Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Benjamin Putnam, September 1782

From Benjamin Putnam6

ALS: Historical Society of Pennsylvania

Bordeax Sept. 1782—

Hon’d Sir,

While I beg Permission to inform you of my extreem Mortification for so long & unexpected Detention at this Place, unfortunately occasioned by a violent Attact of Fever, which, tho’ declining, will for some days render me unable to Journey, ’tis with equal regret for the common Good and Anxiety for your personal Health I hear of your Excellency’s Indisposition—wishing for your Excellency, an entire Restoration & long enjoyment of perfect health.

Am with sentiments of great Respect Your Excellency’s most Obedient & humble Servant

Benjamin Putnam.

His Excy Doct Franklin

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

6Putnam had written BF while en route to France; he wanted to consult in person about two prizes in which he had an interest: XXXVII, 478.

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