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Results 52471-52500 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je profite du départ de Mr. Brantsen, nomé Minre. Plenipo: de cette Rep., pour aller, dans un parfait Concert avec les Ministres de la Cour de Fce. & ceux des autres Puissances en guerre avec la Gde. Brete., traiter des Préliminaires d’une paix générale conjointement avec Mr. l’Ambr. de Berkenrode,— pour vous faire passer l’incluse, laquelle ayant lue, vous...
AL : University of Pennsylvania Library Mr. Grand’s most respectfull Compliments wait on Doctor Franklin & begs to be informed whether he approves being debitted of £55: for a former Invoice of Books of Messrs. Hohlenfeld & Embser at strasbourg & 9: for a late one from the same. Mr. Grand also craves the favour of an order for the £200 stg he sent to Mr. Wm. Hodgson in London the 18th of last...
Two LS and L : University of Pennsylvania Library; AL (draft): New-York Historical Society; transcript: National Archives Having written to you lately, I should not again trouble you so soon were it not necessary to remind you, that your last letter is dated in March, since which there have been frequent arrivals from France— and since which too we have reason to beleive, the most interesting...
Copies: Public Record Office (three), William L. Clements Library, Library of Congress In consequence of the Notice I have just now had from Mr Jay of Your Desire of an Extract from my last Letter from His Majesty’s Secretary of State, regarding the proposed Treaty on the Subject of American Affairs, & my Authority in relation thereto, I take the liberty to send the same inclosed, which...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I am just requested to pass through your hands the inclosed to Mr Jay I therefore hope for your pardon for the liberty I take it goes round by Antwerp and Consequently its arrival will be later than by the Usual conveyance Which, I am informed, will not be material; will you do me the favour to present my most respectful compliments to that Gentleman,...
AL : American Philosophical Society In a Letter I wrote you a few Weeks past, giving some general Account of our Affairs, I mentioned my Kinsman William Cooper, and Mr Leverett, who I then thought were Prisoners in England, since which they with many others of our Countrymen have happily arrived here. I have been suspicious that our late severe Disappointment in the West Indies by the Defeat...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library En 1778. Vous eutes la bonté de Vous charger d’envoyer en Amerique cent exemplaires de l’ouvrage de Mr. de la faye, et de me promettre de m’en faire payer icy le prix, aprés que la Vente en seroit faitte. J’ai eu l’honneur de Vous en demander des nouvelles il y a environ 15 jours, et aujourdhui je prends la liberté de vous retourner vôtre propre lettre...
LS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Archives de la Marine Vôtre Excellence a été informé qu’il a été embarqué à Brest, dans le courant des mois d’Avril et May derniers, sur les Navires L’ Achille , Le Maurice et la Marie-Therèse , divers Effets et Marchandises pour le service des Etats unis de l’Amérique Septentrionnale, dont j’ai eû l’honneur de vous faire remettre les Etats détaillés....
LS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania La société Royale de médecine à laquelle j’ai Communiqué le Billet qui m’a été ecrit en Votre nom, a été d’autant plus fachée, d’etre privée de la satisfaction de Vous posséder à sa séance publique que c’est une indisposition qui en a été la Cause. Elle m’a chargé de Vous témoigner toute la part qu’elle y prend et elle desire bien sincèrement qu’elle...
Copy: Archives de la Marine J’ay l’honneur de transmettre à V. E. la copie d’une lettre que je viens de recevoir de M. de Veimerange au sujet des avaries arrivées à un des Batiments de transports chargés des munitions destinées pour les Etats unis de l’amerique. Je pense qu’il est a propos que Votre Gouvernement ayant eté chargé jusqu’a present de ces sortes d’affaires, continue à les diriger,...
Copies: Public Record Office (three), William L. Clements Library, Library of Congress I have receivd the honour of yours dated the 5th. Instant, inclosing an Extract of a Letter to you from the Rt. Hon: Thos. Townshend, one of his Majesty’s principal Secretaries of State, wherein your Conduct in communicating to us the 4th Article of your Instructions appears to have been approved of by his...
LS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères Mr Barclay who will have the honour of delivering you this, will have that of laying before your Excellency his Commission from the Congress of the United States of America, appointing him their Consul General in France. Mr. Barclay being about to enter on his Consular Functions, I request your Excellency would in the usual manner,...
LS : British Library; AL (draft) and copy: Library of Congress I have just received the very kind friendly Letter you were so good as to write to me by Dr. Bonssonnet [Broussonet]. Be assured that I long earnestly for a Return of those peaceful Times, when I could sit down in sweet Society with my English philosophic Friends, communicating to each other new Discoveries, and proposing...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library Pour prouver à Votre Excellence qu’elle a daigné honorer de ses bontés de Négociants honnêtes qu’un évenément inattendu avoit mis dans la détresse & affecté la délicatesse, nous prenons la liberté, Monseigneur, de remettre à Votre Excellence un Etat des sommes que nous avons payé par le secours que nous a procuré M Gillon qui forme la moitié de ce que...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): University of South Carolina Library I had the honor of addressing you under the 3d Inst. requesting you to procure & transmit a Passport for myself & family to go out of this Kingdom into England—this Morning I am advised from London that the proper document of leave to re-enter the latter, had been obtained & would be forwarded to Mr. Ginett...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I recvd the Catalogue of the Marquis de la Fayettes Cargo only last Night—and I now return it with marks & a note on the other side which I hope may answer your Purpose. I have been very uneasy on accot of your Illness but a Letter from Billy this morning has relieved me, & I hope by the Time you receive this you will be perfectly recovered. I am as ever...
AL (draft): Library of Congress A long & severe Indisposition has delay’d my acknowledging the Receipt of the Letter your Lordship did me the Honour of Writing to me by Mr Fitzherbert:— You do me Justice in believing that I agree with you in earnestly Wishing the Establishment of an honourable and lasting Peace; and I am happy to be assur’d by your Lordship, that it is the real System of the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have received two Letters from you relating to some Books you put into my Hands some years since to be sent to America. A severe Indisposition has prevented my answering sooner. I sent one of the Bundles to Nantes, to be forwarded by some Ship from thence; and having never heard that the Books arrived, I suppose the Ship was lost or taken. I was thereby...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai ete favorisé d’une lettre de Monsieur Joly qui m’a fait part d’une conversation qu’il a eu l’honeur d’avoir avec votre Excellence a mon sujet. Les mesures que le Prince De Robecq prenait pour mon elargissement m’a fait croire qu’il etait inutile d’importuner votre Excellence davantage a cet egard: mais une lettre daté du Burau de la guerre dont on m’a...
AD and copy: Library of Congress Vergennes had advised the American commissioners against delaying negotiations over the issue of Oswald’s commission. As he wrote to La Luzerne, in politics one should yield on form when satisfied with the substance. Franklin agreed. When Jay continued to object, Vergennes and Lafayette proposed to him a solution that might expedite matters: having Oswald write...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania We beg leave to trouble your excellency respecting the departure of three Privateers—the Revolution, Buccaneer, & Cicero, the Property of Messrs Cabots of Beverly. These Vessells have lain long in Port, stopped by the Orders of the Commandant, & were sinking a very large Sum to the Owners, perhaps more than they Could well bear, having from 100 to 130...
Copy: Massachusetts Historical Society Mr: Livingston in a letter of the 22d. of May last, which I have lately received, writes me, “Your salary will in future be paid here, where your Agent will vest it in bills on Doctor Franklin quarterly, upon whom you will draw accordingly. I shall consider myself as Agent for all our foreign Ministers, and transact the business accordingly for you,...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania In the present letter Lafayette confirms that Vergennes secretly sent Gérard de Rayneval to England for a meeting with Shelburne. Jay had heard this news on September 9, the day he and Oswald were forging a compromise about the language of Oswald’s commission. Suspecting that the purpose of Rayneval’s mission was to arrange a peace with France at...
ALS : American Philosophical Society We they undernamed, do take the liberty of acquainting your honour of the distress, and Situation of our husbands, whose names are Captain Edward Maccatter Captain John Kelly alias Grumbly, they had the misfortune of being Captured, the former was taken to London, the latter to Dublin, each of them has a property in the hands of a John Torris, who was...
Press copy of ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I am oblig’d to you for communicating M. de Viemerange’s Letter, which I return. I wish you would continue your Application to the Marquis de Castries to provide Means for the Embarkation of the Goods: It is impossible for me to do it.— I believe Mr Jay did not suspect your knowing of Mr Rayneval’s Departure; he only wonder’d that you did...
LS and L : University of Pennsylvania Library; AL (draft): New-York Historical Society; copy and transcript: National Archives I have nothing to add to mine of the 5th instant, but to congratulate you on the safe arrival of two Vessels from Holland, having on board the goods left by Commodore Gillon, & to present you in the name of Mr Paine with three copies of a late work of his, addressed to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I take the liberty to request that your Excellency will furnish me with a Commission, to Command a Letter of Marque , for Captain Thomas Bell, formerly Commander of the Luzerne, now of the Renette, bound from this Port to Philadelphia;— I must likewise trouble your Excellency for Copy of the Instructions, and Bond that is given on receiving a Commission,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je reçois une lettre de Mademoiselle Aléxandre, de St Germain, qui me charge de vous demander un paquet, contenant un corps, des Souliers &a, pour Madame Williams, de Nantes. Si vous ne lui avez pas encore fait passer ces objets, je vous prie, Monsieur, de vouloir bien me les envoyer. J’ai l’honneur de vous inviter à y joindre tout ce qui peut vous obliger:...
(I) Press copy of ADS : Library of Congress; (II) ALS and press copy of ALS : Library of Congress Huit paquets de sel de Glauber, chacun d’une demi-once. Six prises de pilules de Starkey, chacune de quatre graines. Pour son Excellence M. Franklin [ In William Temple Franklin’s hand: ] De plus Une once d’Emulsion, edulcorée avec une Once de Syrop de Diacode An ounce of wild succory roots is to...
Copy: Yale University Library Mr Louis Tardy informs me that he could obtain an advantageous protection for his Brother who is lately gone to St Domingo if you would kindly signify a favourable opinion of him. I therefore do not hesitate to assure you that the person in question Mr Gabriel Tardy has been near 5 years with me and I can with truth declare him to be an honest, industrious &...