Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Francis Peyton, 13 March 1801

From Francis Peyton

Alexandria March 13th. 1801.

Dear Sir,

An invitation to Genl. Wilkinson was forwarded by express this morning, and I have this moment sent off a card for his aid Capt Huger, I expect a delay of the dinner for even two or three days would be attended with serious inconveniences to Mr. Gadsby, I therefore hope if the day should be bad, it will comport with your convenience to come down in a carriage.

I find upon inquiry that Thomas Darne resides within the District of Columbia, and I am further confirmed in my opinion that he would be the most proper person to fill the office of magistrate in that part of the County, of Alexandria.

I am Sir with great respect Yr. Obt. Servt.

Francis Peyton

RC (DLC); endorsed by TJ as received 14 Mch. and so recorded in SJL.


Francis Peyton (ca. 1764–1836) was a prominent Alexandria merchant and a nephew of state senator Francis Peyton of Loudoun County, Virginia. On 2 Mch. 1801, in a “midnight appointment,” John Adams nominated him a justice of the peace for Alexandria County in the District of Columbia. He was retained by TJ, however, who renominated him on 6 Jan. 1802. In that same year TJ also appointed Peyton a commissioner of bankruptcy for Alexandria County and a lieutenant colonel in the District of Columbia militia (CVSP description begins William P. Palmer and others, eds., Calendar of Virginia State Papers…Preserved in the Capitol at Richmond, Richmond, 1875–93,11 vols. description ends , 8:345; JEP description begins Journal of the Executive Proceedings of the Senate of the United States… to the Termination of the Nineteenth Congress, Washington, D.C., 1828, 3 vols. description ends , 1:388, 404; RCHS description begins Records of the Columbia Historical Society, 1895–1989 description ends , 5 [1902], 260, 279; 50 [1948–50], 388, 401; Horace Edwin Hayden, Virginia Genealogies [Washington, D.C., 1931], 500; Alexandria Times, 25 June, 9 July 1802; National Intelligencer, 31 Aug. 1836).

Mr. Gadsby: John Gadsby, proprietor of Gadsby’s Hotel in Alexandria.

On 6 Jan. 1802 TJ nominated Thomas Darne a justice of the peace for Alexandria County in the District of Columbia, but Darne declined qualifying for the office (JEP description begins Journal of the Executive Proceedings of the Senate of the United States… to the Termination of the Nineteenth Congress, Washington, D.C., 1828, 3 vols. description ends , 1:404, 417).

Peyton’s letter is in response to one from TJ of 12 Mch.

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