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Results 52451-52500 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Letter not found. 30 March 1803, Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Acknowledged in Brent to Thompson, 12...
My last dispatch inform’d you of our transactions at Tunis. I have now the honor to communicat e...
I address’d you on the 27th. day of this Mo. by the Brig Vanilla, Capt. McNeal Via Baltimore, and...
I had this honor on the 26 Ulto. a copy of which is annexed. On the 3d. Inst. I addressed the...
It is with great respect I offer to your patronage the following lines; In doing this I recognize...
[ Albany, March 29, 1803. Henry’s endorsement on Hamilton’s letter to him of March 20, 1803 ,...
I wrote you a few day[s] ago, via New York and inform’d you that the French Colonial Prefect was...
29 March 1803, New York. “In compliance with a request from Mr. Thomas Bulkeley of Lisbon, now...
I arrived at this place on the 27th. of this month and finding the government occupied in the...
I have been informed that Mr. John Harrison of this City has been named to you as a person proper...
I recieved yesterday your’s of the 17th. suggesting the sending into the Mediterranean the...
Forsyth’s treatise which you were so polite as to lend me, I brought as far as Alexa, with an...
28 March 1803, London. No. 88. “My No. 86. [19 Mar. 1803] communicated the tenour of Lord...
28 March 1803, Le Havre. Thinking it interesting to the U.S. to be informed of European events,...
28 March 1803, Tangier. No. 55. States that he kept his dispatch no. 53 [24 Dec. 1802] , awaiting...
Thinking it interesting to the United States, to be informed of What is passing in Europe, I have...
No. 53 dated 24th. Decemr, laid by me waiting Captain Murrays arrival untill the 2d. Febr. when...
Yours of the 21st. came to hand on the 25th. I now return the letters of Thornton & Muhlenberg...
27 March 1803 , “ Near Natchez .” Acknowledges receipt of JM’s 14 Feb. letter with its enclosure...
The chart from which the enclosed was copied is contained in a collection made for the Department...
Since my letter of the 22d of August, I wrote you one dated in October, supposed to be on the...
26 March 1803, Washington. “General Muhlenberg the collector at Philada. informs me that a Box...
26 March 1803, Richmond. “The inclosed was opened here on a presumption that it might be a...
26 March 1803, Philadelphia. Encloses a copy of a letter from Hawkesbury to Colonel Barclay,...
On recurring to my papers here, I find I had overlooked an order of Moran & Mattox for...
I recieved your note informing me of your mistake between the beech and birch. still however I...
25 March 1803, Department of State, Washington. Asks that a warrant for $2,520 be issued on the...
25 March 1803, London. No. 87. “Baron Silverhjelm, the Swedish Envoy, after mentioning once or...
Letter not found. 25 March 1803, New York. Acknowledged in Wagner to Latting, 29 Mar. 1803 (DNA:...
I find it to be the opinion of mr Lilly that having hired an extraordinary force for the year he...
You will pardon my boldness, for my freedom in so often troubling you—but I thought you would...
I came to this place two days since to confer with the Governor of the Territory & Genl....
The question of war yet remains undetermined my letters from Mr. King of the 18th lead me to...
24 March 1803, Île de France. “I have the pleasure to inclose you a return, of the American...
24 March 1803, London. Assumes JM is anxious “at this very critical & important moment” to...
24 March 1803, Liverpool. Last wrote on 25 Feb. , since which time “the alarm of war has...
I have the pleasure to inclose you a return, of the American Vessels, which have arrived at this...
I had the Honor to write to you on the 25th. Ultimo. since which the alarm of war has occasioned...
In the travels of Tournefort , Vol. 1. 4to. edition, there are two chapters containing the...
It was my intention when I left Boston to have written to you as soon as my spirits were in some...
I understand that our Supreme Court has decided that the Plaintiff is liable to the Sheriff for...
23 March 1803, New Orleans. “I have this day been inform’d by Mr. Morales that the French Prefect...
I have this day been inform’d by Mr. Morales that the French Prefect for this Colony is in the...
We the Cetticences of this territory, the liberty to trouble your Excelince to read these few...
when I troubled you before with some lines on publick business, I did not expect to have troubled...
I now return you the papers recieved in yours of the 15th. inst. with thanks for the perusal, and...
Your’s of the 10th. came to hand two days ago only. I will carry with me to Washington the whole...
In your letter of the 10th of October which is only now come to hand, you inclose the accounts of...
Yours of the 17th. is recieved. I concur in your ideas that the request from the Bey of Tunis of...
22 March 1803, Washington. “I duly recd. your letter of the 17th. in consequence of which you...