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Results 52451-52500 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
52451[November 1783] (Adams Papers)
This morning I went with Mr. W. Vaughan to see the Paintings of Mr. Pine, and Mr. Copley, and Sir Joshua Reynolds. The Death of the Earl of Chatham, by Mr. Copley, is the most Remarkable of the Paintings We saw; it is very Beautiful. We went also to see Mrs. Wright’s waxwork. Dined at Mr. Bingham’s. Robert Edge Pine was born in London and emigrated to Philadelphia in 1784 with the intention of...
I was mortified to find that you had just left your inn, when I came to call on you after having met with some patriots. I hope we can make up for it on your next trip here. Meantime, I hasten to give you the enclosed, not only for you to be so kind as to forward it, with your dispatches, but also so that you may read it. Everything it contains is as reliable as it is interesting. The third...
[ Philadelphia, 16 Apr. 1784. Noted in SJL as received 20 Apr. 1784, “inclosing spectacles.” Not found.]
By the advice of Mr Hamilton, I am induced to offer myself a candidate for Treasurer of the Mint; being informed that the present Treasurer intends soon to resign. I flatter myself upon experiment, that I should be found competent to the place; and should I be so happy as to obtain, I hope that my attention, fidelity and integrity would meet your entire approbation and that of the public. I...
Since my last to you of the 7th. Ult. I have recieved your’s of the 30th. of April, and 13th. of May. As in the latter (which came to hand on the 19 May) you approved of an application to Mr. Duane for copies of what he calls our Journals, I did apply to him accordingly, by a Letter of which the following is a copy—vizt. “Bedford—Westchester County—N. York—22d. May 1821—” “Sir On the 24th. of...
52456Thursday Novr. 20. (Adams Papers)
To Harrwington Harwinton , Phillips’s 5 Miles.—To Yales in Farmington 5.—To Humphreys in Simsbury 7 miles.—To Owens in Simsbury 7 miles.—To Sheldons in Suffield 10.—Kents in Suffield 5.— To Springfield 10.
I have the pleasure of enclosing a Copy of a letter I have recieved from Baron Humboldt, which has given me much Satisfaction. few who have visited us have been So well inclind to speak well of us.—I wish much the public would put at your disposal the means of acquiring a full knowledge of this Country & its resources—It would be both honorable & useful. I remain with great respect Your friend...
Being Posted at Some Distance from The other General Officers of the State of Massachusetts Bay, I have found it very difficult to Obtain their Opinion of the Field Officers Proper to be Recommended, to that State, to Serve in the Army in future, General Nixon was at my Quarters on Yesterday, General Fellows was on Duty and Could not attend. I did with General Nixon arrainge The Officers for...
The Clerks notes in the Suits ordered by you on the Bonds taken at Colo. Geo: Mercer’s sale, are (many of them) brought against me; some of wch without adverting thereto, I have paid, supposing them to have arisen on distresses made by Mr Muse for my rents. A few days ago a Bill from the Clerk, I believe, of Berkley, was handed to me amounting to near six hundred pounds of Tobacco, which not...
I received yours of the sixteenth Instant yesterday morning. I trust that your Excellency will have received every Thing relating to my Department in due Season for the meeting of the Commissioners upon the eighteenth. I agreed with Mr Sands that the Issues should be adjusted at the Treasury as made to the moving Army, and that a half Penny per Ration should be allowed to the Public for the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society This will be handed to you by Major Du Pontier, Aid of your Friend Baron Stuben’s, who I shall thank you for your attention to, we have found him a very amiable young Gentleman, he will tell you how the Children all look, and what a delightful retreat I have brought them to, till a few days ago I flattered myself you would have been with us on Schuilkill...
As I Stated in my last I Sent of[f] two hundred horses to the Mohecan Settlement where I had made arrangemts for forage—on the 27—they returned yesterday and this day—though Eighteen Miles from this—and packed and brought me 600 Bushels of corn—in the mean time all my hands left that could handle a tool was imployed in Shoeing horses, and repairing wagons—Making axletrees—&ca—this afternoon...
I have had the honor to receive the Triplicate of your letter of April 27th. Respecting the Claim of George Hunter of Philadelphia for the Capture of his Vessel the Mary Ann—Kuhn Master, and in compliance with your directions immediately proceeded to enquire into the State of it and as to the Probabilities of success from a revival of the Proceedings. It appears that the Appeal was duly...
A very near friend of Mr. Stone of Fredg. who is not ignorant of my having on former occasions testified my regard for his worth & his welfare, is very anxious that I should bring him again to your view. It seems that Mr. Stone has turned his thoughts & his hopes to the vacancy lately produced by the death of Col. Freeman; and the application to me has a more immediate reference to that...
I have the honor to transmit to the Senate, in further obedience to their order, an estimate exhibiting the value, at the several places of shipment , of all foreign goods, wares and merchandize imported into the United States, during the year ending on the 30th. day of September 1790. The principal objects of this document are to exhibit the portion of our consumption which is supplied by...
52466[Diary entry: 25 September 1771] (Washington Papers)
25th. The Weather the same as has been for 3 or 4 days last past.
I beg leave to anex you Copy of my lasts No. 57. & 58, also of Consul Lears to me under date 31st. March last being so requested by him. In my last Mentiond I inclosed you one from said Gentleman & you have herewith two others, one from Consul Kirkpatrick of Malaga, & one Consul Simpson of Tanger. The Spaniards have rose in a Mass against their Invaders, who took the whole of the Royal family...
Copy: Library of Congress; transcript: National Archives I am Much pleased with the Account you give me, of the Disposition with which the Proposals from the Empress of Russia have been received, and desire to be informed from time to time of the progress of that interesting Business. I Shall be glad to hear of your perfect Reconciliation with the Because a Continuance of your Difference will...
It has long been a favourite object of my literary ambition to become the biographer of yourself and a few other the great and eminent men of our country. The varied scenes which have passed in review since you came upon the stage of action, and the part you have acted in that novel but & splendid drama which has been exhibited in the theatre of the new world, have created a public interest in...
LS : Walter R. Benjamin Autographs, Inc., Hunter, New York (1982); copy: Library of Congress The Gout having again attacked me, and confined me to my Chair, I find I shall not be able to present myself at Versailles on Tuesday. Your Excellency will have the Goodness to excuse me, and believe me ever, with the sincerest Esteem and Respect. Your most obedient & most humble Servant. March 16; see...
The bearer Mr. Cowan has a very great desire to enter into the Service, which has induc’d me to take the liberty of informing you that he has been recommended to me in such a manner by Friends in whom I can with confidence confide, that I have no doubt but he will fill any Situation he may be thought capable of with Honor— I have the Honor to be with much respect Sir, Your very hme Servt. (...
We have been very sorry to hear that our dear Alexander has been unwell but thank God that he was better. We hope he will soon be quite well. Your Mama will leave this place tomorrow or next day for Trenton to bring you herself to Town. I expect to set out tomorrow for Carlisle. But you must not be uneasy about it. For by the accounts we have received there will be no fighting and of course no...
You will perhaps be somewhat surprized at being addressed by a person entirely unknown to your Excel cy , At such a distance, & on such a subject as you will not perhaps, expect I need not say (such a subject) as fame errs or you have been often addressed on the same subject & much to the satisfaction of the applicants. But that I may not intrude on your Excellencys time & patience I shall...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have this Day receiv’d your kind Letter by Mrs. Wright. She has shown me some of her Work which appears extraordinary. I shall recommend her among my Friends if she chuses to work here. I will enquire for the Books Jenny desires, and send them if I can get them. As you are so curious to know something of Mr. Fox, I will see if I can find him out in St....
[ Philadelphia ] December 18, 1790 . Encloses “a letter from the post Master general to the President of the United States accompanied with a schedule of Contracts for carrying the Mail in the year 1791.” Asks for Hamilton’s “opinion on the enclosed.” LC , George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
I was Hond with your Excellancys favr of the 24th by Capt. Rudolph respecting the Hornd Cattle and Horses from the parts of Shrewsberry and Middle Town that I had the Honr to mention to your Excellancy when I was at Camp—Majr Lee had Marched all his Horse previous to my Geting the Letter for East Town, Except Capt. Rudolphs Troops about 24 in Number —from a Conviction that so few Was Intirely...
Your favor of the 28th. was recieved yesterday. my millstones have all been hung and in use, and the bolting cloths provided & in use also a considerable time; and being now in the hands of a tenant under lease for 5. years, they are no longer at my charge. I can only therefore thank you for your kind offer respecting them, without availing myself of it, and tender you my salutations & best...
I did myself the honor of writing to you yesterday by this conveyance, and have now that of ha nding you the enclosed letter to me from Marcus Lynch Junr. Esqr. to which I beg leave to refer you, & at the same time to request the favor of your Interest in obtaining for him (should it be v acant at the Period this Letter may reach you) the place he therein solicits. This Gentleman’s character...
CATALOGUE OF BOOKS, Presented by the Committee appointed for that purpose, and received by the General Meeting of THE ALBEMARLE LIBRARY SOCIETY. Josephus’s Works, by Whiston 3 vols. 8vo Uncertainty of the Signs of Death 1 British Cicero 3 Herodotus, by Beloe 4 8vo Xenophon’s Memoire of Socrates, by Fielding 1 8vo Scott’s Swift 24 12mo
The inclosed Instructions given by me to Capt. Lockhart for conducting on the Prisoners taken at King’s Mountain, and his report, of which a Copy is also inclosed, will inform Your Excellency in what manner these Prisoners are disposed of. I have the honor to be with the highest respect Your Excellency’s most obedient and most humbl Servt, RC ( DLC : PCC , No. 71, i ); in a clerk’s hand,...
Your favor of the 23d Ult. came to my hands at Fredericksburg the Afternoon before I left it for this place. I thank you for the transmission of Mr Beresfords intelligence, tho I have not the smallest Idea that any thing more than a deception, is meant by it; and, that Mr Williams is either a voluntary Agent, or the innocent instrument, for carrying it on. Yet, as the case may be otherwise,...
My Short visit at Mount Vernon in Jany 1785 will always be a source of the Most grateful reflections to my mind, & I trust the important information I derived from you, at that time as to your vision in improveing the Navigation of the Potowmac, in connection with some branches of the Ohio Leading in the direction of Detroit, for the avowed purpose of diverting the fur trade from Montreal to...
I last night received your favor by Colo. Humpton & were it not for the weak and feeble state of the force I have, I should highly approve of your hanging on the Rear of the Enemy and establishing the Post you mention; But when my situation is directly opposite to what you suppose it to be, and when Genl Howe is pressing forward with the whole of his Army except the Troops that were lately...
The return of this anniversary cannot fail to awaken in our breasts the warmest sentiments of gratitude and esteem. It recalls to view the many important events of your public life, events intimately connected with those principles and proceedings which constitute the greatest glory of our country, and will form some of the most valuable pages in the history of nations. We hope the liberty we...
Your favor of the 30th Ulto came duly to hand. To give an opinion in a caus of so much importance as that which has warmly agitated two branches of your legislature, and which, from the appeal that is made, is likely to create great, and perhaps dangerous divisions, is rather a delicate matter; but as this diversity of opinion is on a subject which has, I beleive, occupied the minds of most...
In obedience to the Order of the House of Representatives, of this date, I have the honor to inclose your their Resolution respecting certain estimates from the department of War, for the year one thousand, seven hundred and ninety three. With the most perfect respect I am, Sir, Your most obedient, and very humble Servant LB , DLC:GW . This message from the House Speaker and its accompanying...
This will be handed you by my brother John Williamson who now for the first Time has expressed a desire of being introduced to the President of the United States, for it is but a short Time since a system of government has been abdicated which for many years he has zealously opposed. Not that he is a bad citizen or pleased with controversy but he served his native country in arms during the...
M r: Bourne has this moment waited upon me and informs, that he has been honoured by the senate with the appointment of being the Bearer of their Dispatches to you, relative to your election as Vice President of the Western Empire, upon which please to accept of my affectionate congratulations and of my sincere prayers that Heaven may guide and protect you in this great Career— The Virtuous...
Your letter of Decr. 29, with its enclosures came safe to hand. The paper containing the Galvanic Experiments, is very curious & attractive. The effect of the fluid, in mimicking vital action though of little avail in a search for the secret principle of vitality, a ray of light to the physiologist. I hope the General Assembly will not be long insensible to the object of the Memorial; enforced...
I have recd. your favor of the 19th. Aug. and have transmitted the request it makes, to Mr. Warden, who will more certainly be found at Paris, than Genl. Armstrong, and who is perhaps, more in communication with those most capable of assisting his researches. I need not, I hope, assure you that I have felt a pleasure in contributing, in the way you have thought proper to make use of me, to an...
I am to acknowlege yours of the seventh of last November which I cannot do without expressing my Concern at a Resolution which will deprive the United States of an able and faithful Servant. Since you declare your determination to be unalterable it would be idle to offer Reasons to dissuade you besides which it seems probable that e’er this can arrive you will have acted. But were it otherwise...
The Officers of the Battalion of Militia of the County of Bergen beg leave to congratulate your Excellency on the conclusion of an arduous and important War, and the reestablishment of the Blessings of Peace. Actuated by the principles of Virtue and of Patriotism your Excellency undertook the difficult Task of conducting the operations of the Field against a Powerful and enraged Enemy, and the...
Your letter of the 8th of May has been received. I am pleased with the care you have taken in the affair with the Indians. This part of your letter, as also that respecting a road, has been communicated to the Department of War that they may give further directions as shall seem to them proper. I shall act on the Proceedings of the Court of Inquiry before I leave the Service. As to your being...
524942d. (Adams Papers)
In the beginning of the evening, Putnam called at our office, and invited me to go with him and pass a couple of hours at Mr. Frazier’s; after debating with myself some time upon the subject, I determined finally to go. We found there a number of young gentlemen and Ladies. After we had sat a little while the infallible request to sing made its appearance. One could not sing, and another could...
52495[Diary entry: 30 March 1775] (Washington Papers)
30. At Fredericksburg all day. Dined at Colo. Lewis’s.
Beaune, 27 May 1789 . Is grieved that he cannot have the pleasure of seeing TJ in Paris this month: he has injured his leg and cannot leave Beaune before the 15th or 20th of June.—Having received TJ’s letter of the 7th, he should have been pleased to tell him of his son’s capabilities: “D’écrire aussy bien que moy au moin, et il peut faire les quatre Regle pour la Chiffre, mais point de...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je viens d’aprendre dans l’instant qu’un de mes freres qui avoiet passé au service des puissences unies d’amerique, avoiet éte pris le 14 novembre dernier en allant joindre l’armee du general wasington, et amené au fort St. augustin; l’interet que vous deves naturellement prendre aux persones que l’amour de la gloire a attiré dans vos contrée, me fait...
The Attack upon New York always appeared to me a very doubtful and hazardous Enterprise. I think it now out of the Question altogether, from the advanced Season of the Year; the scantiness of our Force; the precariousness of our Supplies; and the want of a sufficient Fleet, in which a decided Superiority is necessary to give the Undertaking the least probability of Success. If the second...
J’ai l’honneur de Vous prévenir Monsieur, que je me propose de faire usage de la permission pour expedier deux batiments en lest, que Vous avez bien voulu m’accorder de la part de Son Excellence Mr. le Président, par Votre lettre du 30 de Decr. et que consequément j’ai fait mes arrangements pour expedier du port de Baltimore une goëlette pour les Isles Danoises aux Indes occidentales; j’ai...
The Executive were informed during the last summer or Fall that the Accomack and Diligence gallies were deserted by officers and men, and left open to be plundered of their guns and furniture. Orders were immediately given to Commodore Baron to arrest the officers, to have the men sought for and taken, one of the gallies brought round to the Bayside of the Eastern shore and manned with the...