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Results 52501-52550 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
22 March 1803 , “ At Sea .” Notes that the enclosed reflection was not intended to be...
The reflection herewith enclosed was not intended to be communicated: it being but an occurrence...
to you that are interested in the public Welfare of your Country Whose greattest Ambition is to...
As I believe you to be a republican and Gentleman I believe you will not consider Poverty as a...
Yours of the 17th is recieved. I concur in your ideas that the request from the Bey of Tunis of a...
In compliance with your request of the 25th. of last month , I herewith enclose a Return of the...
A letter from Hulings of Feby. 15. says that at that date the Intendant had not revoked the...
Since my letter of the 8th instant, the Marquis d’Yrujo has received answers to his letters to...
Your letter, of the 13th. instant, was received at a time when my official duties were uncommonly...
Since the reciept of your favr. of the 18th. Ult. the Governor has caused the necessary enquiries...
21 March 1803, London. No. 17. “Since the commencement of the present Misunderstanding between...
21 March 1803, Paris. The sudden departure of Curwen of Philadelphia for Norfolk leaves him time...
Since the commencement of the present Misunderstanding between this Country & France, our...
Th: Jefferson presents his friendly salutations to mr Brown. he recieved a letter and some nuts...
Dr Hunter on his return from Washington to Philadelphia told me that unknowing of my application...
I enclose the only letters of any importance which I have received since you left the city. The...
A letter from Hulings of Feby. 15. says that at that date the Intendant had not revoked the...
Your letter of the 14th. was recieved on the 18th. and this goes by the return of the first post,...
Je profite de l’occasion de Mr. Curwen de Philadelphie qui retourne chez lui par Norfolk, pour...
Th: Jefferson returns his acknolegements to Doctr. Waterhouse for his letter of the lst. inst. &...
Th: Jefferson returns his thanks to mrs Winn for the Paccan nuts she was so kind as to send him ;...
This is the third attempt I have made, to write to You; since my Eyes have been attackd with an...
I am here my beloved Betsy with my two little boys John & William who will be my bed fellows to...
I am afraid the frequency of my requests may induce you to think me troublesome; but I do not...
Your’s of the 14th. is recieved and I have written to mr Madison to issue a commission to Edward...
I wrote you on the 17th. since which yours of the 14th. is recieved, and I now return the letters...
19 March 1803, Department of State. Encloses consular instructions and a blank bond. To execute...
19 March 1803, Cowes. Acknowledges receipt of JM’s August 1802 circular. Observes that if no...
19 March 1803, Marseilles. Last wrote on 10 Dec. 1802. Has since received JM’s circular relating...
19 March 1803, London. No. 16. “I have the honor to inclose Copy of a Letter which I yesterday...
19 March 1803, London. No. 86. “Orders were some Time past given to evacuate Egypt, and the...
I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Circular of 26 August last which I Shall pay...
I paid you my respects on The 10th. last december—Since, I have been honoured with The Circular...
I have the honor to inclose Copy of a Letter which I yesterday received from our Consul at...
I wrote you on the 17th. since which yours of the 14th. is recieved, and I now return the letters...
I wrote you on the 17th. on the subject of the stores for Algiers, since which your’s of the...
I sent dispatches a few days ago to Havre in expectation of their going by a vessel that left it...
18 March 1803, Alexandria. Acknowledges JM’s 16 Mar. letter [not found]. “The Money Directed to...
18 March 1803, Washington. Returns Bingham’s letters respecting his action with Cabot and others,...
Your favor of the 2d. found me here, where I am for a few days only. being an answer to mine it...
I have taken the liberty of detaining the letter of Mr Edwards that accompanies this, until I had...
I thank you My Betsy for your letter from Fish Kill. I hope the subsequent part of your journey...
[ New York, March 16–17, 1803. On March 16–17, 1803, Hamilton wrote to Elizabeth Hamilton : “I...
In the inclosed Intelligencer you will find the letter from Pichon to the Govr. of Louisiana....
Your’s of the 10th. is recieved and I now inclose a letter to the Secretary of the navy, which be...
War seems more and more probable, indeed it appears to me inevitable: Holland will be involved,...
17 March 1803, Gibraltar. No. 117. “I referr to my last No. 116 [8 Mar. 1803] and have now to...
17 March 1803, “Evans’s Hotel,” Baltimore. The brig Hope of Baltimore, in which he intends to...
17 March 1803, Georgetown. Encloses a copy and the original of Napoleon’s commission naming...
Not being honord with any of your favours I referr to my last No. 116 and have now to inform you...