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Results 52531-52560 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
52531 Washington, George [Diary entry: 5 July 1787] 1787-07-05 Thursday 5th. Dined at Mr. Morris’s. Drank Tea and spent the Evening there.
52532 Washington, George [Diary entry: 19 June 1774] 1774-06-19 19. At Colo. Bassetts all day.
52533 Van Schaick, Goose Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Colonel Goose Van Schaick, 3 … 1778-11-03 [ November 3, 1778 . On November 4, 1778, Hamilton wrote to Van Schaick : “I have received your...
52534 Jackson, John George Madison, James To James Madison from John George Jackson, 21 June 1807 1807-06-21 I have duly recd. your several obliging favors enclosing the interesting foreign & domestic news...
52535 Jefferson, Thomas II. Jefferson’s Fair Copy, [before 4 October 1798] 1798-10-04 1. Resolved that the several states composing the US. of America are not united on the principle...
52536 Madison, James Barney, Joshua From James Madison to Joshua Barney and Others, 1 May … 1794-05-01 I have been favored with your letter of Mar: 13. from Jamaica with its inclosure, in which the...
52537 Jefferson, Thomas Livingston, Edward From Thomas Jefferson to Edward Livingston, 25 March … 1825-03-25 I know how apt we are to consider those whom we knew long ago, and have not since seen, to be...
52538 Peyton, Francis Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Francis Peyton, 13 March 1801 1801-03-13 An invitation to Genl. Wilkinson was forwarded by express this morning, and I have this moment...
52539 Jefferson, Thomas United States Senate From Thomas Jefferson to United States Senate, 7 … 1807-01-07 I nominate Thomas G. Thornton Marshal for the district of Maine. Oliver Barnet of New Jersey to...
52540 Washington, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Washington, [10 March … 1792-03-10 I was informed last Night by Mr. Izard that a Comee. of three, of which he was one, were to be...
52541 Gibbon, James Jefferson, Thomas James Gibbon to Thomas Jefferson, 5 January [1816] 1816-01-05 By Coll. Randolps servant I take occasion to return, the letter you were at the trouble to send...
52542 Mitchell, Obed Madison, James To James Madison from Obed and Aaron Mitchell, 4 March … 1802-03-04 4 March 1802, Nantucket. “We the Subscribers being owners of the ship Minerva Sailed from this...
52543 Franklin, Benjamin Huntington, Samuel From Benjamin Franklin to Samuel Huntington, 12 … 1781-03-12 LS : National Archives (two); copies: Library of Congress, Columbia University Library; press...
52544 Wharton, Jesse Jefferson, Thomas Jesse Wharton to Thomas Jefferson, 30 May 1820 1820-05-30 I have taken the liberty of enclosing to you, a report of the late Gen l Daniel Smith respecting...
52545 Gerna, Anthony Jefferson, Thomas Anthony Gerna to Thomas Jefferson, 10 June 1811 1811-06-10 I beg you will accept of another Letter of Your old & humble servant (Anthony Gerna formerly a...
52546 Martin, Louis-Daniel Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Louis-Daniel Martin, 11 … 1777-08-11 ALS : American Philosophical Society Comme Lieutenant du sinquaime Bataillon continental de La...
52547 Adams, John Inhabitants of Massachusetts Bay Colony Report Relative to Assuming Civil Government, 10 … 1774-12-10 Cambridge,10 December 1774. printed : Mass. Provincial Congress, Jours. William Lincoln, ed., The...
52548 Jefferson, Thomas Gibson, Patrick Thomas Jefferson to Patrick Gibson, 7 March 1813 1813-03-07 Your favor of the 3 d is recieved and the 50.D. it covered. should there be difficulty in...
52549 Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, John Quincy From Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams to John Quincy … 1814-10-29 I received your kind letter of the 30 of September in due time and although it confirmed the bad...
52550 Jefferson, Thomas Logan, George From Thomas Jefferson to George Logan, 8 March 1806 1806-03-08 I return you the drawings of M. Godefroi, which certainly prove him to possess fine talents in...
52551 Washington, George General Orders, 3 October 1779 1779-10-03 At a division Court-Martial held at Ramapough Septr 24th 1779—Mr Thornton Taylor Conductor of...
52552 Allen, Ethan Washington, George To George Washington from Ethan Allen, 6 March 1779 1779-03-06 The fifth Campaign drawing near Towards Opening, and Lake Champlain (from the last Intelligence)...
52553 Adams, John Neilson, John From John Adams to John Neilson, 31 October 1797 1797-10-31 Least there should be any misunderstanding relative to the Rime of my being at New Brunswick, I...
52554 Clinton, George Genet, Edmond Charles Enclosure II: George Clinton to Edmond Genet, 30 August … 1793-08-30 In consequence of the Request contained in your Letter of equal Date, I have issued my...
52555 Hancock, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Hancock, 10 May 1777 1777-05-10 I have Nothing further in Charge from Congress at this Time, except the enclosed Resolve, founded...
52556 Taylor, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Taylor, 4 January 1815 1815-01-04 I am told that very high credentials are in the Secretary of State’s office in favour of my old...
52557 Nightingale, Samuel, Jr. Virginia Delegates Samuel Nightingale Jr. to Virginia Delegates, 18 … 1780-09-18 I Hope you will excuse the Liberty I have taken in Directing this Letter to you; as I could not...
52558 Adams, John [Monday June 10. 1776.] 1776-06-10 Monday June 10. 1776. Committee of the whole. Mr. Harrison reported a Resolution. The Resolution...
52559 Du Ponceau, Peter Stephen Jefferson, Thomas Peter S. Du Ponceau to Thomas Jefferson, 3 January 1821 1821-01-03 I have received the Letter you have done me the honor to write to me , dated the 28 th ult o...
52560 Claiborne, William C. C. Madison, James To James Madison from William C. C. Claiborne, 23 … 1805-08-23 § From William C. C. Claiborne. 23 August 1805, “County of Acadia Sixty Miles from New Orleans.”...