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Results 52491-52500 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I understand that our Supreme Court has decided that the Plaintiff is liable to the Sheriff for his poundage. The agents of Mr. Sansom are therefore to pay the above. ALS , Columbia University Libraries. Hartshorne, a New York City merchant, was acting as agent for Philip Sansom, a London merchant, who was bringing suit against the New York mercantile firm of Robert Murray and Company. In 1796...
23 March 1803, New Orleans. “I have this day been inform’d by Mr. Morales that the French Prefect for this Colony is in the River and will probably be in town tomorrow.” The governor’s son and some of the officers have gone to meet him. “No change whatever has yet taken place in what relates to the American Interests.” General Victor is expected to arrive in May. “He will arrive in a bad...
I have this day been inform’d by Mr. Morales that the French Prefect for this Colony is in the River, and will probably be in town tomorrow. The Govers. son and some of the Officers have gone to meet him. No change whatever has yet taken place in what relates to the American Interests. Genl. Victor is expected to be here in May. He will arrive in a bad Season, and much Mortality may be...
We the Cetticences of this territory, the liberty to trouble your Excelince to read these few lines the thing that imboldinges us is from your well known Philinthrophy it is natural for subjects to Pettion their suverion & as much natural for children to Petition their father when agrieved or in want our Grevence At this time is Great Jacibine Plots & Spanish intrigue awats us Daly our sincere...
when I troubled you before with some lines on publick business, I did not expect to have troubled you with any more as I presume you have enough to employ all your time—But Sir necessity being the mother of invenshan & Self preservation the first Law of nature—I hope you will pardon my preasent address—as I am persuaded that my salary is lower than the labour deserves & lower than any other...
I now return you the papers recieved in yours of the 15th. inst. with thanks for the perusal, and sincere congratulations on the pleasure you must experience from the possession of a son whose talents afford a prospect not less comfortable to his family than promising to his country. amid the dreary prospect of a rising generation committed from their infancy to the education of bigotted &...
Your’s of the 10th. came to hand two days ago only. I will carry with me to Washington the whole bundle of your papers, so as to be able to put into your hands any particulars of them. I informed you in my last that in the first week of this month 500. D. would be left in mr Barnes’s hands for you, and the same sum monthly until the whole of my balance should be paid up. I am disabled from...
In your letter of the 10th of October which is only now come to hand, you inclose the accounts of Mr. Young and Yznardi, observing that you had admitted them. It is hardly necessary to intimate to you, that vouchers are necessary in all possible cases to support such accounts, and it is hoped that you have exacted them accordingly: but it is clear that most of the items charged in Mr Youngs...
Yours of the 17th. is recieved. I concur in your ideas that the request from the Bey of Tunis of a frigate of 36. guns should be complaisantly refused. I think the greatest dispatch should be used in sending either the gun carriages or money to Simpson for the emperor of Marocco, and the stores to Algiers; &, if you approve it, the powder on account : or perhaps it would be better to authorise...
22 March 1803, Washington. “I duly recd. your letter of the 17th. in consequence of which you will receive by tomorrow’s mail the despatches for Mr. Pinkney, of which I wish you to take charge. The letter to him herein inclosed [not found] is a private one giving you the introduction desired.” RC ( DNA : RG 59, LAR , 1801–9, filed under “Leonard”). 1 p.