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Results 52501-52550 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I have not meet with the success I had reason to expect in Conectticutt the Governor and Assembly...
52502[Diary entry: 22 December 1771] (Washington Papers)
22d. Raining in the Night, and most part of this day. At the sametime warm with but little Wind...
Th Jefferson presents his respects to the revd. mr Pryce, acknoleges the reciept of his book, and...
The last Letter I have from you is of the 2d. instn. but I have also received Mrs Clark’s receipt...
In Answer to your Excellency’s favour of the 9th with which I am just now honoured; if Moss...
Letter not found: from Anthony Whitting, 17 Feb. 1793. On 24 Feb., GW wrote Whitting , “Your...
Your two letters of Mar. 27. & Apr. 6. have been recieved. writing from this place where I have...
Altho’ the Lines you honoured me with were not favourable for my physical cabinet, I flatter...
To relieve your mind from the Fatigue of National Affairs, which must necessarily oppress it; I...
You were probably acquainted in this Country with Colonel Toussard who will have the honor of...
The Admiralty have reported to their High Mightinesses their Remarks upon the Plan of a Treaty of...
Letter not found: from Patrick Henry, 5 Feb. 1785. On 27 Feb. GW wrote to Henry : “I have had the...
Acavamos de recivir varios avisos del Governador de Sn. Agustin relativos à la disposicion que...
LS : Royal Archives, Windsor Castle The Prince de Massaran, being so good as to desire carrying a...
I recieved yesterday your favor of Jan. 29 and instantly wrote to mr Lieper in Philadelphia, with...
I am again out of funds to meet the drafts of the Proctor of the University and the holders of a...
§ From George Davis. 13 July 1806, Norfolk. No. 1. “By Mr. Payne who arrived at this place on the...
Your Protegé Buisson has addressed to me the inclosed letter. Why he did not immediately write to...
I am much Obliged to you for your favours by the Sage, Brave, and Amiable General Washington, by...
It is so long since I heard from you I begin to find it difficult to account for your...
AL (draft): Library of Congress; copies: Massachusetts Historical Society, National Archives...
I was not unapprised that monies had been advanced by the government of Spain, or some of it’s...
I have duly recieved your favor of Mar. 20. and am truly thankful for the favorable sentiments...
Je prends la liberté de vous communiquer une gazette de New York du 9. de 7bre. qui m’est...
DS : Massachusetts Historical Society The Bostonians had long suspected that they were being...
I have duly received your favors of Oct. 23. and 26. With respect to the mission you suggest in...
His Excellency the Governor of this State having determined to reestablish Civil Government in...
Stephen Cathalan Esq r , Commercial & Navy Agent Marseilles , has consigned to me two Cases, one...
On my Return to Philada from the Southward I found a Letter from my Friend in New York Lodg’d...
Prov. Law. 16. 33. 386. Temp orary Laws. About Certificates for Anabaptist Ministers and People,...
52531[Diary entry: 5 July 1787] (Washington Papers)
Thursday 5th. Dined at Mr. Morris’s. Drank Tea and spent the Evening there.
52532[Diary entry: 19 June 1774] (Washington Papers)
19. At Colo. Bassetts all day.
[ November 3, 1778 . On November 4, 1778, Hamilton wrote to Van Schaick : “I have received your...
I have duly recd. your several obliging favors enclosing the interesting foreign & domestic news...
1. Resolved that the several states composing the US. of America are not united on the principle...
I have been favored with your letter of Mar: 13. from Jamaica with its inclosure, in which the...
I know how apt we are to consider those whom we knew long ago, and have not since seen, to be...
An invitation to Genl. Wilkinson was forwarded by express this morning, and I have this moment...
I nominate Thomas G. Thornton Marshal for the district of Maine. Oliver Barnet of New Jersey to...
I was informed last Night by Mr. Izard that a Comee. of three, of which he was one, were to be...
By Coll. Randolps servant I take occasion to return, the letter you were at the trouble to send...
4 March 1802, Nantucket. “We the Subscribers being owners of the ship Minerva Sailed from this...
LS : National Archives (two); copies: Library of Congress, Columbia University Library; press...
I have taken the liberty of enclosing to you, a report of the late Gen l Daniel Smith respecting...
I beg you will accept of another Letter of Your old & humble servant (Anthony Gerna formerly a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Comme Lieutenant du sinquaime Bataillon continental de La...
Cambridge,10 December 1774. printed : Mass. Provincial Congress, Jours. William Lincoln, ed., The...
Your favor of the 3 d is recieved and the 50.D. it covered. should there be difficulty in...
I received your kind letter of the 30 of September in due time and although it confirmed the bad...
I return you the drawings of M. Godefroi, which certainly prove him to possess fine talents in...