Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to Levi Lincoln, 23 March 1803

To Levi Lincoln

Monticello Mar. 23. 1803.

Dear Sir

I now return you the papers recieved in yours of the 15th. inst. with thanks for the perusal, and sincere congratulations on the pleasure you must experience from the possession of a son whose talents afford a prospect not less comfortable to his family than promising to his country. amid the dreary prospect of a rising generation committed from their infancy to the education of bigotted & monarchical priests (for in their hands are nearly all the youth of the US.) it is a comfort to see some1 individuals rising by the native force of their genius & virtue above the slavish precepts of their tutors, and shewing that among those to whom we are to deliver over the freedom & happiness of our country, there will not be wanting some advocates at least for the rights & dignity of man. I hail with sanctimonious reverence old Massachusets, recovering, like Samson, her shorn locks, grasping the pillars to which she has been chained, and overturning the fabric & the Philistines together. god bless you & make you happy.

Th: Jefferson

RC (MWA); at foot of text: “Levi Lincoln esq.” PrC (DLC).

recovering, like samson: see Judges 16:22–30.

1TJ here canceled “examples.”

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