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Results 52521-52570 of 184,431 sorted by author
Printed form with MS insertions: Historical Society of Pennsylvania [Dated December 15, 1769. A bond in the sum of one hundred and twenty pounds, Pennsylvania currency, to be paid to Franklin or his attorney, heirs, assigns, etc. If a payment of sixty pounds, plus interest, is made on June 15, 1770, the bond will be void; otherwise it will remain in force. ] For William Goddard, printer and...
I have the honor to present to you a Silver medal which I have had struck commemorative of the Certificate which you Signed in aid of the Glorious cause of Temperance on which are Symbols of the happy effects of Temperance and of the direful effects of Intemperance and on the reverse the Certificate with facsimiles of the Signatures thereto and I beg your acceptance of it and am with profound...
Removed to the humble Vale of rural Life, it was but recently that the “Memoirs of the Life of Charles Lee, Esquire,” &c. &c. fell under my observation—and as I once announced a Design of publishing a Work nearly similar in Title, though far different in Contents, I am impelled by the most unfeigned Respect to your Character, as well as Justice to myself, to address you on the Subject,...
As the Charge of publishing the Acts of Congress, and the Proclamations of the Executive of the General Government, is committed to the Secretary of State, I take the Liberty of making an offer of the Maryland Journal, and Baltimore Advertiser, as a very useful Vehicle for the Promulgation of such Matters, it having an uncommonly extensive Circulation, in various States of the Union,...
I have now the Honour to present you with a Copy of the proposals, for publishing Miscellaneous Collections of General Lee’s Papers, agreeable to my last. I hope it will come safe to your hands; and am most respectfully, Your Excellency’s most obedient & very humble Servant ALS , DLC:GW . Goddard enclosed his printed Proposals for Printing by Subscription of Charles Lee’s papers, dated 10 June...
As the Manuscript Papers of General Lee, after his decease, came into my hands, I have been induced from several motives to arrange & prepare them for publication. The General in his Life time requested it from me, & my Profession as a Printer & Bookseller made it an object of interest worthy my attention. But as I cannot be ignorant of some unhappy differences which subsisted between Your...
Après avoir éprouvé en France de grands reveres et de grandes injustices, après y avoir Subi en dernier lieu 16 mois de Captivité, comme Prisonnier d’état, J’ai enfin obtenu la faveur d’être Exilé dans ce pays, où, depuis longtems je desirais venir jouir du bienfait d’une sage et véritablé liberté. J’y suis arrivé, venant de Marseille, il y a 8 mois, recommandé à beaucoup de personnes...
Si vous n’etiez vous même un Amateur Si distingué des beautés de la Nature, je devrais certainement craindre que la liberté que je prends en me faisant L’Honneur de vous adresser cette Lettre ne vous parût une indiscrétion, Etrange peut être, lorsque le motif qui l’inspire vous Sera connu. Depuis une Douzaine de jours que je Suis ici aucun, excepté celui cy, ne S’est passé Sans que j’allasse...
§ From Maximilian Godefroy. 12 January 1806, Baltimore. Hopes that JM remembers his visit to Philadelphia last summer to give JM a letter from Mr. Cazenove. Since then Mr. Will. Dubourg, president of Baltimore College, having engaged Godefroy to give lessons of architecture, design, and fortification to the many students there, Godefroy believed he should accept the offer, which had the dual...
§ From Maximilian Godefroy. 2 March 1806, Baltimore. Shared with all who know JM concern about his accident and has learned with pleasure of his recovery. Hopes that Mrs. Madison’s health is also better than when Godefroy saw the Madisons in Philadelphia. Having not been able to obtain a response from Jefferson on the subject of the letter he wrote to him in early January, Godefroy also sends...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania The Motive of my Writing you this time Arises from a Disagreeable Circumstance, Which I think a Matter incumbant on my Attachment toward the publick good; and Highly Necessary to be Communicated to you. Mr. Merckle being incumberd With a parcell of Arms Contracted for the publick, and being ready to Sail, Is apprehensive of being arrested and being...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Upon my arrival in town I was applyed to by one David Welch, Who Says he was Second Lieutenant on board the Lexington Capt. Henry Johnson, and which was taken by a Kings Cutter the Lurt [ Alert ] Capt. Bazely and Carryed to Plymouth and putt into Mill prison, and Fortunately made his Escape out of Goal; and is now as you may reasonably Suppose, be in Want...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have the pleasure in Speaking With our Merchants, Who are very desirous of Seeing you or any Gentlemen in your Situation, in holland, assuring you the utmost Tranquility and Sureity, and Will Gladly Embrace the opportunity in introducing you to our principal Leaders att Court. I am Clear itt will attend to Mutual Service and publick good; itts Needless to...
City of New York ss: Bridget Godfrey of the City of Albany being duly sworn deposeth and saith that Her son Henry Wheeler who has informed her of his enlistment in Capt. McClelan’s Company of Artilerists and Engineers now stationed on Ellis’s Island was born on the first day of September 1781. and that he has been Subject to phthizick from his infancy Bridget + Godfrey her mark Sworn before me...
In Consequence of William Godfrey, Henry Whiting, John Livingston, Richard Lee, and John Cook, falling into the hands of Comodore Symonds, of the Brittish fleet off Newport News I sent down Colo. Mathews with a flagg in order to get off the prisoners, or if that could not be obtain’d, to Supply them with some Specia. In Consequence the Comodore releas’d on parole Henry Whiting and wrote the...
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , August 15, 1734. The Germans, an industrious and indefatigable People, have been always famous for their Penetration into the more dark and abstruse Parts of Learning, such as border upon Magic not excepted. Of this Nation was the renowned Agrippa, Dr. Faustus, and several others that might be named. Their Skill in the most subtle and mischievous Arts, not...
St. Eustatius, 28 June 1791 . Recommending as consul on St. Eustatius David M. Clarkson “whose amiable Character makes [him] more fit for it than an other Gentleman named Stevenson, who … would by no means be agreeable to me.” RC ( DLC : Washington Papers); endorsed by TJ: “Clarkson for St. Eustatius, Ire. handed in by Mr. R. Morris. recd. July 16. 1791.” Clarkson was confirmed as consul for...
C’est avec reconnoissance que j’ai reçu votre Lettre, et je me trouve heureux d’inscrire Sur la liste de mes Souscripteurs, un nom qui rappelle Sans cesse les Services rendus a la Science par celui qui le porte. J’ose attendre encore une nouvelle preuve de votre bienveillance, en esperant Monsieur que vous me communiquerez les observations, et les faits que vous possedez relatifs aux...
This life I have experienced that Gentlemen of Zeal sense & liberal Principles are, in general, the most easy of access—tho’ my mind revolts at the very thought of my Presuming, Sir, to adopt an address of this Nature, yet I trust, Sir, your humanity and Benevolence, and the motives that impell me, will procure me Pardon and plead my apology. Before I respectfully solicit, Sir, your kind...
That Your Excellencys Petitioner served in the American War upwards of Six Years. and was honorably dischargd by Your Excellency on the Eighth day of June 1783. & That from a variety of Losses and a severe Sickness for upwards of Seven Months. he hath been greatly reduced and is now Confined in Prison for the value of a Boat which was lost during his Illness. hath a Wife and two small Children...
I have twice sent my Son up to your House with the Statements of the Accounts of those Lands, you wished to be furnished with, not finding you at home, have now inclosed them to you & am with Respect SYVHS Copy, Miscellaneous Chancery Papers, American Iron Company, Clerk of the Court of Appeals, Albany, on deposit at Queens College, New York City. For an explanation of the contents of this...
According to Your Request I have examind the Accounts and find that You paid the first Instalment on the 17 of December 1795 £ 605.13.4 is 1514.18 The Second payment on the 6 April 1796 £605.13.4 Int £14.2.4 is 619.15.9 1549.47 £ 1225.9.2 Ds 3063.65 With Sentiments of Respect I am Sir Your Most Humble Servant Copy, Miscellaneous Chancery Papers, American Iron Company, Clerk of the Court of...
Peter Goelet Robert Morris & William Popham Trustees for all the Creditors of Peter Hassenclever and others under an Attachment &c   To Alexander Hamilton } Deed dated the fourth day of April An: Dom 1797. in Consideration of two thousand four hundred and twenty two pounds thirteen shillings and ten pence for a Tract of Land situate lying and being in the Manor of Cosby, on the North side of...
I have found Your Deeds for the Lands You Mentioned but no Receipt or other Papers with it. Inclosed have a Copy of that part of the Conditions of the Sales You Request. I am with Respt S Y Vy Copy, Miscellaneous Chancery Papers, American Iron Company, Clerk of the Court of Appeals, Albany, on deposit at Queens College, New York City. For an explanation of the contents of this letter, see the...
Received New York Octo 4 1796 of Alexander Hambleton Esqr. Six Hundered and fourty One pounds being principle and Interest on the third Instalment of the Purches Money for Lands bught at Acction belonging to the American Iron Company as mentioned in the Receipt of the first payment. £641 Copy, Miscellaneous Chancery Papers, American Iron Company, Clerk of the Court of Appeals, Albany, on...
The trustees of the Creditors of Peter Hasenclever & Co. are met and intend to proceed in & finish this business as soon as possible. You will please to take notice accordingly as far as you are concerned. With respect we are Sir your humble Servts. Copy, Miscellaneous Chancery Papers, American Iron Company, Clerk of the Court of Appeals, Albany, on deposit at Queens College, New York City....
On the 21st. Augt: last I Enclosed You a Statement of the Ballance due on the Lands bought by General Schuyler, of the Trustees of the American Iron Company, with Interest to that day, Wishing to have that buseness in a Train so as to make a final Settlement when Mr Morris comes to Town, as his Stay generally is very short, but have not been favord with Your Answer, And shall be very Happy if...
Enclosed is a statement of the balance due on the Lands bought by General Schuyler of the Trustees of the American Iron Company with Interest to this day. When Mr. Morris comes to Town his stay is generally very Short. And as I wish to have the whole of the Company’s business in a train so as to make a final settlement of it before Mr Morris leaves the City I shall be exceedingly happy if You...
10 August 1803, New York . Encloses his bond “with two good sureties,” as required by the consular act. Is prepared to leave for his post, “but that direfull epidemic, with which this City is again so unhappily afflicted, interferes” with his arrangements and will probably delay him for “six or eight weeks at least.” “As several of our public Vessels are about to sail for the Mediteranien,...
I herewith transmit you the Bond with two good sureties, required of me by the Consular act, previous to entering on the execution of the duties of my office. I am, now prepared and would imbark immediately for the place of my destination, but that direfull epidemic, with which this City is again so unhappily afflicted, interferes with my arrangements and will probably oblige me to delay my...
The Officers of the Battalion of Militia of the County of Bergen beg leave to congratulate your Excellency on the conclusion of an arduous and important War, and the reestablishment of the Blessings of Peace. Actuated by the principles of Virtue and of Patriotism your Excellency undertook the difficult Task of conducting the operations of the Field against a Powerful and enraged Enemy, and the...
Being on an seperate Out Post and Exposed to many Difficulties not unknown to your Excellency, the Contractor of this County having for some time Past supplied My Corps with flower and Beef till it was put out of his Power (as he says) by the Great Quantity of Beef and other Articles taking out of the County by the Armey to supply me any longer I sent to the super Intendant of this state for a...
Your Excellencies letter I have received Concerning Dadly. the Infamous raskle last night made his Escape together with him the serjant of the Gaurd said Dadly was ordered by the civill Magistrates to my Care untill Court which was to be opened this day he was Guilty of several robberies Committed on the Inhabitants of this County. I am very sorry of his Escape. the serjant was a stranger to...
Being Ordered by the Governor of jersey state to take Post near Dobb Ferry their to receave Direction from His Excellency the Commander In Chief. I hereby Inform His Excellency General Wasshington that I am at present near Dobbs Ferry Commanding a Detachment of 150 Men belonging to the state Ridgment being inlisted Perticular for Bergen County and cheef of my men wel acquainted in this...
P.S. The person, that has the honor to submit the above Translations, the theme whereof he has published in the German gazette annexed hereto along with the french Translation made by him, begs Leave to observe: that he is brought up regularly to the Bar in Germany, that he is ready to produce a formal Certificate on his Examen, he underwent there, in the Civil Law and the Laws of Nations,...
AL : University of Pennsylvania Library M. de Thurn, de la Societé Roiale de Metz, issû d’une trés ancienne famille d’Allemagne, Etablie depuis Deux siecles dans la province d’Alsace, aujourd’huy sous la domination de la france, et allie aux meilleures maisons de cette province, réclame la bienveillance et l’appui du ministre plenipotentiaire des Etats-unis de L’Amerique, pour le sucçés du...
From your known liberality and philanthrophy I feel myself emboldened to address you. I have been a resident in the western country for fifteen years, and always behold with indignation the artifices used by the men in power, in the late Territory, to prolong the period of our colonial humiliation. Whenever I found that our population entitled us to be ranked among the sister states, in...
Altho I am far from haveing the honor of your personal acquaintance, and am perhaps but scarcely within the circle of your knowledge; yet being a citizen, I presume to address you. I was early and decidedly in the interest of my beloved country, and being involed, with a band of patriots in the New york company of granediers, I had the pleasure to escort you into that city when on your way, in...
I would wish to bring into your immediate view the Government of the Northwestern territory under which the adventures to this remote part of the Empire have Sustained a deprivation of those privileges injoyed by our fellow citizens in the States in the Union. Secondly to lay before the President the rational views we had in a short time to rise from that depresst State. Thirdly to shew the...
I haveing been ordered by his Excellency General Wooster on the 3 d . Feb. with a Small party to take the Command of this place I have thereby had an opportunity to take an Exact account of all the Fresh Forces which have passed this place since the defeat at Quebec which I make bold to transmit you as also what I Supposed a few days ago to have been the number of our Army at the Camp before...
As the office of Register of the land office for the district of Cincinati has become vacant by the decease of the late Charles Kilgore Esquire, I would beg leave to recommend to the notice of the President, my son Aaron Goforth to fill that vacancy, as to his fitness or qualifications to fill the office I would take liberty to say he is a man of family and settled in the town of Cincinati...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have been informd that it is a Custom in the polite world when about to address a Stranger to Apoligize for so doing. But in order to Evade the Necessity of Such Tedious Business I have only to prove that I am perfectly well acquainted with you, which I Shall Evince by assureing you that a Number of years ago when in Providence and looking out of a window...
I would beg your attention for a few minutes while I lay before you the greivances of a number of remote, industrious; but unfortunate Citizens, who have formd a settlement near the confluence of the Little Miami & the Ohio Rivers, which I shall attempt by an induction of a number of particulars. The Honourable John Cleves Symmes in a pamphlet Signd of Trenton the 26th day of November 1787....
I received a letter from Mr. Caspar Wistar junr. dated 1 Decr. 1806. on behalf of the APS of Philadelphia, requesting information concerning the Head of the Mammoth the Bones of a large animal with Claws an account of other unknown Bones—and also my opinion of the probability of procuring more bones and the method of attempting it—and I was desired to address my answer to you. Unaccustomed to...
I am now with my family on the waters of the Mississippi. Feeling conscious of my own rectitude I have ventured once more to make application to you for an appointment at Baton Rouge in West Florida or at St Augustine in East Florida whenever those countries become the property of the United States. I would wish to be register of a land office. No doubt Sir, you recollect that I have twice...
The Subscriber whose name is Claudius F. Gojon,—at Doctor Allen’s Accademy; Hyde–Park, Dutches County, State of Ne-York, humbly beg you will excuse his Liberty & permit him to tell you that—having heard that you are a Member of the Trustees of the New College of Virginia, about the be achieved and organized, should it be not yet provided with a French Teacher, I offer myself in this capacity;...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I The Subscriber of the Present Beg humbly To be permitted to Communicate unto you a Few Inclosed Sentences in order to acquaint you of my Present Necessity of booth Cloathing and every other Necssary Capable of Rendering Life by any means Comfortable: I Beg Leave to acquaint you of my Being a Subject to my worthy and amiable Congress and well Respected...
Agreeably to directions received from you yesterday, I have the honor of transmitting a paper which exhibits a view of the vessels purchased & built, since the last session of congress, without being previously authorized by Law—with their cost as far as it can be ascertained. It is a subject of great regret to me, that owing to the very loose manner in which the Books of money warrants &...
The enclosed exhibits a view of the deposits made with the Treasurer of the Navy —the drafts upon him, & the balance in his hands of monies subject to the orders of the Secretary of the Navy: for the week ending 8 instant. I have the honor to be Sir; your mo: ob: servt. FC ( Lb in DNA : RG 45 , LSP ). Recorded in SJL as received from the Navy Department on 13 May and “Warrants.” Enclosure not...
The Secretary of the Navy has instructed me to submit to you the propriety of the enclosed Letter to Mr David Vallanzino , who, being considered a Tripolitan Subject and found on board the Vessel recently captured by Lieut Sterett, of the cargo of which he is part owner, was sent to this country in the frigate Chesapeake as a prisoner of war. FC ( Lb in DNA : RG 45, LSP ). Enclosure: probably...