George Washington Papers

From George Washington to John Fellows, 25 June 1781

Head Quarters New Windsor 25th June 1781


Having Occasion to withdraw from Albany & other ports in the Northern District all the Continental Troops that are now there—I find myself under a Necessity to replace them out of the Quota of militia requested from the State of Massachusetts to the Number of Six Hundred; to be taken from the Counties most contiguous—I have therefore to request that you will be pleased to order the Militia of the County of Berkshire to the Number of Six Hundred to Rendezvous at Albany and if that County should not in the Proportion assigned to them, amount to the Number I have mentioned; I must Beg that you will be pleased to extend your orders (if in your Power) to the County of Hampshire untill you compleat the whole—but in Case your Command does not reach there Be pleased to comunicate this Request to the Officer comandg the Militia in that County, & [Desire] him to fulfill the Number—This Requisition has been comunicated to Gov. Hancock—but to save Time & to have the Militia in forwardness to move on as soon as possible, I have thot proper to make my address directly to you, without waitg his Excellencys orders. I am sir, &ca


DLC: Papers of George Washington.

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