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Results 52501-52550 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
AL : American Philosophical Society The Revd. Mr. John Carroll whom Docr. Franklin may remember by the Campn. into Canada presents his comps. & requests the Docr. to do him the favor to forward the inlosd Letter for Liege by post— His care is requested of the other to forward when a favourable oppy offers— Addressed: His Excelly / Docr Franklin / Passy / near / Paris— / to be Sent under Cover...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Yours on the 31st. April duly came to hand with those inclosed, addressed to M. —— E—— C our London friend, I desire to be forgiven respecting forms, all I have to say, is that on our arrival at L,Derry we were apprehended and committed to Goal, we are now liberated upon giving security for our appearance when called for, what the End may be I cannot...
Two ALS and copy: American Philosophical Society At the desire of Mrs. Evans, I have taken the liberty of troubling you with the inclosed letters, and bills of Exchange for seventy two dollars, for Mrs. Loviel her daughter. You will see by her letters, which I am desired to send open to you, that she is very desirous of getting her daughter back to Virginia, and I have engaged that I will pay...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Agreable to my promise, I here Inform you that I shall (wind & Weather permitting) sail for Philadelphia the 1th of next Month— Should you have any commands that may be in my power to execute, and will let me have them in time, they will merit my utmost attention; as it will at all times give me great Pleasure to shew you my Gratitude— I have nothing...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I always flatter’d myself that the recommendations I had the honor to deliver you on my Arrival here, were such, as might have secur’d me your Confidence, but am sorry to find they seem to have produc’d the Contrary Effect— I am totally Ignorant of the cause, being confident I have acted with Propriety: Least you shou’d be tempted to think I might make...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Je viens de faire imprimer a Basle un ouvrage Sur La Législation Criminelle Auquel le Celebre Monsieur Iselin a joint des observations de Sa façon. Je Vous prie de permettre Que mon Libraire Vous en adresse un Exemplaire par la poste. C’est un hommage Que je dois a un des plus Grands hommes d’etat et des Scavans Les plus distingués de l’univers. J’ose...
LS : Yale University Library Since those acknowledg’d in my last, I have received your Several Favours of Aug. 16. 20. & 26. I have been a long time afflicted with the Gravel & Gout, which have much indispos’d me for writing: I am even now in Pain, but will not longer delay some answer. I did not perfectly comprehend the Nature of your Appointment respecting the Refugees, and I suppos’d you...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have just receiv’d the Enclos’d from Mr E. Bridgen of London. Please to return me his Letter. I long to finish my private Affair you are so good as to assist me in, & shall be glad to receive the additional Provisions you intended, that I may copy the whole, for I think my present Situation more hazardous than those about me seem to imagine. With sincere...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library Every Child of Mine that Comes to Light is a Small Addition to the Number of American Citizens— I Have the pleasure to inform You that, tho she Was But Seven Month Advanced, Mde de Lafayette Has this Morning Become Mother of a daughter Who However delicate in his Begining Enjoys a perfect Health, and I Hope Will Soon grow Equal to the Heartiest...
Press copy of ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library I continue to suffer from this cruel Gout: But in the midst of my Pain the News of Made [Madame] de la Fayette’s safe Delivery, and your Acquisition of a Daughter gives me Pleasure. In naming our Children I think you do well to begin with the most antient State. And as we cannot have too many of so good a Race, I hope you & Me. de la...
Copy: Archives de la Marine Vos preposés, Monsieur, ont été chargés jusqu’a ce moment de traiter par Eux memes les objets qui regardent Le service des Etats unis de L’amerique, cette disposition doit etre suivie relativement au batiment qui Se trouve a rochefort et qui parait Exiger des reparations. Il en est de meme pour Les munitions qui sont deposées a Brest. Le gouvernement ne peut Se...
AL : American Philosophical Society Dr. Schwediauer Physician from Vienna and fellow-traveler of Dr. Ingenhousz in his last journey to England, now coming from London, presents his respectful Compliments to Dr. B. Franklin, and wishes the Satisfaction of being acquainted with the Dr., especially as he is able to communicate to him, a plan of a code of penal laws, which might be agreable to him...
Three LS and L : University of Pennsylvania Library; AL (draft): New-York Historical Society; transcript: National Archives Just after closing my dispatches, I was favoured with yours of April and the 25th. & 29th. of June— The ships that brought them were so unfortunate as to be chased into the Delaware by a superior force— The Eagle was driven a shore and sunk— The Papers and Money were...
LS : American Philosophical Society J’ai l’honneur de vous adresser un Exemplaire du Manuel d’Epictete en Grec que je viens d’Imprimer. Cet Exemplaire est tiré Sur le Papier que vous avez bien voulu me donner. J’aurois desiré pouvoir vous le présenter relié; mais j’aurois craint que l’Impression n’eut maculé. J’y joins, Monsieur, 4 Exemplaires imprimés Sur papier ordinaire. Je vous prie d’en...
LS : Alice T. Bates, Los Angeles, California (1956) J’ai reçu, Monsieur, avec la Lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’ecrire, les 5 Exemplaires du Manuel d’Epictete en Grec, que vous avez eu la bonté de m’envoyer pour mes Amis et moi. Agréez je vous prie mes Remerciemens sinceres, pour ces Beautés Typographiques. On ne sauroit rendre un plus bel hommage à un Auteur: Epictete est ainsi...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Docr. Burrows, the Gentleman who will have the honor to present you this letter, is one of the few friends to whom I am under infinite obligations. During his residence in Tuscany, I have found united in his Person, the character of a skilful Phisician, and a most sincere Friend: To my lasting regret, he is going with his family, to England; should he meet...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Your Letter of the 11t Inst. Which put an End to your long Silence gave Me great Pleasure, but at the same Time I am surpriz’d at not receiving any News from America since the 3d February. However I must take Patience. We are All well here & hope that is the Case with You,— I am perfectly sensible of the good Advice You give Me in your Letter, I shall make...
AL : American Philosophical Society I am Very sorry, My Dear sir, I Have not the Pleasure to Wait Upon You this Evening— But Mr. jay Called at Half Past Eight and told me He Had Considered of the Affair Now in Question, And Before Any thing Was Determined He Wants to Have A long Conversation With You— He Will be at Passy to Morrow Morning— for My Part I see You Will not of Course Give me Any...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Bearer of this Mr Natl Nelson is the son of a particular Friend of mine now here, & his Object is a Visit to the other parts of his Family in Ireland. This young Gentleman lately arrived from Philadelphia whither he will probably return after having seen his Friends & reestablished his Health, which is another motive for his present Journey. I beg sir...
Copy, signed: Historical Society of Pennsylvania; copies: American Philosophical Society (two), Indiana University I return the Papers with some corrections. I did not find Coal mines under the Calcareous rock in Derbyshire. I only remarked that at the lowest Part of that rocky Mountain which was in sight, there were Oyster Shells mixed with the Stone; & part of the high County of Derby being...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai enfin obtenu du Sculpteur dont j’avois eu L’honneur de Vous parler, deux esquisses de Medailles assez grandes. J’ai priè aussi un peintre de Mes amis de dessiner Le meme sujet et je Crois qu’il y a bien Reussi. Quel jour Voulez Vous, Monsieur, que Nous allions a Passi pour avoir L’honneur de Vous presenter les ouvrages. Ou Si Vos affaires Vous...
ALS : American Philosophical Society What excuse can I make for delaying to answer so kind so wise so delightful a Letter as I recievd from my ever honour’d Friend two Months ago? I spent the Summer at my Diocese, where I heard but little & could find no channel of correspondence. The Consequences of Ld Rockinghams Death I doubt not, were sooner & more circumstantially known to You than to me:...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Captains Cain, Josiah & Deale, of the Ships St. James, Lady Washington, & Queen of France, arrived in this port the 19th. Inst &, have communicated to me the Contents of a Letter they have had the honor to address Your Excellency this day. These Gentlemen have from the first of the American War, engag’d their lives and Fortune in the Contest, & I am...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Lest by some accident I should miss the opportunity of travelling with the courier, I sit down just to tell you that I am prepared to depart the instant I hear the commission is sealed, which by the Chancellor having been at Buxton has been for some days delayed. I have got together the different articles committed to my care to procure, and shall not...
Copies: National Archives, Library of Congress (two), Massachusetts Historical Society; transcript: National Archives Having received by a Courier just now arrived, a Letter from Mr. Secy Townshend, in answer to mine which went by the Messenger dispatched from hence on the 12th. I take this Opportunity of Mr. Whitefoord, to send you a Copy of it. I hope he will bring good Accounts of your...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library We could wish to avoid any seeming indelicacy in a matter, that respects your Excellency, by communicating an idea of the repeated and increasing joys, which are handed from breast to breast among the citizens of the empire of this western world— But permit us, Sir, to render a tribute of praise, that Providence has been propitious to honor our nation,...
(I) ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library; (II) AL : American Philosophical Society I have read with great pleasure my Dear Doctor your ingenious Hypothesis about the cause of the extraordinary Motions of the Earth and certainly if one may Suppose The air at liberty in the internal part of the Earth and to be compressed by the internal atmosphere its density may be vastly great. I do not...
LS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères Congress has ordered me to prepare and lay before them a State of the pay Rations and Subsistence of the Officers and Men in the Armies of the different powers in Europe—as these often vary I have no means of procuring the necessary information with accuracy from any books I have seen— I am under the...
(I) LS : Yale University Library, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, American Philosophical Society; copy: Library of Congress; (II) LS : Yale University Library, Independence National Historical Park, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, American Philosophical Society; copy: Library of Congress I do myself the Honor to enclose for your Perusal Acts of Congress of the twenty seventh of...
Two LS , press copies of each LS , and transcript: National Archives I have just received your No. 15. dated the 9th of August, which mentions your not having heard from me since March. I have however written sundry Letters, viz. of Apl. 8th. & 12th. June 25th & 29th, Augt 12th and Sept. 3d, and sent Copies of the same, which I hope cannot all have miscarried. The Negotiations for Peace have...
Extract: National Archives By letters from the Commissioners formerly, if you have them in your office it may appear to you that the Farmers general, soon after our arrival here, advancd us a million upon a contract for furnishing them with 5000 hhd. [hogshead] of tobacco which were to have been deliverd by Christmas 1778. Only three cargoes, on that account have been receivd by them. I have...
(I) Two LS : American Philosophical Society; copies: Library of Congress, Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; (II) LS : American Philosophical Society, Yale University Library, Historical Society of Pennsylvania; copy: Library of Congress I have the Honor to enclose the Copy of Acts of Congress of the fourteenth and twenty third Instant, together with the Copy of my Letter of the...
(I) and (II) Two copies and draft: National Archives The United States in Congress Assembled— To all who shall see these presents send Greeting— It having been represented to Congress by their Minister Plenipoy: at the Court of Versailles, that the King of Sweden has signified by his Ambassador at that Court to our said Minister, his desire to enter into a treaty with the United States in...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I am extreamly oblidg’d to you for the Book you was so Kind as to lend me, it has much contributed to augmente my desir to go next spring to america, I only wish to find means to be usefull either in the field of war, either as citizen of the world, and particularly as an admirer of the laws who established security in general, and conserve liberty :...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Owing to the fate of war I had the misfortune of being captured in the Ship Amazon a Transport in his Majestys service that I commanded bound from London to Quebec, by Cpt. Johnson of the Ship Flora and brought to this place a prisinor. I request that you will pardon my presumtion in writing to your Excellency humbly beging my parole for England for any...
LS : American Philosophical Society; copies: Library of Congress, Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères In my Letter of yesterday, I have dwelt on the resolutions of Congress, in the manner requir’d by my duty as their Servant. I will now add a few hints, as Your friend. Your Enemies industriously publish that your age & indolence have unabled you for your station, that a Sense of...
LS : American Philosophical Society Upon my arrival here I waited on the Count De Hector and delivered him a letter which the Marquis de Castres gave me, in which he requested that I might receive all the assistance necessary to enable me to pursue Such Measures as I Should think proper in Expditing the American Supplies from hence, and on this Occasion I received every assurance on the part...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I was renderd very unhappy just now to be informd by my friends Messrs Cumming & Maccarty, that they had recd a Letter from Monsr. Jolley de fleury Minr. of Finance handing them a Determination respecting a Cargo of sugars which I brot with me from the Havanna in the Briga. Genl Galvez. These sugars being the product of Cape Francois I took in at the...
LS : American Philosophical Society, Yale University Library, Historical Society of Pennsylvania; copy: Library of Congress I have received and already acknowledged your Letters of the 9th January, two of the 28th January, those of the 30th January, 4th March 9th March and 30th March. The Acknowledgement of the three last was by mine of the first of July. I am now to acknowledge yours of the...
Press copy of copy: Library of Congress The Box you committed to the Care of Mr Bridgen was duly sent by him, & received at Ostend; but in its way from thence hither it has miscarried. I am taking pains to find out what is become of it. I hope it is not irrecoverably lost. Tho I have lost other things before which were coming to me, and think the Carriage between Ostend & Paris is by no means...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania While I beg Permission to inform you of my extreem Mortification for so long & unexpected Detention at this Place, unfortunately occasioned by a violent Attact of Fever, which, tho’ declining, will for some days render me unable to Journey, ’tis with equal regret for the common Good and Anxiety for your personal Health I hear of your Excellency’s...
DS : Yale University Library; copies: Library of Congress (two), American Philosophical Society, Massachusetts Historical Society The present document, penned by William Temple Franklin on October 1, was most likely signed by Franklin the same day. It was eventually signed by all the peace commissioners, but not without hesitation (on the part of John Jay) and outright hostility (on the part...
Three copies: Public Record Office; ALS (draft) and copy: Library of Congress Being informed by Richard Oswald, Esqr., Minister Plenipotentiary. from His Britannic Majesty to treat here of Peace, that General Conway desires much to have an English Officer, Capt. Fage of the Artillery, absolved of his Parole, having occasion for his Service as Aid de Camp; and Application being made to me for...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai Reçue votre lettre du 10 Septembre elle m’a fait un très grand Plaisir parcequ’elle a mit fin a vôtre long silence car j’etois en peine de vous n’ayant point de vos nouvelles. J’ai regardé vôtre silence à Legard des livres dont je vous ai parlé comme vôtre Consentement et comme Mr Marignac craignoit qu’on ne les vendit il les a acheté. Je suis très...
ALS : American Philosophical Society We were happy in hearing from you by the Eagle Frigate; you honored me likewise by her with an Introduction to the Prince De Broglii & Count De Segur; these Gentlemen set off immediately for Camp, but as probably they will spend the Winter here, I hope to have an opportunity of shewing them every Civility in my Power—the latter strikes me, as a very amiable...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I should think it wrong to let any opportunity slip without informing you of the Welfare of my little Family, they are well and lovely the Youngest, one Year old this day, and as an infant she is perfect, I have just weaned her, Willy a fine tall straight Lad, this week he began to go to dancing School, Betsy and Lous go to my Old Madam Marsh, how happy...
LS : American Philosophical Society (two), Syracuse University Library; copy: Library of Congress In my Letter of the twenty seventh of September last I express my Wish “that the Court of Spain should give Orders for the Shipment of a Million of Dollars at the Havanna free of Duties, and to be convoyed by One or more Ships of the Line to an American Port, &c.” Upon farther Reflection I am...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr Whiteford & Mr Oswald present their best respects to Doctr Franklin & will do themselves the honour to wait of him to Dinner on Friday next. Mr Oswald begs leave to Send the Letter he mentioned Respecting Capt Blair, & will call on the Doctr to morrow in hopes of having a favourable answer to General Conways Request. Mr Fitzherbert is to dispatch a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society This document concerns an invention that Jean-François Pilatre de Rozier had described and announced for sale in the previous day’s Journal de Paris: bougies phosphoriques , or self-igniting candles. A precursor to matches, bougies phosphoriques were the first instruments capable of generating a flame without the arduous use of flint and tinder. The public...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I got at last an account of Pere Barletti’s pamphlet in an italian journal et will peruse it for the farther elucidation of the notes you was so good as to send me. Mr. le Begue acquaintd me that you begin to make experiments with air. I am glad of it. But have you laid aside the reflexions you were making two or 3 years ago on fire places principaly in...