Thomas Jefferson Papers

Robert R. Glinn & Company to Thomas Jefferson, 26 April 1821

From Robert R. Glinn & Company

Richmond 26 April 1821


We sold to Mr Laporte some time past, Groceries &c amounting to $150. and recd from him as security your obligation to see the amount of One Hundred Dollars paid in 90 days which time has elapsed

Govr Randolph also became security for the additional sum of Fifty Dollars on the same Paper. We have this day called on him and he says he will pay it in a few days

Govr Randolph advised us that it was only necessary for us to inform you of the circumstance and you would do the needful—Will you have the goodness to remit the amount to us by an early mail, or to some of your Friends here, and take up the Paper

We are with the greatest respect your ob. Servts

Ro R Glinn & Co

RC (MHi); in the hand of a representative of Robert R. Glinn & Company; endorsed by TJ as received 6 May 1821 and so recorded in SJL. RC (CSmH); address cover only; with PoC of TJ to William Beach Lawrence, 10 June 1821, on verso; addressed in the same hand: “Thos Jefferson Esqr Monticello Albemarle County Va”; franked; postmarked Richmond, 26 Apr.

Robert R. Glinn (d. 1830), merchant, was the proprietor from at least 1819 of Robert R. Glinn & Company, a Richmond firm. At his death his personal property was valued at $4,692, including fourteen slaves (The Richmond Directory, Register and Almanac, for the Year 1819 [Richmond, 1819], 48; Daily Richmond Whig, 18 Sept. 1830; Henrico Co. Will Book, 7:456–7, 459–61).

Index Entries

  • Glinn, Robert R.; identified search
  • Laporte, Peter (Victoire Laporte’s husband); T. M. Randolph as security for search
  • Laporte, Peter (Victoire Laporte’s husband); TJ as security for search
  • Randolph, Thomas Mann (1768–1828) (TJ’s son-in-law; Martha Jefferson Randolph’s husband); as governor of Va. search
  • Robert R. Glinn & Company (Richmond firm); and Laporte account search
  • Robert R. Glinn & Company (Richmond firm); identified search
  • Robert R. Glinn & Company (Richmond firm); letter from search