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Results 52521-52530 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
AL (draft): Library of Congress; copies: Massachusetts Historical Society, National Archives (two) We received your Excellency’s Letter of May 29. by Capt. Niles with the Dispatches from Congress which you had intrusted him with, in good Order. He had a short Passage of 22 Days, and brought us the agreable News of the Ratification of the Treaties and of their being universally pleasing to our...
I was not unapprised that monies had been advanced by the government of Spain, or some of it’s Officers, for our captives at Algiers, nor had I been inattentive to it: but no account, nor any specific demand on that subject had come to my knowlege; and finding for some time past the utter impossibility of getting letters either to or from Mr. Carmichael, I had been obliged to adopt a...
I have duly recieved your favor of Mar. 20. and am truly thankful for the favorable sentiments expressed in it towards my self. if, in the course of my life, it has been in any degree useful to the cause of humanity, the fact itself bears it’s full reward. the particular subject of the pamphlets you inclosed me was one of early and tender consideration with me, and had I continued in the...
Je prends la liberté de vous communiquer une gazette de New York du 9. de 7bre. qui m’est parvenue le 12. Suivant. Cette gazette donne l’extrait d’un discours attribué à un Ministre du Connecticut et dans une note de ce discours qui m’est, comme vous le verrez, relative, il est dit que j’ai publié des propositions tendant à donner une nouvelle édition des œuvres de Godwin. L’assertion ainsi...
DS : Massachusetts Historical Society The Bostonians had long suspected that they were being traduced in England by false reports of what was happening in the town. After the Massacre the suspicion grew. On March 16 a Captain Robson sailed for London with dispatches from Lieutenant Colonel William Dalrymple, commander of the troops, and with Captain Preston’s account of his part in the...
I have duly received your favors of Oct. 23. and 26. With respect to the mission you suggest in the former, no powers are lodged in the hands of Mr. Adams and myself. Congress commissioned Mr. Adams, Doctr. Franklin and myself to treat with the emperor on the subjects of amity and commerce, at the same time they gave us the commission to Prussia with which you are acquainted. We proposed...
His Excellency the Governor of this State having determined to reestablish Civil Government in the County of West Chester, and having directed the Honble Chief Justice Morris to repair to that County for the purpose—It is my order that you, with the Troops under your Command should be aiding and assisting, so far as may be necessary, in carrying the intention of His Excellency the Governor...
Stephen Cathalan Esq r , Commercial & Navy Agent Marseilles , has consigned to me two Cases, one containing wine & the other Macarony for with instructions to forward them to you by the first favourable opportunity You will please to advise me , to what place and to whose care the Cases will be sent, & they will be forwarded accordingly I am very respectfully, RC ( ViU: TJP-ER ); endorsed by...
On my Return to Philada from the Southward I found a Letter from my Friend in New York Lodg’d there, informing me that General Patteson has Requested my Return to that City agreeable to The Tenor of the Parole he had given him Previous to his having granted me the Pass to come out, and adds he was fearfull if I did not Comply with his Request it might be Attended with Disagreeable Consiquences...
Prov. Law. 16. 33. 386. Temp orary Laws. About Certificates for Anabaptist Ministers and People, to be used in the Case following of Worth ington . All wise States have seen the Necessity of some Religion for the Support of Society. The Happiness of Brit ish dominions that an order of Men. The Romans and Grecians would have thought themselves happy if they had had such an order of Men. All...