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Results 52491-52500 of 184,431 sorted by author
The express I sent off to Genl Merser is this moment returned being obliged to go to Amboy to find him. Inclosed is his letter to your Excellency. Col. Bawldwin’s Regit is much in want of tents, there being none to be had here, nor any barns but what are taken for the sick. The men by being so much exposed, I fear will be all sick, & very soon unfit for duty. The enemy are forming an...
I wrote your Excellency the 2nd Inst. I accepted of the Furlough Congress was pleas’d to direct, & that I should leave Camp the 20th Inst. but on General Gates’s arrival, he requested me to tarry till General Stark should come in; he is here now, & has the Command of the Brigade lately Commanded by General Varnum. The embarrass’d State of my Affairs with my Domestic concerns being such as...
I have been honord with your Letter of the 23rd Ulto and am Very Sorry the Difficulty attending the recruiting Service, renders it impossible for your Excellency, to grant my request, in Discharging my two Negro Servants. It will be attended with Very Great inconveniance to me, in my present ill, State of helth, with the almost total Loss, of the Use of my right arm, & hand, to Send them on to...
Your Excellency’s Letter of the 18th of last Month, I recd this day (cannot account for it’s detention) in which am happy to find my Conduct in this departmt hitherto, has met your Excellency’s Approbation; wish it may be such in future. I was with Genl Burgoyne the Week past, to settle his Accounts but could not Effect it, Congress having Resolved he shall pay in solid Coin, or in the several...
I had the Honor of reciveing your Excellencys Letter, of the 30th Ulto Covering a Resolve of Congress, permiting me to retire upon the Establishment; and yours of the 7th instant, Directing my public Servants, and Waggon, to be Sent on to Camp; I have Sent on Two Soldiers who, Served me as Steward, & Waggoner, Vizt wm Crowningshild, of th first Massachusetts Regit & Yancy Cartright, of 4th; my...
Urged by a sense of Duty & Regard for my much injured Country, I enter’d her service at the Commencemt of Hostilities, & have Continued to exert my Small abilities in her Defence to this day, & was fully determin’d to persevere therein (Notwithstanding the great sacrifices I have made, & must consequently Continue to make) so Long as I could any ways be serviceable, or my Country wanted me....
(Private) Dear General Marblehead [Mass.] Feby 24 1790 when I had the pleasure of spending a Little Time with you in Boston, I mentiond my particular Circumstances; the Loss of property, in pursueing the fishing business since peace, took place, to the amount of twenty five hundred pounds at least; and my wishes to return again to Some public employment, but as there did not appear to be any...
From the Flattering prospects of being Aided, with a fleet, from our most Illustrious Allies, Superior to the enemy, and a body of Troops, to Cooperate with us, this Campaign; I was led to hope, with the blessings of Heaven on our exertions, we Should have been able to Struck Some important blow; at least Dislodgd the enemy, from new York, if not Relived the Southern States; now Groaning,...
I recd your Excellys esteem’d favour of the 3 Ulto Adviseing that by a Resolve of the Honble the Continental Congress, they were pleas’d to promote me to the Rank of Brigr General. I esteem it, a mark of grate respect & Honor don by that August body—unmerited by me. I Could wish myself Qualified, but when I Consider my owne inabilities, & inexperience, I Cannot think myself in any Degree...
Its now about Eight weeks Since I made Application to your Excellency, for Leave of Absence, at which Time flatterd myself with hopes of being Indulged in the Cours of the winter when it Could be Granted, without injury to the Service. Neither business, or Amusements, of any kind, however advantagous, pleasing, or Satisfactory, in the Enjoyment, would have induced me to Addressd your...