneider a Germantown. Mons. Richard Bache a ecrit lui meme. Mais a cette heure nous sommes en peine. Permettez donc, je Vous supplie, de Vous...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Le Régisseur des Octrois de cette Ville veut contraindre les Négocians de L’amérique Septentrionale établis à Nantes, à lui payer, sur les Tabacs qui leur sont adressés vingt sols par quintal comme droguerie , au lieu de trois sols par fardeau de 150 livres pesant comme marchandise prohibée; Il s’est élevé un procès à ce sujet, parcequ’il se trouve une...
LS : University of Pennsylvania Library J’ai Lu avec un plaisir extreme vos raisonnemens très profonds qui caracterisent le Beau genie de leur auteur et à moins que je ne reçoive des ordres contraires, je me ferai un grand honneur de les inserer dans mon tome 5 qui S’imprime, avec les Memoires que Vous M’avez promis de me renvoyer, & qui ont besoin d’etre corrigés. Alors Mon Volume aura un...
LS : University of Pennsylvania Library Nous avons l’honneur de vous remettre cy joint les procédures des mis en Regle par L’amirauté de Vannes, ausy que La Reconnoissance de Monr Le Commandant de nôtre port des prisonniers que nous lui avons Livrés. Nous Sommes avec Respect Monsieur Vos trés humbles & trés obeissants Serviteurs Endorsed: Williams & Moore 21. Octr. 1782. Signed by James Moore....