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Results 52541-52550 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have taken the liberty of detaining the letter of Mr Edwards that accompanies this, until I had an oportunity of conferring with Mr Kirby on the subject of letter. Mr Kirby’s letter will express to you his opinion on the same subject. I beg you to believe Sir, that any other man whose claims were equal, or nearly equal to those of my brother should, by me, have been prefered to him—but, all...
I thank you My Betsy for your letter from Fish Kill. I hope the subsequent part of your journey has proved less fatiguing than the two first days. I have anticipated with dread your interview with your father. I hope your prudence and fortitude have been a match for your sensibility. Remember that the main object of visit is to console him; that his own burthen is sufficient, and that it would...
[ New York, March 16–17, 1803. On March 16–17, 1803, Hamilton wrote to Elizabeth Hamilton : “I write your father by this oppy.” Letter not found. ]
In the inclosed Intelligencer you will find the letter from Pichon to the Govr. of Louisiana. Having been written without reference to its publication, it is less carefully fitted than Yrujo’s for the contemplated impression; and in connection with that presents some points for sophistical comments, which are made rather more, than less salient by the reflections of the Editor. The letter will...
Your’s of the 10th. is recieved and I now inclose a letter to the Secretary of the navy, which be pleased to seal & deliver after perusal. I think not a moment should be lost in forwarding the stores to Algiers, as it is of im⟨po⟩rtance to keep those powers quiet. Might it not be useful to propose to the Dey with a year’s annuity in stores to recieve another year’s in money? The answer from...
War seems more and more probable, indeed it appears to me inevitable: Holland will be involved, and Spain and Portugal must obey the commands of France. The day after the Kings Message to Parliament was communicated to the French Government, Bonaparte delivered to Lord Whitworth a paper (a copy of which I have seen) stating: 1. That the Expedition preparing in the Dutch Ports, was, as all the...
17 March 1803, Gibraltar. No. 117. “I referr to my last No. 116 [8 Mar. 1803] and have now to inform you that two days ago arrived the Crew for the Moorish Ship in question about 40 Men among them the Tripolin who formerly Commanded the Brig and laterly the said Ship they report are going for A[r]zev to load wheat for Tunis, the Ship is ready and Expect will sail in 6 or 8 days; the Adams...
17 March 1803, “Evans’s Hotel,” Baltimore. The brig Hope of Baltimore, in which he intends to embark, will sail “on Thursday” for Oporto in Portugal. Immediately after arrival he will proceed to Madrid. Offers to be the bearer of “any commands you may have for that country.” Asks for a letter of introduction to Pinckney. Offers his compliments “to Mrs Madison & Miss Pain.” RC ( DNA : RG 59, CD...
17 March 1803, Georgetown. Encloses a copy and the original of Napoleon’s commission naming Gérard Cazeaux as vice–commercial agent for New Hampshire, residing at Portsmouth. Asks JM to request an exequatur for him from the president. RC and enclosure ( DNA : RG 59, NFL , France, vol. 1). RC 1 p.; in French. Docketed by Wagner. Enclosure (2 pp.; in French) is a copy of the commission, dated 26...
Not being honord with any of your favours I referr to my last No. 116 and have now to inform you that two days ago arrived the Crew for the Moorish Ship in question about 40 Men among them the Tripolin who formerly Commanded the Brig and laterly the said Ship they report are going for A[r]zev to load wheat for Tunis, the Ship is ready and Expect will sail in 6 or 8 days; the Adams Capn....