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Results 52451-52500 of 184,431 sorted by author
The civilities I received from you at your Camp were many, but at present my acknowledgements...
Agreeably to the order; contained in your Letter of the 14th instant (which came to hand by last...
I congratulate you on your appointment to the rank of Major General to our Army; a circumstance...
Some time since I made application to the Pay Master General, through my friend Mr John Othoudt...
I beg leave to address you, on a subject, Relit i ve to the war, worn, Officers and Soldiers of...
Immediately upon the receipt of your letter of the 3rd. of this month, I applied to the Collector...
I regret that indisposition prevents me from delivering this letter in person, and more...
The Magistrates of the City of Philadelphia beg Leave to approach Your Excellency with Sentiments...
The Magistrates of the City of Philadelphia, in Behalf of themselves and their Associates the...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library Comme je suis à la veille De partir pour l’amerique...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Le Nommé Thomas Dunlop, de Newyorck, agé de 30 ans, a été...
We sold to M r Laporte some time past, Groceries & c amounting to $150. and rec d from him as...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Hennebon, near Lorient, January 10, 1777, in French: I have...
The Committee of Safety for the town of Glocester beg leave to acquaint your Excellency—that...
We the Committee of Safety for the town of Glocester beg leave to acquaint your Excellency that...
We the Committee of Safety for the town of Glocester beg leave to represent to your Excellency...
At the request of Mesr Jacob Green & Co. owners of the Sloop Speedwell Cory Master lately taken...
¶ From Elias Glover. Letter not found. 4 June 1806. Acknowledged in JM to Glover, 3 July 1806 ,...
Mr. Killgore Register of the land Office at Cincinnati died on the Morning of the 2d inst....
On the 1 t Nov r last I took the liberty of troubling you with a request to favor me with a Copy...
Being desirous of repeling Certain Calumnies injurious to my reputation, which have been...
The late persecutions which have been carried on against me by Mr. John Smith have been the cause...
Elias Glover of Cincinnati being duly sworn deposeth & saith—That sometime about the first of...
Having Just arrived in Town I avail myself of the opportunity to inform you by the Mail which...
I have not yet learnt whether a letter some time since forwarded covering an affidavit has been...
In pursuance of directions given me I have the honor herewith to transmit the proceedings of the...
Your letter of the 13 th Ult o in answer to mine of Dec r 10 th is safely rec d for which I thank...
This will aquaint you, the two Vsells that the Captains Broughton, & Selmon, are to Command, are...
I wrote your Excellency (the 10th Ulto) that I had Adjusted my Account with General Burgoyne, &...
your Excellencys letter of 18th Ulto I recd the 8th instant; the business I was Charged with, is...
This will inform your Excellency I arrived at this place yesterday—recd Genl Putnams orders to...
The 30th Ulto I had the honor to inform your Excellency, that in Conformity to a resolve of the...
yesterday I was Honor’d with your Letter of the 22d Ulto; in which I am happy my Conduct in...
It appeared if I recollect right by the Minutes laid before the Board of Officers, by your...
I am to inform your Excellency, that by a resolve of the General Court of this State of the 26th...
I recd your favour of Yesterday, was preparing to Cross the River this morning but am now halted,...
I receiv’d your Excellencys Letter (yesterday) of the 8th Inst. desiring me to join my Brigade as...
I was honor’d with your Excellency’s Letter of the 17th last Evening 9 OClock. The Troops having...
In Obedience to your Excellency’s orders, I have Carefully attended to the condition of the men,...
I have the Honor to transmit the enclos’d letter Received from Col. Vose this morning, the...
The express I sent off to Genl Merser is this moment returned being obliged to go to Amboy to...
I wrote your Excellency the 2nd Inst. I accepted of the Furlough Congress was pleas’d to direct,...
I have been honord with your Letter of the 23rd Ulto and am Very Sorry the Difficulty attending...
Your Excellency’s Letter of the 18th of last Month, I recd this day (cannot account for it’s...
I had the Honor of reciveing your Excellencys Letter, of the 30th Ulto Covering a Resolve of...
Urged by a sense of Duty & Regard for my much injured Country, I enter’d her service at the...
(Private) Dear General Marblehead [Mass.] Feby 24 1790 when I had the pleasure of spending a...
From the Flattering prospects of being Aided, with a fleet, from our most Illustrious Allies,...
I recd your Excellys esteem’d favour of the 3 Ulto Adviseing that by a Resolve of the Honble the...
Its now about Eight weeks Since I made Application to your Excellency, for Leave of Absence, at...