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Results 52551-52560 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I have received your Favor of Yesterday—and am very sorry to observe its Contents—I can think of no Mode more elegible, than to transmitt the Letter, with some Observations on the probable Consequences, to the State of Connecticut—This Mode I shall pursue—and hope that the State, on further Consideration, will do all the Justice to their Line, that they have a Right to expect. With much Regard...
The inclos’d are three York Papers which I got this day. The persons who furnish me with papers, are very desirous of haveing some of our papers, I have not got it in my power to furnish them with any, excep t there could be some sent by the bearer, when I expect to get sum more, which I shall forward to your Excellency with such inte l genc as lays in my Power to git, I have not been able to...
I have had the Honor of receiving your Excellency’s Favor of the 23d Inst. from Hartford. It would have given me the greatest Pleasure could I have made it convenient to have met you at Newtown...but independant of many Arrangements which are necessary at the first taking the Field, I am detained by the hourly Expectation of His Excellency the Chevr de le Luzerne. I am pleas’d to find that...
Agreeable to your Excellency’s public orders of this day, I have (with Colo. Swift, one of the field officers for tomorrow) viewed the approaches to this Camp, and think the following advanced pickets will be necessary, viz. Picket No. 1. a Sub., &c. and 24 privates, to be posted at the fork of the road, which leads to Crotons New Bridge, and the road leading to Kings ferry Picket No. 2. A...
The tardiness, and finally the countermanding the Militia ordered to join this army has been attended with the most mortifying and disagreeable consequences. Had they taken the field in time and in force we should have compleated the reduction of all the enemy’s out posts in this Country; and for want of which we have been obliged to raise the seige of 96 after having closely beseiged it for...
The importance of partizan Corps as well as the necessity for augmenting our Cavalry is more and more felt every day. Capt. Rudolph belonging to Lt. Col. Lee Legion comes to Virginia with a view of augmenting that useful and necessary Corps. Whether the circumstances of other Corps of Cavalry and the peculiar situation of Virginia will admit of enlarging this Corps your Excellency will judge...
I have the honor to inform your Excellency of my arrival here to day with the first regiment, I shall stay three days to mend the Broken waggons and to assemble my corps into Brigades. I shall set off On the 2d next month with the two first regiments united, and on the 3d, the 2d Brigade consisting of the two Last regiments will follow, by which means the Last regiment will stay one day. On...
52558Thursday June the 28th 1781. (Adams Papers)
This morning brother Charles and I, went to buy a trunk, when we had got it here we began to pack up our books, which we did before dinner. After dinner Pappa sent for us from the golden Lion. We went there and found Mr. Jennings there. We did not stay there long, but went to Mr. Lynch’s, and went into water with him and some other gentlemen; at eight o’clock our Master came here and we took...
Copy and partial AL (draft): Library of Congress This is to desire you would retain in your Hands, if it is still there, the money that was lodg’d with you on Account of the United States by order of the Ministry here: Or if you have already delivered it, that you would again receive it, agreable to Orders I have sent by this Conveyance that it should be return’d to you; and I request you...
Copy and partial AL (draft): Library of Congress The essential Interests of the United States making it absolutely necessary to retain the Money which had been ordered to America by the Conveance of your Ship, I am obliged hereby to desire that you would return the same, if already shipt to Messieurs Fizeaux Grand & Co., for which this shall be your Order and Justification. I have the honour...