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Results 52501-52510 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
22 March 1803 , “ At Sea .” Notes that the enclosed reflection was not intended to be communicated, being only the ideas noted in a memorandum on the passage from Tunis to Algiers. “On Mr. OBrien’s coming on board he seemed somewhat surprised at seeing me. I stated to him, as correctly as possible in a few words, the cause and manner of my leaving Tunis.” O’Brien said the Sahib-at-Taba had...
The reflection herewith enclosed was not intended to be communicated: it being but an occurrence of ideas which occupied my mind on the passage from Tunis to Algiers, and which I noted by way of memorandum. On Mr. OBrien’s coming on board, he seemed somewhat surprised at seeing me. I stated to him, as correctly as possible in a few words, the cause and manner of my leaving Tunis. He said it...
to you that are interested in the public Welfare of your Country Whose greattest Ambition is to reas larning and genious to its greatest perfection and whose prinsiples is to reward merrit and incurage the Arts of Manufacturing our own Country produce in All its Various branches A Spechely this Branch of Business that is At A low ebb in our Country Namely Manufacturing of Cotton And printting...
As I believe you to be a republican and Gentleman I believe you will not consider Poverty as a barrier I have taken the liberty to inform you that when I Preached that Superstitious Trinitarian Doctrine I had friends and Money at will, but Since I have Preached as a Unitarian and Republican I have not only Suffered for want of friends but Suffered for want of common Subsistence and Still mean...
Yours of the 17th is recieved. I concur in your ideas that the request from the Bey of Tunis of a frigate of 36. guns should be complaisantly refused. I think the greatest dispatch should be used in sending either the guncarriages or money to Simpson for the emperor of Marocco, and the stores to Algiers; &, if you approve it, the powder on account : or perhaps it would be better to authorise...
In compliance with your request of the 25th. of last month , I herewith enclose a Return of the Militia of this State—It will give me pleasure to communicate to our Legislature the Sentiments and principles expressed in your address on the Subject of our Militia—And you may be assured, that my official & personal influence will be exerted, to render the Militia of this State, a sure &...
A letter from Hulings of Feby. 15. says that at that date the Intendant had not revoked the interruption of the deposit; but had from regard to the wants of the Colony, opened the market to flour & other provisions brought down the Mississippi; the articles being subject to a duty of 6 perCt. if consumed there, and to the usual export duty, (I believe 12 perCt) if sent as an indulgence in...
Since my letter of the 8th instant, the Marquis d’Yrujo has received answers to his letters to the Governor and Intendant of Louisiana in which it is stated by the latter, as well as the former officer, that the suspension of our deposit, was not the effect of any orders from the Spanish Government. No intimation however was given that the suspension would be removed in consequence of the...
Your letter, of the 13th. instant, was received at a time when my official duties were uncommonly pressing, and I am yet so fully occupied as to be under the necessity of requesting your patience for a few days respecting the arrangements necessary for sending to Alexandria or George town, according to your instructions, a part of the Furniture left here by Colonel Monroe. As early as possible...
Since the reciept of your favr. of the 18th. Ult. the Governor has caused the necessary enquiries to be made relative to the representation of the Minister of his Catholic Majesty “that from reports entitled to attention, there was reason to fear that certain persons in the western parts of Pennsylvania were employed in exciting the people to arm themselves, and to proceed with hostile...