Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from James Paxton, 4 September 1824

Lexington Arsenal Sept 4th 1824

Dear Sir

I have been directed by the executive of Virginia to have these public Buildings covered with Tin, and as a doubt exists respecting the Kind of Tin most preferable, wheather of double or single, I have taken the liberty of asking your advice having understood that many of the buildings of the university is covered with that Article.—

If it is convenient for you I request that you answer these enquiries as soon as it will suit your leisure Moments, I shou,d like to have your oppinion by the 10th Inst, on that day. I close a contract with the Mechanick who proposes to do the work the most advantageous to the Common-wealth.

I am very Respectfully your Obt Sevt

James Paxton


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