To Thomas Jefferson from Charles W. Goldsborough, 20 August 1808
Nav Dep augt 20h ’08
Since my letter to you of the 15th. ins. we have received official information of the seizure of the following vessels for attempting to evade the Embargo Laws viz.
Brig Hiram | } | seized by commre. Decatur off New Port R.I. |
Brig William | ||
Sloop Neptune | ||
Ship John |
These vessels were all sailing under special permission.
I received a letter from Doct. Bullus this day of which the following is an extract.
“I have the pleasure to inform you that Decatur has sent in six brigs & a ship—I have reason to suppose they will all be condemned. The Chesapeak has this instant sent in a sloop & there are below three brigs supposed to be prizes”
I am respectfully Sir, yr mo ob St
Ch: W: Goldsborough
DLC: Papers of Thomas Jefferson.