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Results 52551-52600 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
The Brig Hope of this place will sail on Thursday next for Óporto in Portugal in which vessel I intend to Embark and shall immediately after my arrival there proceed to Madrid. It will give me great pleasure to be the bearer of any commands you may have for that country, to which be assured I will pay due attention. permit me to ask the honor of a few lines of introduction from you to Mr....
Th: Jefferson [presents] his friendly the Secretary at War and sends him the Governors Page in his office. PrC ( DLC ); faint. Recorded in SJL with notation “lres from Govr Page & Saquiricia.” Enclosures: (1) John Page to TJ, 2 Mch. 1803 . (2) “Saquiricia” to TJ, 15 Feb. 1803 (recorded in SJL as received from Windsor, North Carolina, on 16 Mch. with notation “W,” but not found). (3) probably...
The extraordinary productions in the enclosed paper under the signatures of “A Western American” & “Americus” appear to be calculated to produce so much mischief, that I thought it my duty to transmit it for your perusal. I am at present confined by an inflamation upon the kidnies; and am Sir most respectfully Your Friend And Humble Servant— RC ( DLC ); in an unidentified hand, signed by...
Your favor is duly recieved and I am happy to learn that it will be convenient for you my [family] prop ose d; the of Capt. Lewis [your same views]; for I would not wish to [be employed]. but with a view to your I intended to be back to Washington by the 1st of April. I fear however I have in that allowed myself too little time for the business which brought me here. still I do not altogether...
Your’s of the 10th. is recieved and I now inclose a letter to the Secretary of the navy, which be pleased to seal & deliver after perusal. I think not a moment should be lost in forwarding the stores to Algiers, as it is of importance to keep those powers quiet. might it not be useful to propose to the Dey with a year’s annuity in stores, to recieve another year’s in money?   the answer from...
In the inclosed Intelligencer you will find the letter from Pichon to the Govr. of Louisiana. Having been written without reference to its publication, it is less carefully fitted than Yrujo’s for the contemplated impression; and in connection with that presents some points for sophistical comments, which are made rather more, than less salient by the reflections of the Editor . The letter...
Andrews George Mar. 17. 1803. the composition ornaments arrive for the fireplace of the Chamber, a [b]it like those of the entablature of the room. for the pediments of the windows & arches of the Dining room & Tea-room metops roses for 6. windows 18 + 18 = 36 1. double arch 12 + 12 = 24
I have recieved a letter from the Secy. of state informing me that the Dey of Algiers refuses to [accept?] the money offered him in commutation for the naval stores [due] him and consequently it becomes necessary to send the stores immediately. as it is [certainly?] better for the public that the purchase of naval stores should [be in?] the hands of one set of agents, not only to avoid...
The Constellation Capt Murray is arrived and is now in the Eastern Branch. Her crew will be discharged immediately. As nothing but a formidable force will effect an honorable peace with Tripoli and repress the dispositions of the other Barbary powers to hostility, would it not be adviseable to send immediately to the Medn either the Constitution now lying at Boston or the Philad now lying at...
The Petition of Peter Veitch of Alexandria County Humbly Sheweth that during the year 1801, he was presented by a Grand Jury for the body of this County for retailing Spirituous Liquors without Licence, on which presentment Judgment and Execution has since been had, in favour of the United States; which including the costs of Prosecution amounts to Ninety eight dollars eighty five cents—which...
I send you mÿ Lett. on the use of copper among the Greeks—I can not flatter me, that it Shall procure you either much information, or amusement, but I maÿ have opened a new road for investigation, and then mÿ endeavours will have Some merit—at least in your eÿe. If it happened, that it deserved your approbation, that you deemed it worth a Public view, I Should intend it for the Pennsylvanian...
16 March 1803, Antwerp. News was received on 13 Mar. of recent British measures indicating a renewal of war. “This news and the double levy of conscripts gives serious uneasiness to every class of people here and particularly to the foreign Merchants.” Prices of foreign goods “rose immediately, very considerably,” and will probably continue at elevated prices in Batavian ports “for some time.”...
16 March 1803, Bordeaux. Forwards a letter received at the consulate “a few days ago” from Cathalan and informs JM that “Mr. Lee who has been confined near two months with a severe illness is on the recovery.” RC ( DNA : RG 59, CD , Bordeaux, vol. 1). 1 p. Docketed by Wagner. A full transcription of this document has been added to the digital edition.
16 March 1803, London. No. 84. “Couriers last evening arrived at the french Ambassadors from Paris, and at the same Time a Messenger from Lord Whitworth: they left Paris after the communication of the Kings Message to Parliament of the 8th. instant had been received there. General Andreossi and the Dutch Ambassador both told me to day that for the purpose of taking away the pretext for War (as...
16 March 1803, Málaga. Encloses copies of his 25 Jan., 1 Feb., and 8 Mar. [not found] dispatches. Writes chiefly to enclose copies of O’Brien’s 30 Jan. and 2 Feb. letters, the latter with a 21 Feb. postscript. Presumes JM was advised from Madrid of the new health regulations requiring a twenty-day quarantine for ships arriving from the U.S. with bills of health certified by the Spanish consul...
16 March 1803. Lists eighteen owners with the amount paid by each to breed their mares to Childers, for a total of £33 12 s . Ms ( DLC ). 1 p. In an unidentified hand. JM apparently had agreed to buy William Thornton’s stud Childers but instead traded two other horses for him ( JM to Thornton, 19 Aug. 1803 [ DLC : Thornton Papers]).
We received here on the 13th. instant, the advice of the recent measures in England indicative of the renewal of War. This news and the double levy of consc r ipts gives serious uneasiness to every class of people here and particularly to the foreign Merchants. Foreign produce rose immediately, very considerably, and in any event will, in my opinion continue at elevated prices for some time,...
I have the honour to enclose you a letter which was received at this office a few days ago from Mr. Cathalan at Marseilles, and to inform you that Mr. Lee who has been confined near two months with a severe illness is on the recovery. I am Sir very respectfully your Mo. Obt. Servt. The preceding is the full transcription of a document that was previously abstracted in The Papers of James...
I have the Honor of transmitting herewith Copies of the last Letters addressed you under date of 25 January 1 february & 8 Inst. Since then little of Consequence has occured, and I therefore have chiefly to inclose duplicates of Mr. OBrien’s Letters to me of 30 January & 2 February With Postscript of 21 do. I presume you will have been advised from Madrid of the new Regulations of the Supreme...
I take the liberty by this, of doing myself the honor of introducing to your acquaintance the Honble. Captain John Murray of the Royal British Navy, a son of the Earl of Dunmore, whom you will find, perfectly deserving of those Civilities & polite attentions (for which you have ever been remarkable, to Respectable Strangers) & to which I beg leave & take the pleasure to recommend him; ‘tis not...
I take the Liberty of introducing to your acquaintance and Civilities the Honorable Captain John Murray of his Britanic Majesty’s Navy, third Son of the Earl of Dunmore. He has been several weeks here, and seems worthy of the polite Attention which has been paid him. I confess I am happy to hear that our Countrymen, where ever he has been, have exhibited a Conduct towards him, which can not...
As further establishment of the facts stated in my communication of the 14th Inst, I take the liberty to enclose two more numbers of the “Federal Ark.” I have reason to believe the Collector , perhaps from the Post master of this place , knows that a number of this paper has been sent to You in consequence of which the first paragraph under the Wilmington head is inserted. The intent is...
KNOW ALL MEN by these Presents, That I John Adams of Quincy in the County of Norfolk and Commonwealth of Massachusetts Esquire do make, constitute and appoint Cotton Tufts of Weymouth in the County aforesaid Esquire my true and lawful Attorney, for me and in my Name to sell, assign and transfer the whole or any Part of the Six Pr. Cent Stock of T whatever Description standing in my Name in the...
15 March 1803, Fredericksburg. Returns the enclosed commission [not found] because acceptance would render him ineligible for a state Senate seat for which he is again a candidate. RC ( DNA : RG 59, ML ). 1 p. Brooke had been appointed as a commissioner of bankruptcy (see Jefferson’s list of appointments, n.d. [ DNA : RG 59, LAR , 1801–9, filed under “Jefferson”]).
15 March 1803 , “ Chesapeake at Sea .” No. 2. Encloses a journal of events which have taken place since his last dispatch. Enclosure A contains the latest information from Tripoli, and enclosure B is his last letter to Nissen. Hopes Eaton will be able to efface the suspicion he is under at present of misapplication of public money and “thereby, eradicate, unfavourable impressions, prejudicial...
15 March 1803 , “ Near Natchez .” Has been requested to forward the enclosed petition from the Mississippi Territory House of Representatives [not found] regarding “the free Navigation of certain Navigable Rivers, ‘falling into the Bay of Mexico, from the Territories of the United States, and passing thro’ the Dominions of his Catholic Majesty’”; asks that it be laid before the president. On...
15 March 1803, Havana. Refers JM to his 8 Mar. letter on the subject of the arrival of the packet. Has since been informed that the ship was sent solely to convey dispatches relating to New Orleans. The marqués de Casa Calvo, former governor of Louisiana, has been appointed to deliver Louisiana to the French and will leave “in about six days.” The French squadron is expected “hourly” at...
15 March 1803, Lisbon. Notes that his previous letter was sent by the Eunice to Alexandria and enclosed copies of his correspondence with Almeida, the last semiannual list, Lisbon and Belém port charges, and his account. Since part of the charges in the account are probably not provided for by law, submits them entirely to the government’s discretion. Received “this day” a duplicate of JM’s 14...
Enclosed with this, I have the honor to transmit, for the information of Government, a Journal of events, which has taken place since my last. Enclosure A, contains, the latest information, we have received from Tripoli, and B, is my last communications to Mr. Nissen. The suspicion which Mr. Eaton is at present under, of having, misapplied Public money, I most sincerely hope he may be able to...
On the 8th. instant I addressed you on the sub je ct of the arrival of the Packet at this Port in the manner th erein stated, to which I will refer you. Since which time we h ave been informed that the said Packet was dispatched for the sole purpose of conveying the dispatches relative to New- Or leans; and that the Marques de Casa Calvo, late Gover nor of that place, hath been appointed, and...
I had the pleasure to address You by the Brig Eunice, Capn. McCobb via Alexandria inclosing a duplicate of my letter by Captn. Gardner via New York, a triplicate of His Excellency’s letter, of the 7th. Ulto. a Copy of my answer, a duplicate of His Excellency’s Note, of the 8th. and a copy of my reply, also the list of the last half Year, the Lisbon & Bellem Port Charges, and my account against...
I duly received your favor of the 5th. inclosing 1000$, with which I have taken up your dft in favor of Craven Peyton for that sum. the box you mention after the most shameful neglect was sent to Norfolk to be forwarded on to Washington. I hope it has before this arrived there. The iron from Phila. has arrived. the Wine from Baltimore has not. I am Dear Sir Yr. Very humble servt. RC ( MHi );...
As the accompanying, from their conciseness, will consume but eight, or ten minutes in their perusal; and as it may be useful to see Specimens of the old spirit exhibited on an interesting occasion , in a new shape, by young , & old hands, I take the liberty to forward them. There may be danger of too much heat, of the sacred glow bursting into a flame from the fuel with which it may be fed....
I have been honoured with your favour of the 2d. and thank you for your confidence, which I will never abuse—I am preparing a set of astronomical formulæ for Mr. L. and will, with the greatest pleasure, render him every assistance in my power—I take the liberty of subjoining the formula which I commonly use for computing the longitude from the common lunar observation, illustrated by an...
The enclosed Accot. of a Method of preserving ship Bread from Weavils, I have extracted from Tilloc’s Philosophical Magazine for Decr. last—& I concieve it sufficiently important to trouble you with it— When our ships bring salt petre from the East Indies they sell the Bags for a low price, for the sake of the Nitre which be extracted from them by boiling them, possibly they might hereafter be...
You will find in the gazette of this morning the letter from d’Yrujo, which he wished to be printed, and which will I hope do good. Pichon has also written a strong letter to the Govr. of Louisiana, summoning him on his responsibility, to see that the Cession of that province to France be not affected, nor the amicable relations of the Republic to the U. States, be endangered, by a...
14 March 1803, Cape Town. Last wrote on 3 Feb. enclosing a semiannual list of vessels reporting at his office. Transmits a copy. The British frigate Concord arrived 19 Feb. with a second dispatch from the British government to Lieutenant General Dundas, ordering delivery of the cape to the Batavian government. The Batavian flag was hoisted 21 Feb. “On the 1st. of this month His Excellency...
14 March 1803, Washington. Responds to questions contained in a letter from Governor Harrison to JM which he received from the president. Finds it difficult to understand why Harrison doubts that Detroit was considered outside the limits of the Northwest Territory while it was in British possession. The resolve of 20 June 1788 confirms titles and possession of the described lands to...
14 March 1803, Glasgow. Encloses documents relating to the detention of the American ship Young Eagle at Leith, which may justify Murray’s 2 Mar. appointment of John Cassels of South Carolina as vice-consul at Leith and Edinburgh. Believes if an agent had been on the spot, “the inconveniencies & Vexations” complained of would have been prevented. The intelligence contained in the enclosed...
Since I had the honor of writing to you of date 3rd. Feby. enclosing semiannual List of vessels which have reported at my Office, (copy of which I now enclose) I have to acquaint Government of the arrival of a second dispatch from the British Government to Lieut. General Dundas ⅌ the Concord Frigate with Orders to deliver over the Cape to the Batavian Government. The Concord arrived here 19th....
I have the honor of transmitting to you sundry documents which relate to the detention of the American Ship Young Eagle Henry Fanning Master at the Port of Leith. I am the more inclined to lay these papers before you as they will serve to justify the appointment that I made on the 2d. Inst. to wit, John Cassels Es qr., native of Georgetown So. Carolina, Agent & Vice Consul of the United States...
The family is all well and Lives tranquil Sir. Stable jacks master is now here from the Easternshore. He proposes. the following terms to sell his Servant he will furnish me with a copy of his Uncles will who is Dead About four years & four months. jack was borne a slave under him and at his Death was to serve this Wm. Legg his present Master twelve years. At the Expiration of which time he is...
You will receive herewith an official representation dated the 5th instt., submitting the propriety of removing the collectors of Brunswick Georgia, Plymouth Mass., & Fort Adams, Mississ.; The Commissions for their three successors Turner of Georgia, Henry Warren & Mr Trist have already been received from the Secretary of State & transmitted to them. I had understood that a commission of...
It has been mentioned to me, that expectations of the removal of the Surveyor at Saybrook in this State, from office, are generally entertained. Should such an event take place, permit me to name Mr. George Wolcott as a candidate for the appointment. He is a Gentleman of fair and unblemished moral character, whose integrity, amidst the conflicts of party, I believe, has never been questioned;...
You will find in the gazette of this morning the letter from d’Yrujo, which he wished to be printed, and which will I hope do good. Pichon has also written a strong letter to the Govr. of Louisiana, summoning him on his responsibility, to see that the cession of that province to France be not effected, nor the amicable relations of the Republic to the U. States, be endangered by a perseverance...
I recd., on the 10th Instant, the Letter which you did me the honor to write from Colo Wrens on the 7th—We are proceeding with diligence in our operations on Pennsylvania Avenue according to your directions. It seems to be a very general opinion here that without the trees are boxed, or otherwise protected from the horses and cattle a great many, if not all of them will be bark’d and...
We have the honor, to hand you herewith, a statement of the Expences, on two Casks Wine received for you by the Ship Adelaide from Lisbon, & forwarded by us this day, agreeably to your desire, to Messrs. Gibson & Jefferson of Richmond—Mr Jarvis , by whom the Wine was addressed to us, has neither mentioned, nor authorised us to receive, the Cost of the Wine— We have the honor to be Sir Your...
I have been honored with your Excellency’s Letter of Febry last —covering a Report of a Committee relative to the Militia Institution of the UStates,—and shall take care to have them placed before the Legislature of this State, at their approaching Session in May next— With high respect & regard I have the Honor to be Sir Your Obet Servant RC ( PHi ); at foot of text: “President of the...
I take the liberty to enclose for your perusal a number of the “Federal Ark,” a paper lately removed from Dover to this place. It is generally believed that no paragraph of a low political nature, more particularly, is ever inserted in it without the approbation of the Collector of this port ; this number may serve as a specimen of the manner in which this paper is conducted;—perhaps none on...
Captain Church, My Dear Betsy, has just arrived & brings me favourable accounts of your journey hitherto and prospects. It is a great comfort to me and I hope will not be marred by bad weather; so that you may all speedily arrive and without too much fatigue to sooth and console your affected Father. Now you are all gone and I have no effort to make to keep up your spirits, my distress on his...