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Results 52501-52550 of 184,431 sorted by author
I am to informe your Exellencey, that John Thorner, (Stuward) willi⟨am⟩ Clark, wm Wallis, & thos...
Letter not found : from Brig. Gen. John Glover, 27 July 1779. GW wrote Glover on 29 July: “I have...
I had the Honor to receive your Excellencys Letter of the 9th instant, but not till this day. I...
I this day was Honor’d with your esteemed favor of the 11th Ulto inclosing a Resolve of Congress...
We were too sanguine in our expectation on saturday, which occasiond Mr Moylan to tell Mr Reed,...
Letter not found : from John Glover, 18 Oct. 1779. On 26 Oct., GW wrote Glover acknowledging...
At Govr Trumbull’s request I came on to Stamford, (myself, leaveing the Troops to follow) to...
After much Labour & pains I have Completed The Arrangements, of the four Regits in my Brigade,...
New York, November 16, 1796. Asks what action should be taken in regard to damages “sustained” by...
I have the pleasure to Inform your Excllencey that Capt. Manly in your Schr Lee Brought into the...
According to your Orders I have Disposed of the Sloop Ranger Willm McGlathry Master Loade of wood...
Letter not found: from Jonathan Glover, 25 Dec. 1775. A memorandum of a letter to Glover of 26...
By the Barer Captt. Richard James I would Inform your Excellency, that Captt. Manley in your...
On the 7th. of this month, I had the honor of Tendering to your Excellency, for public service,...
Letter not found. 15 September 1802. Acknowledged in Daniel Brent to Gobs, 12 Oct. 1802 (DNA: RG...
An Address from a distant and private Individual, for an Appointment under the Government of the...
Being requested by Mr. Elisha Avery formerly of Pomfret in the State of Connecticut to state my...
In obedience to your pleasure made known to me a short time since by Mr Cutts of the US....
3 November 1803, Portsmouth. “From a concurrence of unforeseen events it has become very...
The Representation of Mary Katherine Goddard, Humbly sheweth—That She hath kept the Post Office...
Printed form with MS insertions: Historical Society of Pennsylvania [Dated December 15, 1769. A...
I have the honor to present to you a Silver medal which I have had struck commemorative of the...
Removed to the humble Vale of rural Life, it was but recently that the “Memoirs of the Life of...
As the Charge of publishing the Acts of Congress, and the Proclamations of the Executive of the...
I have now the Honour to present you with a Copy of the proposals, for publishing Miscellaneous...
As the Manuscript Papers of General Lee, after his decease, came into my hands, I have been...
Après avoir éprouvé en France de grands reveres et de grandes injustices, après y avoir Subi en...
Si vous n’etiez vous même un Amateur Si distingué des beautés de la Nature, je devrais...
§ From Maximilian Godefroy. 12 January 1806, Baltimore. Hopes that JM remembers his visit to...
§ From Maximilian Godefroy. 2 March 1806, Baltimore. Shared with all who know JM concern about...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania The Motive of my Writing you this time Arises from a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Upon my arrival in town I was applyed to by one David Welch,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have the pleasure in Speaking With our Merchants, Who are...
City of New York ss: Bridget Godfrey of the City of Albany being duly sworn deposeth and saith...
In Consequence of William Godfrey, Henry Whiting, John Livingston, Richard Lee, and John Cook,...
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , August 15, 1734. The Germans, an industrious and...
St. Eustatius, 28 June 1791 . Recommending as consul on St. Eustatius David M. Clarkson “whose...
C’est avec reconnoissance que j’ai reçu votre Lettre, et je me trouve heureux d’inscrire Sur la...
This life I have experienced that Gentlemen of Zeal sense & liberal Principles are, in general,...
That Your Excellencys Petitioner served in the American War upwards of Six Years. and was...
I have twice sent my Son up to your House with the Statements of the Accounts of those Lands, you...
According to Your Request I have examind the Accounts and find that You paid the first Instalment...
Peter Goelet Robert Morris & William Popham Trustees for all the Creditors of Peter Hassenclever...
I have found Your Deeds for the Lands You Mentioned but no Receipt or other Papers with it....
Received New York Octo 4 1796 of Alexander Hambleton Esqr. Six Hundered and fourty One pounds...
The trustees of the Creditors of Peter Hasenclever & Co. are met and intend to proceed in &...
On the 21st. Augt: last I Enclosed You a Statement of the Ballance due on the Lands bought by...
Enclosed is a statement of the balance due on the Lands bought by General Schuyler of the...
10 August 1803, New York . Encloses his bond “with two good sureties,” as required by the...
I herewith transmit you the Bond with two good sureties, required of me by the Consular act,...