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Results 52541-52570 of 184,431 sorted by author
I have twice sent my Son up to your House with the Statements of the Accounts of those Lands, you...
According to Your Request I have examind the Accounts and find that You paid the first Instalment...
Peter Goelet Robert Morris & William Popham Trustees for all the Creditors of Peter Hassenclever...
I have found Your Deeds for the Lands You Mentioned but no Receipt or other Papers with it....
Received New York Octo 4 1796 of Alexander Hambleton Esqr. Six Hundered and fourty One pounds...
The trustees of the Creditors of Peter Hasenclever & Co. are met and intend to proceed in &...
On the 21st. Augt: last I Enclosed You a Statement of the Ballance due on the Lands bought by...
Enclosed is a statement of the balance due on the Lands bought by General Schuyler of the...
10 August 1803, New York . Encloses his bond “with two good sureties,” as required by the...
I herewith transmit you the Bond with two good sureties, required of me by the Consular act,...
The Officers of the Battalion of Militia of the County of Bergen beg leave to congratulate your...
Being on an seperate Out Post and Exposed to many Difficulties not unknown to your Excellency,...
Your Excellencies letter I have received Concerning Dadly. the Infamous raskle last night made...
Being Ordered by the Governor of jersey state to take Post near Dobb Ferry their to receave...
P.S. The person, that has the honor to submit the above Translations, the theme whereof he has...
AL : University of Pennsylvania Library M. de Thurn, de la Societé Roiale de Metz, issû d’une...
From your known liberality and philanthrophy I feel myself emboldened to address you. I have been...
Altho I am far from haveing the honor of your personal acquaintance, and am perhaps but scarcely...
I would wish to bring into your immediate view the Government of the Northwestern territory under...
I haveing been ordered by his Excellency General Wooster on the 3 d . Feb. with a Small party to...
As the office of Register of the land office for the district of Cincinati has become vacant by...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have been informd that it is a Custom in the polite world...
I would beg your attention for a few minutes while I lay before you the greivances of a number of...
I received a letter from Mr. Caspar Wistar junr. dated 1 Decr. 1806. on behalf of the APS of...
I am now with my family on the waters of the Mississippi. Feeling conscious of my own rectitude I...
The Subscriber whose name is Claudius F. Gojon,—at Doctor Allen’s Accademy; Hyde–Park, Dutches...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I The Subscriber of the Present Beg humbly To be permitted...
Agreeably to directions received from you yesterday, I have the honor of transmitting a paper...
The enclosed exhibits a view of the deposits made with the Treasurer of the Navy —the drafts upon...
The Secretary of the Navy has instructed me to submit to you the propriety of the enclosed Letter...