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Results 52521-52530 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Th: Jefferson returns his thanks to mrs Winn for the Paccan nuts she was so kind as to send him ; which being recieved here, and in the season for planting, he has immediately committed to the earth. he makes his acknolegements also for the flattering terms in which she is pleased to speak of his political conduct; terms far beyond it’s actual merit. he sincerely desires to direct the affairs...
This is the third attempt I have made, to write to You; since my Eyes have been attackd with an inflamation, in both the others I found it too painfull to proceed. they are now upon the recovery; I have been obliged to put under cover the papers promissed; with the mortification of Sending them, unaccompanied with a line, I now forward the remainder, most Sincerely Wishing You Success in your...
I am here my beloved Betsy with my two little boys John & William who will be my bed fellows to night. The day I have passed was as agreeable as it could be in your absence; but you need not be told how much difference your presence would have made. Things are now going on here pretty and pretty briskly. I am making some innovations which I am sure you will approve. The remainder of the...
I am afraid the frequency of my requests may induce you to think me troublesome; but I do not know any one to whom I can with more confidence address myself; and if I trespass too much on your politeness I beg you will retaliate by commanding me freely in any matter in which I can render you service. When I was last at Albany, I applied to The Comptroller, Mr. Jenkins, to ascertain the amount...
Your’s of the 14th. is recieved and I have written to mr Madison to issue a commission to Edward Turner of Kentuckey to be Register of the land office at Natchez. a commission has issued to Trist vice Carmichael. Thompson and Watson may await my return. I now inclose the power for transferring the 2500. D. to the disposal of the Secretary at war. I do not find in my library any thing which can...
I wrote you on the 17th. since which yours of the 14th. is recieved, and I now return the letters of Mr. Livingston & O’Brien. I hope the game mr. Livingston says he is playing is a candid & honourable one. Besides an unwillingness to accept any advantage which should have been obtained by other means, no other means can probably succeed there. An American contending by stratagem against those...
19 March 1803, Department of State. Encloses consular instructions and a blank bond. To execute the bond, “one or more persons beside yourself, who shall have property or a Commercial establishment in the United States, to be approved of by this Department, must be jointly bound in a sum not to be less than two thousand Dollars.” Asks that the bond be returned to the State Department when...
19 March 1803, Cowes. Acknowledges receipt of JM’s August 1802 circular. Observes that if no allowance beyond twelve cents per day is made for the subsistence of Americans, “there will certainly occasions arise in which they must either Suffer considerable hardship or the Consul will be burthened with the expence of relief.” Cites instances of sick men left on consuls’ hands and notes that...
19 March 1803, Marseilles. Last wrote on 10 Dec. 1802. Has since received JM’s circular relating to expenditures for the relief of seamen and will attend to it. Observes with pleasure from the president’s address to Congress that more effectual means will be provided for returning seamen to the U.S. Many are discharged in foreign ports by mutual consent or are called deserters in an attempt to...
19 March 1803, London. No. 16. “I have the honor to inclose Copy of a Letter which I yesterday received from our Consul at Lisbon.” RC and enclosure ( DNA : RG 59, CD , London, vol. 8). RC 1 p. In a clerk’s hand, signed by Erving. Docketed by Wagner. For enclosure, see n. 1. The enclosure, Jarvis to Erving, 10 Feb. 1803 (1 p.; docketed by Wagner), reported that the prince regent had lifted...