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Results 52511-52520 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
21 March 1803, London. No. 17. “Since the commencement of the present Misunderstanding between this Country & France, our Mariners have been pressed as formerly, and upon the usual application, such of them as have regular protections, and are not married, or settled in Great Britain, have been discharged. A considerable portion of those who have left the United States subsequent to the late...
21 March 1803, Paris. The sudden departure of Curwen of Philadelphia for Norfolk leaves him time only to recall the sentiments of gratitude and attachment he has for JM, which neither distance nor political events can change. Has the honor of sending under cover to Dr. Thornton a copy of the new English translation of his Ruins , which he asks JM to accept as a token of his feelings and as a...
Since the commencement of the present Misunderstanding between this Country & France, our Mariners have been pressed as formerly, and upon the usual application, such of them as have regular Protections, and are not married, or settled in Great Britain, have been discharged. A considerable Portion of those who have left the United States subsequent to the late Peace, are found without American...
Th: Jefferson presents his friendly salutations to mr Brown. he recieved a letter and some nuts from the lady to whom the inclosed is an answer. being entirely unacquainted with her as far as he recollects, he incloses it open to mr Brown with a request that he will be so good as to seal & have it delivered if no circumstance unknown to Th: Jefferson would render it improper; or better in the...
Dr Hunter on his return from Washington to Philadelphia told me that unknowing of my application to you for a midshipman’s birth in the service of the U. States for my Son, he had mentioned him to you as having behaved with Courage on the recapture of Dr Hunters Vessel from the British; but that in a subsequent conversation with Mr Duane, he found that my son instead of being put down second...
I enclose the only letters of any importance which I have received since you left the city. The answer to that from Mr Thornton is also enclosed. To Mr Muhlenberg I answered generally that I would approve what he might think best to be done respecting the inspectors. I foresee a schism in Pennsylvania; the most thinking part of the community will not submit to the decree of partial ward or...
A letter from Hulings of Feby. 15. says that at that date the Intendant had not revoked the interruption of the deposit; but had from regard to the wants of the Colony, opened the market to flour & other provisions brought down the Mississippi; the articles being subject to a duty of 6 perCt. if consumed there, and to the usual export duty, (I believe 12 perCt) if sent as an indulgence in...
Your letter of the 14th. was recieved on the 18th. and this goes by the return of the first post, that which brought it not affording time for an answer. No. 2. in the draught mr King was so kind as to send me is exactly what Dr. Thornton explained to me as the original design except that he did not mention the two middle rows of trees, but only the two outer ones on each side: and, omitting...
Je profite de l’occasion de Mr. Curwen de Philadelphie qui retourne chez lui par Norfolk, pour Vous adresser un exemplaire de la nouvelle traduction angloise de mes Ruines qui a enfin paru. Le paquet sera remis à Mr. Le Dr. thornton à Washington avec recommandation de Vous le faire parvenir. J’attache un grand prix à ce que ce travail obtienne Votre approbation et que sa publication Vous soit...
Th: Jefferson returns his acknolegements to Doctr. Waterhouse for his letter of the lst. inst. & the book accompanying it, which he recieved & will have the pleasure of perusing here, where he is on a visit of a fortnight, engaged in the rural operations of the season. the small pox having got into a neighborhood about 30. miles from this, he was enabled yesterday, with some vaccine matter he...