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Results 52381-52430 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
52381 Coxe, Tench Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Tench Coxe, 6 May 1793 1793-05-06 [ Philadelphia, May 6, 1793. On May 8, 1793, Hamilton wrote to George Washington : “The Secretary...
52382 Pinkney, William Madison, James To James Madison from William Pinkney, 23 November 1807 1807-11-23 I have the Honor to transmit a Duplicate of my Letter of the 17th., enclosing a Copy of the...
52383 Franklin, Benjamin Marshall, Humphry From Benjamin Franklin to Humphry Marshall, 9 July 1769 1769-07-09 ALS : Mr. S. Hallock du Pont (1955) I received your obliging Favour of April 13. with Specimens...
52384 Hamilton, Alexander McHenry, James From Alexander Hamilton to James McHenry, 28 August … 1799-08-28 General Wilkinson has mentioned to me that the second and third regiments are destitute of...
52385 Maryland Council Washington, George To George Washington from the Maryland Council, 3 … 1780-02-03 We have given Permission to Mrs Chamier, Widow of Daniel Chamier Esquire deceased, to bring her...
52386 Adams, Thomas Boylston Adams, Thomas Boylston, Jr. From Thomas Boylston Adams to Thomas Boylston Adams … 1826-06-05 Your letter of the 26th: Ulto. in answer to mine of the 21st: came to hand on the 1st: Instant;...
52387 Lovell, James Washington, George To George Washington from James Lovell, 24 March 1778 1778-03-24 You will form a Judgement upon the following Extract of a Letter from the Honble Thos Cushing by...
52388 Jefferson, Thomas Armstrong, John, Jr. From Thomas Jefferson to John Armstrong, Jr., 29 March … 1807-03-29 Th: Jefferson takes the liberty of putting two letters under the protection of General...
52389 Adams, John September 1. 1796. Thursday. 1796-09-01 The Summer is ended and the first day of Autumn commenced. The Morning is cold tho the Wind is...
52390 Washington, George Stringer, Samuel From George Washington to Samuel Stringer, 15 May 1776 1776-05-15 I received your Letter of the 10 Inst. last night by Mr Bennett, & this morng Transmitted a Copy...
52391 Washington, George Mercer, James From George Washington to James Mercer, 25 August 1784 1784-08-25 My Sister handed me your favor of the 18th. 1 thank you for the advice respecting the mode of...
52392 Caines, Clement Madison, James To James Madison from Clement Caines, 2 April 1811 … 1811-04-02 2 April 1811, St. Kitts. Declares that JM’s name has reached the West Indies and “is celebrated...
52393 Madison, James Lee, William From James Madison to William Lee, [ca. 8 September] … 1817-09-08 I have just recd. the inclosed letter from Mr. Capellano, and write him the answer also inclosed....
52394 Adams, John Adams, John Quincy John Adams to John Quincy Adams, 6 June 1784 1784-06-06 A young Gentleman of 17, must not talk of low Spirits for Small disappointments. He must...
52395 Hamilton, Alexander Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. From Alexander Hamilton to Oliver Wolcott, Junior, 17 … 1800-12-17 [ New York, December 17, 1800. On December 25, 1800, Wolcott wrote to Hamilton : “I have recd....
52396 Washington, George September 1786 1786-09-01 Friday 1st. Mercury at 62 in the Morning—68 at Noon and 65 at Night. A heavy dull Morning, with...
52397 Jefferson, Thomas Maury, Rev. Matthew From Thomas Jefferson to the Rev. Matthew Maury, 10 … 1791-10-10 Finding that the amount of the account (£22–13) which you left with me is such as that I can pay...
52398 Wendover, Peter Hercules Jefferson, Thomas Peter H. Wendover to Thomas Jefferson, 30 January 1815 1815-01-30 Permit me to apologize to you for what might by some be deemed an intrusion, while I venture to...
52399 Brown, John Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from John Brown, 28 July 1793 1793-07-28 The first of this instant I met General Wilkeson at head Quarters. He ask’d me if I had receiv’d...
52400 Washington, George Barber, Francis George Washington to Lieutenant Colonel Francis Barber … 1781-01-21 New Windsor [ New York ] January 21, 1781 . Sends information concerning Captain William Gifford....
52401 Sherman, Isaac Washington, George To George Washington from Isaac Sherman, 27 Aug. 1779 … 1779-08-27 Letter not found : from Isaac Sherman, 27 Aug. 1779. On 27 Aug., GW wrote Sherman: “I have...
52402 Jay, John King, Rufus From John Jay to Rufus King, 8 October 1818 1818-10-08 On Friday last M rs . Hamilton favored us with a Visit.— Speaking of Doct r . Mason, she observed...
52403 Washington, George Knox, Henry From George Washington to Henry Knox, 19 March 1782 1782-03-19 Your favor of the 16th reached me last Evening. I do not see that any alteration is necessary in...
52404 Limozin, André Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from André Limozin, [26 September … 1787-09-26 I am very sory that your Excellency’s last dispatch of the 24th instant arrived too late for the...
52405 Lincoln, Benjamin Washington, George To George Washington from Benjamin Lincoln, 22 April … 1783-04-22 I do myself the honor to transmit to Your Excellency some late resolves of Congress. I have the...
52406 Washington, George Council of War, 27 March 1780 1780-03-27 At a Council of War held at Head Quarters Morris Town the 27th day of March 1780. Major Generals...
52407 Hamilton, Alexander Mifflin, Thomas From Alexander Hamilton to Thomas Mifflin, 25 June 1792 1792-06-25 I had this morning the honor of receiving your letter of the 23d instant. I would with pleasure...
52408 Washington, George General Orders, 13 May 1778 1778-05-13 Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
52409 Hamilton, Alexander Morgan, Daniel From Alexander Hamilton to Colonel Daniel Morgan, [17 … 1778-05-17 His Excellency is sending a considerable detachment towards the enemy’s lines, which will march...
52410 Steuben, Friedrich Wilhelm Ludolf Gerhard … Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Steuben, 20 … 1779-07-20 Genl McDougall return’d me yesterday the Inclos’d Plan for the formation of the Massachusets &...
52411 Erving, George W. Madison, James To James Madison from George W. Erving, 21 April 1807 1807-04-21 By my letter of March 17 (No. 25) I had the honor to submit to you copies of certain...
52412 Muhlenberg, J. P. G. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from J. P. G. Muhlenberg, with … 1804-03-23 I have the Honor to inform the President of the United States, that I have this day Shipp’d,...
52413 Washington, George Varnum, James Mitchell From George Washington to Brigadier General James … 1777-10-08 I this Evening received your favor of this date. The Regiments under Cols Greene & Angel are to...
52414 Adams, John [April 16. Thursday 1778.] 1778-04-16 April 16. Thursday 1778. From my first Arrival in France I had employed every moment of my time,...
52415 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 18 July 1793 1793-07-18 The season of harvest havg. suspended all intercourse with Fredg. your favor of the 7th. inst:...
52416 Say, Francis Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Francis Say, 23 February 1801 1801-02-23 I have spoke to James according to your Desire he has made mention again as he did before that he...
52417 Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, Charles Francis From Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams to Charles Francis … 1821-06-03 We yesterday went fishing for the first time and to my great astonishment on looking up our...
52418 Mayer & Brantz Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Mayer & Brantz, 8 December … 1806-12-08 We duly acknowledge the receipt of Your respected Letter of the 6th., inclosing a Check on the...
52419 Jefferson, Thomas Madison, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, [12 January … 1792-01-12 I received the inclosed late last night, and it is not in my power to see Mr. H. this morning. If...
52420 Jefferson, Thomas Corrêa da Serra, José Thomas Jefferson to José Corrêa da Serra, 22 September … 1815-09-22 I arrived here the morning after we parted, to wit, yesterday morning, and I have this day...
52421 Dumas, Charles-Guillaume-Frédéric Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Dumas, 1 January 1781 1781-01-01 ALS : American Philosophical Society Enfin la bombe est crevée; & la guerre, quod bonum...
52422 Hamilton, Alexander Smith, William Stephens From Alexander Hamilton to William S. Smith, 15 March … 1799-03-15 New York, March 15, 1799. “I have received your letter of the 13th instant and thank you for the...
52423 Jefferson, Thomas Short, William From Thomas Jefferson to William Short, 9 April 1788 1788-04-09 I arrived here on the 6th. inst. having been overtaken at Cleves by the commencement of a storm...
52424 Paradis, Nicolas-Hyacinthe Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Nicolas-Hyacinthe Paradis, 18 … 1777-06-18 ALS : American Philosophical Society Je n’ai point fait part à la Societé patriotique de...
52425 Monroe, James Jefferson, Thomas James Monroe to Thomas Jefferson, 11 November 1812 1812-11-11 M r Russell has arrived at New York & is expected here in a day or two. He made the second...
52426 Hamilton, Alexander Sargent, Winthrop From Alexander Hamilton to Winthrop Sargent, 21 … 1792-09-21 Treasury Department, September 21, 1792. Requests information for report ordered by the Senate on...
52427 Randolph, Edmund Washington, George To George Washington from Edmund Randolph, 3 August … 1795-08-03 The mail, which was expected on Saturday morning, did not arive until sunday. at least the...
52428 Peabody, Elizabeth Smith Shaw Adams, Abigail Smith From Elizabeth Smith Shaw Peabody to Abigail Smith … 1814-03-26 Yesterdays Mail, My Dear Sister, conveyed your Letter safe to me, with the two Bills—I do not so...
52429 Collinson, Peter Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Peter and Michael Collinson … 1767-07-14 AL : Historical Society of Pennsylvania P Collinson and Son’s Respects to their Good Friend Benn:...
52430 Washington, George Board of War From George Washington to the Board of War, 11 … 1779-09-11 I do myself the Honor to transmit you the Copy of a Letter of the 16th Ulto which I received from...