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Results 52551-52560 of 184,431 sorted by author
The Officers of the Battalion of Militia of the County of Bergen beg leave to congratulate your Excellency on the conclusion of an arduous and important War, and the reestablishment of the Blessings of Peace. Actuated by the principles of Virtue and of Patriotism your Excellency undertook the difficult Task of conducting the operations of the Field against a Powerful and enraged Enemy, and the...
Being on an seperate Out Post and Exposed to many Difficulties not unknown to your Excellency, the Contractor of this County having for some time Past supplied My Corps with flower and Beef till it was put out of his Power (as he says) by the Great Quantity of Beef and other Articles taking out of the County by the Armey to supply me any longer I sent to the super Intendant of this state for a...
Your Excellencies letter I have received Concerning Dadly. the Infamous raskle last night made his Escape together with him the serjant of the Gaurd said Dadly was ordered by the civill Magistrates to my Care untill Court which was to be opened this day he was Guilty of several robberies Committed on the Inhabitants of this County. I am very sorry of his Escape. the serjant was a stranger to...
Being Ordered by the Governor of jersey state to take Post near Dobb Ferry their to receave Direction from His Excellency the Commander In Chief. I hereby Inform His Excellency General Wasshington that I am at present near Dobbs Ferry Commanding a Detachment of 150 Men belonging to the state Ridgment being inlisted Perticular for Bergen County and cheef of my men wel acquainted in this...
P.S. The person, that has the honor to submit the above Translations, the theme whereof he has published in the German gazette annexed hereto along with the french Translation made by him, begs Leave to observe: that he is brought up regularly to the Bar in Germany, that he is ready to produce a formal Certificate on his Examen, he underwent there, in the Civil Law and the Laws of Nations,...
AL : University of Pennsylvania Library M. de Thurn, de la Societé Roiale de Metz, issû d’une trés ancienne famille d’Allemagne, Etablie depuis Deux siecles dans la province d’Alsace, aujourd’huy sous la domination de la france, et allie aux meilleures maisons de cette province, réclame la bienveillance et l’appui du ministre plenipotentiaire des Etats-unis de L’Amerique, pour le sucçés du...
From your known liberality and philanthrophy I feel myself emboldened to address you. I have been a resident in the western country for fifteen years, and always behold with indignation the artifices used by the men in power, in the late Territory, to prolong the period of our colonial humiliation. Whenever I found that our population entitled us to be ranked among the sister states, in...
Altho I am far from haveing the honor of your personal acquaintance, and am perhaps but scarcely within the circle of your knowledge; yet being a citizen, I presume to address you. I was early and decidedly in the interest of my beloved country, and being involed, with a band of patriots in the New york company of granediers, I had the pleasure to escort you into that city when on your way, in...
I would wish to bring into your immediate view the Government of the Northwestern territory under which the adventures to this remote part of the Empire have Sustained a deprivation of those privileges injoyed by our fellow citizens in the States in the Union. Secondly to lay before the President the rational views we had in a short time to rise from that depresst State. Thirdly to shew the...
I haveing been ordered by his Excellency General Wooster on the 3 d . Feb. with a Small party to take the Command of this place I have thereby had an opportunity to take an Exact account of all the Fresh Forces which have passed this place since the defeat at Quebec which I make bold to transmit you as also what I Supposed a few days ago to have been the number of our Army at the Camp before...