52451From Thomas Jefferson to Nicolas Gouin Dufief, 9 April 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
Th: Jefferson asks the favor of mr Dufief to procure for him the following books. Pensees de Pascal Dr. Priestley’s Harmony of the evangelists in Greek. 4. vols. the same Harmony in English with notes & paraphrase. 4to. Dr. Priestley being in Philadelphia can probably inform mr Dufief if there be any depot of his works at any particular book-shop in Philadelphia. he presents him his...
52452To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 9 April 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
I have the honor to enclose a copy of a letter from the Treasurer of the United States, relative to the proclamation contemplated by the Act of the 8: May 1792: and the effect of which will be to prevent thereafter any other copper coin passing current than cents and half cents. It appears by the enclosed statement that more than fifty six thousand dollars had been received in the Treasury, in...
52453From Thomas Jefferson to Joseph Priestley, 9 April 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
While on a short visit lately to Monticello, I recieved from you a copy of your comparative view of Socrates & Jesus, and I avail myself of the first moment of leisure after my return to acknolege the pleasure I had in the perusal of it, and the desire it excited to see you take up the subject on a more extensive scale. in consequence of some conversations with Dr. Rush in the years 1798.99. I...
52454From Thomas Jefferson to Joseph T. Scott, 9 April 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
I informed you in my letter of Mar. 6. of the measure I had taken to answer the object of your’s of Feb. 25. I now inclose you two accounts of the family of General Washington from persons intimately acquainted with them and entirely to be relied on, and tender you my best wishes & respects. PrC ( DLC ); at foot of text: “Mr. Joseph Scott”; endorsed by TJ in ink on verso. Enclosures not found,...
52455To Thomas Jefferson from Robert Smith, 9 April 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
As the Governor of Massachussetts has in a letter to the Secretary at War renewed his application respecting the Cannon and other Stores Obtained from that State in the year 1798, I consider it proper to send to you the enclosed Copies of letters, which will give you a view of the part of the Case for which this Department has been responsible. The Books and papers of this Department have been...
52456Navy Department: Summaries of Dispatches from the Voyages of the Constellation and the Chesapeake, on or before 8 April … (Jefferson Papers)
Capt. Murray . Constellation 1802 14 March Off Cape Henlopen 30 April Off Malaga—shall proceed to Carthagena & endeavour to procure Anchors—if unsuccessful then shall proceed to Toulon—thence off Tripoli. 7 May Has procured an Anchor at Gibraltar. 1 June Tunis Bay. Took on board at Gibraltar Presents for the Bey, sent by Mr King—on his way stopped at Algiers, & had an interview with Mr...
52457From James Madison to John Read, Jr., 8 April 1803 (Madison Papers)
In your letter of the 18th. May last in answer to mine of the 6th. of the same month, in which I notified you that your office and all the appointments in it were to be considered as at an end, you stated that probably the time necessary for the settlement of the accounts of the Agents would require your services and those of your Clerks until the close of the then succeeding month or some...
52458From James Madison to Robert Smith, 8 April 1803 (Madison Papers)
In compliance with your request, I have the honor to enclose four lists, comprehending the Articles which it is expedient should be now forwarded to Algiers. It is necessary to remark that the timber should be of the best quality, to ensure to us a preference in sending such articles rather than others in future, if the commutation for money should not succeed, and because it will be returned...
52459From James Madison to Peter Foster, 8 April 1803 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
8 April 1803, Department of State. “In consequence of your letter of the 1st. Ulto [not found] I have written to the person who acts as American Agent at Havana, requesting him to enquire into the validity of the allegations you make and to report the result, in order that measures may be taken for procuring satisfaction for the injuries you may have sustained contrary to the treaty with Spain...
52460To James Madison from William Duval, 8 April 1803 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
8 April 1803, Richmond. At the request of many Republicans in Richmond, he has consented to stand as a candidate for delegate to the assembly. Since state law forbids anyone holding a presidential commission to serve in the assembly, he is constrained to resign as commissioner of bankruptcy. RC ( DNA : RG 59, LAR , 1801–9, filed under “Duval”). 1 p. Docketed by Jefferson. On 14 Apr. 1803...
52461To James Madison from William Jarvis, 8 April 1803 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
8 April 1803, Lisbon. Last wrote on 12 [15] Mar. via the Argus to Norfolk, forwarding two letters from Pinckney and enclosing a copy of a letter from O’Brien, a duplicate of the semiannual return, and a London newspaper of 8 Mar. Has since received the original of JM’s 17 Jan. dispatch. Encloses a copy of his letter to Almeida and the reply. “What the real motive was that caused the refusal I...
52462To James Madison from William Jarvis, 8 April 1803 (Madison Papers)
On the 12th. Ulto. I had the pleasure to w rite you by the Ship Argus, Capn. Derkheim, via Norfolk and inclosed two Letters from Mr. Pinckney, a Copy of a Letter from Mr. O’Brien, a duplicate of the recapitulation semi-annual return and a London Newspaper of the 8th. March, Since which I have received the original of your favor of the 17th. January. I have now the honor to inclose you a copy...
52463To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Mathias Gérard de Rayneval, 8 April 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
Me flattant que Votre Excellence n’a pas oublié l’estime et l’amitié qu’elle a bien voulu m’accorder autrefois, je ne crains pas d’être importun en lui rappellant de nouveau ma reclamation auprès du Congrès. M. le général Bernadotte, notre Ministre plénipre., veut bien se charger, Monsieur, de la mettre sous vos yeux, et de plaider ma cause. Jose espérer d’avance, que vous l’écouterez avec...
52464From Thomas Jefferson to George Jefferson, 8 April 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
I inclose you a list of my Bedford crop of tobo. made the last year, partly brought down to Richmond, & partly soon to be there under your care. I have lately understood tobacco is looking up. I will thank you for information what can be got; and if 7. Doll. can be got, you may sell it immediately. the money will be wanting July 12. as on that day I have to pay at your counting house a note of...
52465Notes on a Cabinet Meeting, 8 April 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
1803. Apr. 8. present 4. Secretaries & Atty Genl. 1. is there sufficient ground to recall Morris & institute enquiry into his conduct. unanim. not. 2. shall Morris be ordd home in the returng vessel, & leave some other officer to command? unanim. not. 3. shall the return of the Chesapeake & Adams be countermanded till the 4. small vessels arrive? unanim. not. will be too [long?] 4. shall we...
52466Articles of Association of the Merchants’ Bank, [7 April 1803] (Hamilton Papers)
To all to whom these Presents shall come, or in any wise concern. Be it known and made manifest, that we, the Subscribers, have formed a Company or limited Partnership, and do hereby associate and agree with each other, to conduct business in the manner hereinafter specified and described, by and under the name and style of the “Merchants’ Bank,” and we do hereby mutually covenant, declare and...
52467From James Madison to Charles Pinckney, 7 April 1803 (Madison Papers)
I have the honor to enclose a copy of a letter which I addressed to you in December last in favor of Mr. Cook. He has since presented himself here with such proofs and favorable recommendations of his case, as will entitle him to expect speedy satisfaction for his losses and the injuries he has received. You will therefore be pleased to interpose in his behalf in the manner best suited to...
52468From James Madison to Edward Thornton, 7 April 1803 (Madison Papers)
I have the honor to enclose duplicate letters from the Navy Department, requesting their Agents in London to pay for the supplies furnished to the ships of War President and Enterprize.——.——.——. It would have given me satisfaction to comply with your wish for an earlier arrangement of this business, but as it depended on another Department, it will readily be perceived that no time has been...
52469To James Madison from William Baker, 7 April 1803 (Madison Papers)
Being informed that sundry illegal Ship Papers have been transmitted to you that were issued from the United States Consulate of William Willis at Barcelona, I take the earliest opportunity of forwarding you my declaration relative to their existance: it will place this business in its proper light; in thus discharging my duty as a Citizen of the United States, I claim the protection of its...
52470From Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Munroe, 7 April 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
The letter from the committee of subscribers to the theatre which I recieved from you on the 18th. Ult. has been the subject of enquiry & consideration since my return to this place. the theatre is proposed to be built by private individuals, it is to be their private property, for their own emolument, & may be conveyed to any other private individual. to cede to them public grounds for such a...
52471To Thomas Jefferson from James Turner, 7 April 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
In conformity to a Resolution of the Legislature, I have the honor of transmitting to You, A copy of the public Laws, passed at the last Session of the General Assembly of this State. I have the honor to be Sir With high respect Your most obedient RC ( DLC ); at foot of text: “The President of the United States”; endorsed by TJ as received 16 Apr. and so recorded in SJL . Enclosure: Laws of...
52472From Alexander Hamilton to Edward Pennington, 6 April 1803 (Hamilton Papers)
[ New York, April 6, 1803. Letter listed in dealer’s catalogue. Letter not found. ] ALS , sold by M. Thomas & Sons, Philadelphia, February 8, 1859, Item 815. Pennington (Penington) was a sugar refiner in Philadelphia.
52473From James Madison to Albert Gallatin, 6 April 1803 (Madison Papers)
I have the honor to enclose estimates of the sums necessary to be remitted to London and Amsterdam respectively, for nine month’s service, commencing from the beginning of the present year: you will be pleased therefore to cause the remittances to be made; that destined for London to be placed in the hands of the Depository of the Treasury funds, and the other in the hands of Messrs:...
52474From James Madison to Christopher Gore, 6 April 1803 (Madison Papers)
Within a few days past the Secretary of the Treasury received information of the failure of Messrs. Bird, Savage & Bird, and yesterday Mr. Kings letter on that subject came to hand. As this event will have embarrassed our pecuniary arrangements and render a prompt supply necessary, the Secretary of the Treasury has consented to direct you to hold the sum of $17,887 50/100 of former remittances...
52475From James Madison to Vincent Gray, 6 April 1803 (Madison Papers)
Inclosed is a copy of a letter lately received from one Peter Foster, stating his complaint of unjust treatment, received at the Havana, on suspicion of his aiding a British Privateer in acts of hostility against the Island. It might have been required of him to make out his case by proofs, but as he states himself to be greatly distressed, and therefore may not perhaps have it in his power, I...
52476From James Madison to William Lee, 6 April 1803 (Madison Papers)
You will oblige me by taking care that the inclosed which has been put into my hands by a friend be safely delivered according to address, and by letting it be known that you will charge Yourself with the transmission of an answer, and of any article that may accompany it. You were so good as to make an offer of your attention in forwarding me any articles, particular wines, which I might wish...
52477To James Madison from Robert C. Gardiner, 6 April 1803 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
6 April 1803, Gothenburg. Acknowledges receipt of the 26 Aug. 1802 State Department circular on 31 Mar. via Hamburg. “The Sum stipulated by Congress, is by no means adequate to the sustenance of a Man in this country at any season, but espicially [ sic ] during the Winter when no employment can be obtained for him.” Asks whether he should provide for American seamen “on as reasonable terms...
52478To James Madison from Samuel Smith, 6 April 1803 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
6 April 1803, Baltimore. Informs JM that the packet for Erving will be forwarded on Sunday in the George in care of Smith’s nephew Robert Patterson. Recommends Mackenzie and Glennie. “They do our Business on their own Account, are Men of great prudence & Sufficient Capital. Should you Select them, and you want to send a power of Attorney—their Names are James Mackenzie, and Alexander Glennie,...
52479To James Madison from Robert C. Gardiner, 6 April 1803 (Madison Papers)
On the 31st. Ult. I had the Honor to recieve Via Hamburg a Circular from the Department of State be aring date 26 August 1802 signed D. Brent, containing y our instructions for the future expenditure of public m oney, for the relief of American Seamen abroad. I have by the present the Honor to acquaint you t hat the Sum stipulated by Congress, is by no means adequate to the sustenance of a Man...
52480To Thomas Jefferson from Pierre Samuel Du Pont de Nemours, 6 April 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
Je continue d’esperer un heureux rapprochement entre nos deux Nations qui ne peuvent se dissimuler que c’est leur interêt réciproque. Je l’espere d’autant plus que c’est le Général Bernadotte, véritable ami de toute liberté, qui est chargé de la Négociation. Vous trouverez en lui un homme qui aime l’Amérique, les Américains, les principes de leur Gouvernement, les vôtres Monsieur; et qui rend...
52481To Thomas Jefferson from William Hylton, 6 April 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
When I felt it incumbent upon me to address your Excellency the 5th. ultimo. agreeably to the Copy inclosed—I considered the privelege of Shipping Molasses in American Bottoms, to be under an Act of Parliament. But I learnt immediately after, that it was under the Governors proclamation, consequent of an Act, permitting certain enumerated articles to be exported in American vessells. The...
52482To Thomas Jefferson from Fulwar Skipwith, 6 April 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
The bearer of this Mr. Thos. L. Halsey , a Gentleman of very distinguished connexions in the State of Rhode Island informed me of his intention of waiting on you soon after his return to his native Country, and having expressed his design of soliciting a grade in the army of the U.S. is willing to charge himself with a letter of recommendation from me, with others from several of your friends...
52483To Alexander Hamilton from Timothy Pickering, 5 April 1803 (Hamilton Papers)
The assertion of the Jacobins, that you are an aristocrat & a Monarchist, is not new: But at a late meeting of the sect in this town, one of their leaders declared “That General Hamilton proposed (&, it was understood, advocated) in the general Convention, That the President of the United States, and the Senators, should be chosen for life: That this was intended as an introduction to...
52484To James Madison from Harry Toulmin, 5 April 1803 (Madison Papers)
In conformity with the law of the United States relative to the securing of copy rights, I have the honour of transmitting to you a copy of a collection of the Laws of the general assembly of this commonwealth, and I am happy in the occasion it affords me of renewing, in some degree, that intercourse which several years ago, I had for a short time the pleasure of holding with you, and of...
52485To James Madison from John M. Forbes, 5 April 1803 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
5 April 1803, Hamburg. Last wrote on 2 Apr. via Boston and New York enclosing a report of American vessels in port to December 1802. Transmits a triplicate copy of the report. “I wish it was in my power to Communicate any thing Correct on the important discussion between France & England which excites, at this moment, such universal interest.” The latest letters of 28 Mar. from Paris and 29...
52486To James Madison from William Moultrie, 5 April 1803 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
5 April 1803, Charleston. Returns his commission as bankruptcy commissioner. “As Tis a business that requires much time and attention, it will be very inconvenient for me.” Recommends John Webb, who was appointed to the position by Judge Bee “some time ago” but was superseded by the recent appointment. “He is a man of integrity and the only one now in the Commission of this State that has been...
52487To James Madison from William Savage, 5 April 1803 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
5 April 1803, Kingston, Jamaica. Last wrote on 25 Jan. Encloses his quarterly account to 31 Mar. in the amount of $250.83 [not found]. A report prevails that the U.S. government is contemplating a law excluding “the landing of all Negroes & free persons of Colour.” Should such a law have been deemed necessary and be in force, he requests instructions “as to these free Negroes & people of...
52488To James Madison from Robert Smith, 5 April 1803 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
5 April 1803, Navy Department. Encloses a letter “this day received” from Israel Whelen in reply to a 26 Mar. letter from Smith requesting information about the stores due to the dey of Algiers. “As the subject is new to us, I beg the favor of you to let Mr Wagner make out a list of the articles wanted.” RC and enclosure ( DNA : RG 59, ML ); letterbook copy ( DNA : RG 45, Letters to Secretary...
52489To James Madison from John M. Forbes, 5 April 1803 (Madison Papers)
I had the honor to address a few lines to you under 2d. Inst. by different opportunities Say—via Boston & New York—accompanying Copies of the Semiannual Report of Entries &c American Vessels in this Port, ending with Decr. 1802. Herewith you have Triplicate of this Report. I wish it was in my power to Communicate any thing Correct on the important discussion between France & England which...
52490To James Madison from William Savage, 5 April 1803 (Madison Papers)
I did myself the Honour to address you under date of 25h. January, since which I am without any of your favors. This accompanies my last quarterly Account to 31 Ultimo. Amount £83. 12. 1 equal to $250. 83/cents. A Report prevails here that your Goverment are contemplating a Law to exclude the landing of all Negroes & free persons of Colour. Should the goverment have deemed such a Law...
52491To Thomas Jefferson from Edward Dowse, 5 April 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
The extraordinary merit of this little treatise, which I now transmit to you, must be my apology, for the liberty I have taken in sending it. As its design (among other objects) is to promote the extension of civilization & Christian knowledge among the Aborigines of North-America, it seem’d to me to have a claim to your attention: at any rate, the Idea, hath struck me, that you will find it...
52492To Thomas Jefferson from Jean Baptiste Emonnot, 5 April 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
La Société de Médecine de Paris, par L’organe de sa commission de Vaccine, à L’honneur de Vous offrir un resultat partiel de Ses recherches relatives à L’inoculation nouvelle et L’abrégé de Ses Correspondances chez presque toutes Les nations policées. La Société Vous devait cet hommage à plus d’un titre, Monsieur Le Président, à vous qui par L’ascendant de vos Lumieres, non moins que par...
52493To Thomas Jefferson from W. F. Harle, on or before 5 April 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
I am an unfortunate young Man lately arrived from England—I came over to this Country, having first received a polite Education in one of the first seminaries of my native soil—What chiefly influenced me to take this step, was 1st because I imagined that a change of climate would greatly contribute to repair my constitution, which long study had somewhat injured—& 2dly. because I received...
52494To Thomas Jefferson from Isaac Story, 5 April 1803 (Jefferson Papers)
This leaves me in a state of private Independence; not having my authority as a Commissioner of Bankruptcy restored, nor receiving any other Commission from the source of Power, though my Nephew, Joseph Story , is the perticular mark of royal favor. There has been but one Bankruptcy in this District, since the first appointment of Commissioners. And Judge Davis invested me with the power of...
52495John Quincy Adams to William Stephens Smith, 4 April 1803 (Adams Papers)
The House of Bird, Savage and Bird, in London, had, when they failed, property, to the amount of nearly £4000 sterling, belonging to my father in their hands; for which I had drawn bills in October and November last— These bills are now returning protested for me to take up, with all the costs and charges upon them— I now write you, not with an expectation that you will find any property of...
52496To James Madison from James Leander Cathcart, 4 April 1803 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
4 April 1803 , “ U S Ship Chesapeake, Gibraltar Bay .” Informs JM that he has drawn on the State Department “this day” for $430.25 in favor of John Gavino; “said sum when paid you will please to have placed to my Acct. untill final settlement.” RC ( DNA : RG 59, CD , Tripoli, vol. 2). 1 p. In a clerk’s hand, signed by Cathcart. Docketed by Wagner. A full transcription of this document has been...
52497To James Madison from John Gavino, 4 April 1803 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
4 April 1803, Gibraltar. No. 117 [118]. Has received no letters from JM since his last, no. 117 [17 Mar. 1803] . “Consul Simpson … sent me the inclosed Dispatch for you; and at Same time Thos: Beck, and David Ervin, two american Seamen saved in June last from the Schooner Betsy of Norfolk which was Wreckd on the Southern Coast of Barbary, and the Empr. of Morrocco since redeemed from the Arabs...
52498To James Madison from John Lamson, 4 April 1803 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
4 April 1803, Trieste. Informs JM that his consular functions ceased on 31 Mar. 1803 by a government decree in favor of William Riggin. In a 22 May 1802 letter , Lamson sent JM a report of all American ships that had entered Trieste to that date. Encloses a list of those entering between then and 31 Mar. 1803 [not found]. The brig Two Betsys of Baltimore was driven ashore and sank on 12 Jan....
52499To James Madison from Josef Yznardy, 4 April 1803 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
4 April 1803, Cádiz. “I had the honour of writing you the 12th. October ultimo, since when I have been at the Court of Madrid, from which Capital I am just returned.” During his absence JM was informed of the quarantine imposed on U.S. ships at Cádiz. As Pinckney was absent from Madrid during that time, Yznardy obtained a reduction of quarantine on vessels in his district and also obtained...
52500From James Madison to Daniel Clark, 4 April 1803 (Madison Papers)
Letter not found. 4 April 1803. Acknowledged in Clark to JM, 20 June 1803 (DNA: RG 59, CD, New Orleans, vol. 1). Requests Clark to keep “an account as exact as possible of the amount of all payments exacted from our Citizens in violation of the Treaty.” Encloses a letter from Pichon to the colonial prefect of Louisiana.