Results 52531-52560 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
52531General Orders, 26 June 1781 (Washington Papers)
DLC : Papers of George Washington.
After serveing my country six Years, in the glorious cause of Liberty, am at length Reducd, to...
The enemy, who I informed your Excellency in my last had landed in Monmouth, returned the next...
I had the honour of your Excellencies letter of the 21 June 1781 yesterday about noon &...
The Comittee from the Connecticut Line appointed to adjust their Accounts with the State have...
The Board beg Leave to trouble-you with a Copy of a Motion respecting Vanhere ’s Corps which was...
We have the Honour to acknowledge the Reciept of your Excellency’s Letter of the 21st inst. &...
I have been honored with your letter of the 6th of May, and am very happy that the measure I have...
I have the honor to forward a dispatch recommended by the president of Congress, to be sent to...
52540Wednesday June the 27th 1781. (Adams Papers)
This morning I went to take a walk with Mr. Bordly met in the street two of my old schoolmates;...
Major Jackson has been sometime here, in pursuance of Instructions from Colo. Laurens, in order...
LS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; AL (draft) and copy: Library of Congress...
52543General Orders, 27 June 1781 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Major General Lord Stirling Colonel Swift Lieutenant Colonel Sprout...
I do myself the honor to transmit your Excellency the Copy of a piece of intelligence which I...
Since my last Letter to your Excellency nothing material has occured worth mentioning—I am taking...
In the midst of important business the following anecdote will probably give you some pleasure,...
I was this evening honored with yours of the 20th inclosing one to the Commanding Officer of the...
When I wrote your Excellency the 16th instant I had small hope of any effectual measures being...
It gives me great pain that I have not been able to answer your Excellency’s several Letters of...
We are very desirous that Major General Smallwood should be permitted to stay in this State, if...
I have received your Favor of Yesterday—and am very sorry to observe its Contents—I can think of...
The inclos’d are three York Papers which I got this day. The persons who furnish me with papers,...
I have had the Honor of receiving your Excellency’s Favor of the 23d Inst. from Hartford. It...
Agreeable to your Excellency’s public orders of this day, I have (with Colo. Swift, one of the...
The tardiness, and finally the countermanding the Militia ordered to join this army has been...
The importance of partizan Corps as well as the necessity for augmenting our Cavalry is more and...
I have the honor to inform your Excellency of my arrival here to day with the first regiment, I...
52558Thursday June the 28th 1781. (Adams Papers)
This morning brother Charles and I, went to buy a trunk, when we had got it here we began to pack...
Copy and partial AL (draft): Library of Congress This is to desire you would retain in your...
Copy and partial AL (draft): Library of Congress The essential Interests of the United States...