Results 52531-52540 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
52531General Orders, 26 June 1781 (Washington Papers)
DLC : Papers of George Washington.
After serveing my country six Years, in the glorious cause of Liberty, am at length Reducd, to the Necessity, of celissiting, your Excellencies permission to Retire. the greatest motive I have in doing it, is the Sick distressed situation of my family, which have long Experienced a severe scene of sickness, which has greatly deminished my private interests, so that it Renders them destitute of...
The enemy, who I informed your Excellency in my last had landed in Monmouth, returned the next day having burned two or three private houses and carried off a small number of cattle—They had four or five men killed and a considerable number wounded with several deserters; upon the whole it appears that they gained very little by their expedition. Arbuthnot’s fleet two days since, lay off Sandy...
I had the honour of your Excellencies letter of the 21 June 1781 yesterday about noon & immediately communicated it to the Board of War from which I obtained an order for shoes for the men that were to march & an application was immediately made for money to Congress, I was also informed that a demand had been made to the Executive Council for some militia to supply our place, having great...
The Comittee from the Connecticut Line appointed to adjust their Accounts with the State have returned without effecting a settlement, the Lower House of Assembly refuse to pay any part of the Subsistance of the Officers before the first of April last, & from that time no more than Eight pence half penny per Ration; the Resolutions of Congress notwithstanding. In stating the accounts the...
The Board beg Leave to trouble-you with a Copy of a Motion respecting Vanhere ’s Corps which was referred to us by Congress. We have been informed that the principal Part of this Corps is made use of German Deserters & were doubtful about the Propriety of establishing them in the Line of the State as their Enlistments are contrary to the Resolves of Congress & evidently improper. Beside we...
We have the Honour to acknowledge the Reciept of your Excellency’s Letter of the 21st inst. & inclose Copy of ours to Congress in Consequence & also of a Report containing an Enumeration & Valuation of Rations which we laid before Congress for their Consideration & Election. We presume the perfecting the Contracts will lie with the Superintendant of Finance. But Congress will no Doubt be...
I have been honored with your letter of the 6th of May, and am very happy that the measure I have taken, meets with your approbation. The Recruiting Officers in the State have sent for the Army 262 Levies; which, ’tho inadequate to the number required, is nevertheless a considerable reinfor c emt. And by a Spirited Act made last week (while I attended Court) I am in hopes the People will see...
I have the honor to forward a dispatch recommended by the president of Congress, to be sent to you by a particular conveyance. Lieut. Stokely is charged with it, and directed to deliver it into your own hands. Lord Cornwallis was at Birds yesterday, from which place he retired with his main body, into Williamsburg. We have been pressing his rear, with our light parties, supported by the army,...
52540Wednesday June the 27th 1781. (Adams Papers)
This morning I went to take a walk with Mr. Bordly met in the street two of my old schoolmates; went to Madam Chabanel’s. We did not Stay there long; din’d at home; after dinner brother Charles and I went out of the Leyden Gate, and from thence to the Haerlem Schout with an intention of going to Leyden this day. When we got to the Schout we found the Roof was hir’d and some were obliged to go...