Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Cuming & Macarty, 31 July 1782

From Cuming & Macarty

ALS:9 American Philosophical Society

L’Orient 31st. July 1782


We take the Liberty again of troubling you with the papers, relating to a prize taken by the Brig General Galvés Capt. Silas Jones of Salem—1

We beg leave to request your Execellency will please to Order the necessary paper to be forwarded to us by post, as Soon as possible.

We are most Respectfully sir your most obedt Serts.

Cuming & Macarty

Endorsed:2 The Anthony, a Brigantine, Captain George Barans, of London Taken from Africa by the General Galvez Capt. Silas Jones of Salem in New England the 24th of June. Brought into L’Orient

Notation: Cuming & Maccarty 31. Juillet 1782.

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

9In the hand of William Macarty.

1An undated note in Macarty’s hand, also at the APS, is evidence of the firm’s previous communication. It states that the ship Congress, Capt. Geddes, and the General Galvez, Capt. Jones, had arrived from Havana. The latter brought in a prize homeward bound from Africa carrying a cargo of elephants’ teeth, wax, and dye wood. The ships also brought news of the capture of New Providence (Bahamas). Macarty promises to “trouble you soon on the condemnation.”

2While BF’s certificate of condemnation has not been found, these are evidently his instructions for filling it out. Cuming & Macarty sold the prize on Aug. 21; a printed announcement of the sale is in Dossiers des prises 9 B 182, Archives départementales de Morbihan.

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