Results 52521-52530 of 184,431 sorted by author
Printed form with MS insertions: Historical Society of Pennsylvania [Dated December 15, 1769. A bond in the sum of one hundred and twenty pounds, Pennsylvania currency, to be paid to Franklin or his attorney, heirs, assigns, etc. If a payment of sixty pounds, plus interest, is made on June 15, 1770, the bond will be void; otherwise it will remain in force. ] For William Goddard, printer and...
I have the honor to present to you a Silver medal which I have had struck commemorative of the Certificate which you Signed in aid of the Glorious cause of Temperance on which are Symbols of the happy effects of Temperance and of the direful effects of Intemperance and on the reverse the Certificate with facsimiles of the Signatures thereto and I beg your acceptance of it and am with profound...
Removed to the humble Vale of rural Life, it was but recently that the “Memoirs of the Life of Charles Lee, Esquire,” &c. &c. fell under my observation—and as I once announced a Design of publishing a Work nearly similar in Title, though far different in Contents, I am impelled by the most unfeigned Respect to your Character, as well as Justice to myself, to address you on the Subject,...
As the Charge of publishing the Acts of Congress, and the Proclamations of the Executive of the General Government, is committed to the Secretary of State, I take the Liberty of making an offer of the Maryland Journal, and Baltimore Advertiser, as a very useful Vehicle for the Promulgation of such Matters, it having an uncommonly extensive Circulation, in various States of the Union,...
I have now the Honour to present you with a Copy of the proposals, for publishing Miscellaneous Collections of General Lee’s Papers, agreeable to my last. I hope it will come safe to your hands; and am most respectfully, Your Excellency’s most obedient & very humble Servant ALS , DLC:GW . Goddard enclosed his printed Proposals for Printing by Subscription of Charles Lee’s papers, dated 10 June...
As the Manuscript Papers of General Lee, after his decease, came into my hands, I have been induced from several motives to arrange & prepare them for publication. The General in his Life time requested it from me, & my Profession as a Printer & Bookseller made it an object of interest worthy my attention. But as I cannot be ignorant of some unhappy differences which subsisted between Your...
Après avoir éprouvé en France de grands reveres et de grandes injustices, après y avoir Subi en dernier lieu 16 mois de Captivité, comme Prisonnier d’état, J’ai enfin obtenu la faveur d’être Exilé dans ce pays, où, depuis longtems je desirais venir jouir du bienfait d’une sage et véritablé liberté. J’y suis arrivé, venant de Marseille, il y a 8 mois, recommandé à beaucoup de personnes...
Si vous n’etiez vous même un Amateur Si distingué des beautés de la Nature, je devrais certainement craindre que la liberté que je prends en me faisant L’Honneur de vous adresser cette Lettre ne vous parût une indiscrétion, Etrange peut être, lorsque le motif qui l’inspire vous Sera connu. Depuis une Douzaine de jours que je Suis ici aucun, excepté celui cy, ne S’est passé Sans que j’allasse...
§ From Maximilian Godefroy. 12 January 1806, Baltimore. Hopes that JM remembers his visit to Philadelphia last summer to give JM a letter from Mr. Cazenove. Since then Mr. Will. Dubourg, president of Baltimore College, having engaged Godefroy to give lessons of architecture, design, and fortification to the many students there, Godefroy believed he should accept the offer, which had the dual...
§ From Maximilian Godefroy. 2 March 1806, Baltimore. Shared with all who know JM concern about his accident and has learned with pleasure of his recovery. Hopes that Mrs. Madison’s health is also better than when Godefroy saw the Madisons in Philadelphia. Having not been able to obtain a response from Jefferson on the subject of the letter he wrote to him in early January, Godefroy also sends...