Benjamin Franklin Papers

From Benjamin Franklin to Samuel Huntington, 3 May 1781

To Samuel Huntington

ALS: National Archives, American Philosophical Society; transcript: National Archives

Passy, May 3. 1781


Enclos’d are Copies of a Number of Publick Letters taken from the English in a late New York Pacquet,2 of which I have already sent Duplicates by several Conveyances.

I have the honour to be, with great Respect, Sir, Your most obedient & most humble Servant

B Franklin

His Excellency Saml Huntington Esqr President of Congress

Notation: Letter May 3. 1781 Doctr. Franklin Recd. Sept 24.3

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

2See XXXIV, 516–17, 534.

3JCC, XXI, 996.

Index Entries