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Results 52501-52510 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
AL : American Philosophical Society The Revd. Mr. John Carroll whom Docr. Franklin may remember by the Campn. into Canada presents his comps. & requests the Docr. to do him the favor to forward the inlosd Letter for Liege by post— His care is requested of the other to forward when a favourable oppy offers— Addressed: His Excelly / Docr Franklin / Passy / near / Paris— / to be Sent under Cover...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Yours on the 31st. April duly came to hand with those inclosed, addressed to M. —— E—— C our London friend, I desire to be forgiven respecting forms, all I have to say, is that on our arrival at L,Derry we were apprehended and committed to Goal, we are now liberated upon giving security for our appearance when called for, what the End may be I cannot...
Two ALS and copy: American Philosophical Society At the desire of Mrs. Evans, I have taken the liberty of troubling you with the inclosed letters, and bills of Exchange for seventy two dollars, for Mrs. Loviel her daughter. You will see by her letters, which I am desired to send open to you, that she is very desirous of getting her daughter back to Virginia, and I have engaged that I will pay...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Agreable to my promise, I here Inform you that I shall (wind & Weather permitting) sail for Philadelphia the 1th of next Month— Should you have any commands that may be in my power to execute, and will let me have them in time, they will merit my utmost attention; as it will at all times give me great Pleasure to shew you my Gratitude— I have nothing...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I always flatter’d myself that the recommendations I had the honor to deliver you on my Arrival here, were such, as might have secur’d me your Confidence, but am sorry to find they seem to have produc’d the Contrary Effect— I am totally Ignorant of the cause, being confident I have acted with Propriety: Least you shou’d be tempted to think I might make...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Je viens de faire imprimer a Basle un ouvrage Sur La Législation Criminelle Auquel le Celebre Monsieur Iselin a joint des observations de Sa façon. Je Vous prie de permettre Que mon Libraire Vous en adresse un Exemplaire par la poste. C’est un hommage Que je dois a un des plus Grands hommes d’etat et des Scavans Les plus distingués de l’univers. J’ose...
LS : Yale University Library Since those acknowledg’d in my last, I have received your Several Favours of Aug. 16. 20. & 26. I have been a long time afflicted with the Gravel & Gout, which have much indispos’d me for writing: I am even now in Pain, but will not longer delay some answer. I did not perfectly comprehend the Nature of your Appointment respecting the Refugees, and I suppos’d you...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have just receiv’d the Enclos’d from Mr E. Bridgen of London. Please to return me his Letter. I long to finish my private Affair you are so good as to assist me in, & shall be glad to receive the additional Provisions you intended, that I may copy the whole, for I think my present Situation more hazardous than those about me seem to imagine. With sincere...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library Every Child of Mine that Comes to Light is a Small Addition to the Number of American Citizens— I Have the pleasure to inform You that, tho she Was But Seven Month Advanced, Mde de Lafayette Has this Morning Become Mother of a daughter Who However delicate in his Begining Enjoys a perfect Health, and I Hope Will Soon grow Equal to the Heartiest...
Press copy of ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library I continue to suffer from this cruel Gout: But in the midst of my Pain the News of Made [Madame] de la Fayette’s safe Delivery, and your Acquisition of a Daughter gives me Pleasure. In naming our Children I think you do well to begin with the most antient State. And as we cannot have too many of so good a Race, I hope you & Me. de la...