Results 52541-52550 of 184,431 sorted by author
I have twice sent my Son up to your House with the Statements of the Accounts of those Lands, you wished to be furnished with, not finding you at home, have now inclosed them to you & am with Respect SYVHS Copy, Miscellaneous Chancery Papers, American Iron Company, Clerk of the Court of Appeals, Albany, on deposit at Queens College, New York City. For an explanation of the contents of this...
According to Your Request I have examind the Accounts and find that You paid the first Instalment on the 17 of December 1795 £ 605.13.4 is 1514.18 The Second payment on the 6 April 1796 £605.13.4 Int £14.2.4 is 619.15.9 1549.47 £ 1225.9.2 Ds 3063.65 With Sentiments of Respect I am Sir Your Most Humble Servant Copy, Miscellaneous Chancery Papers, American Iron Company, Clerk of the Court of...
Peter Goelet Robert Morris & William Popham Trustees for all the Creditors of Peter Hassenclever and others under an Attachment &c   To Alexander Hamilton } Deed dated the fourth day of April An: Dom 1797. in Consideration of two thousand four hundred and twenty two pounds thirteen shillings and ten pence for a Tract of Land situate lying and being in the Manor of Cosby, on the North side of...
I have found Your Deeds for the Lands You Mentioned but no Receipt or other Papers with it. Inclosed have a Copy of that part of the Conditions of the Sales You Request. I am with Respt S Y Vy Copy, Miscellaneous Chancery Papers, American Iron Company, Clerk of the Court of Appeals, Albany, on deposit at Queens College, New York City. For an explanation of the contents of this letter, see the...
Received New York Octo 4 1796 of Alexander Hambleton Esqr. Six Hundered and fourty One pounds being principle and Interest on the third Instalment of the Purches Money for Lands bught at Acction belonging to the American Iron Company as mentioned in the Receipt of the first payment. £641 Copy, Miscellaneous Chancery Papers, American Iron Company, Clerk of the Court of Appeals, Albany, on...
The trustees of the Creditors of Peter Hasenclever & Co. are met and intend to proceed in & finish this business as soon as possible. You will please to take notice accordingly as far as you are concerned. With respect we are Sir your humble Servts. Copy, Miscellaneous Chancery Papers, American Iron Company, Clerk of the Court of Appeals, Albany, on deposit at Queens College, New York City....
On the 21st. Augt: last I Enclosed You a Statement of the Ballance due on the Lands bought by General Schuyler, of the Trustees of the American Iron Company, with Interest to that day, Wishing to have that buseness in a Train so as to make a final Settlement when Mr Morris comes to Town, as his Stay generally is very short, but have not been favord with Your Answer, And shall be very Happy if...
Enclosed is a statement of the balance due on the Lands bought by General Schuyler of the Trustees of the American Iron Company with Interest to this day. When Mr. Morris comes to Town his stay is generally very Short. And as I wish to have the whole of the Company’s business in a train so as to make a final settlement of it before Mr Morris leaves the City I shall be exceedingly happy if You...
10 August 1803, New York . Encloses his bond “with two good sureties,” as required by the consular act. Is prepared to leave for his post, “but that direfull epidemic, with which this City is again so unhappily afflicted, interferes” with his arrangements and will probably delay him for “six or eight weeks at least.” “As several of our public Vessels are about to sail for the Mediteranien,...
I herewith transmit you the Bond with two good sureties, required of me by the Consular act, previous to entering on the execution of the duties of my office. I am, now prepared and would imbark immediately for the place of my destination, but that direfull epidemic, with which this City is again so unhappily afflicted, interferes with my arrangements and will probably oblige me to delay my...