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Results 52381-52410 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
[ Philadelphia, May 6, 1793. On May 8, 1793, Hamilton wrote to George Washington : “The Secretary of the Treasury has the honor to submit to the consideration of the President of the U States a communication from the Commissioner of the Revenue of the 6 instant.” Letter not found. ]
I have the Honor to transmit a Duplicate of my Letter of the 17th., enclosing a Copy of the orders of Council lately issued by this Government relative to Neutral Trade. When I was about to ask a Conference with Mr. Canning on the Subject of these Orders I received a Note from him requesting an Interview. Altho it was to be presumed that the purpose of this Interview would appear to be the...
ALS : Mr. S. Hallock du Pont (1955) I received your obliging Favour of April 13. with Specimens of the several Colours suitable for Painting which you have found in different Parts of our Country. It gives me great Pleasure to see them, and I have shown them to many Persons of Distinction, together with your Letter, which is allow’d to contain a great many sensible and shrewd Observations....
General Wilkinson has mentioned to me that the second and third regiments are destitute of surgeons, and particularly recommends the James Boyd Junr. and Samuel Boyd Hayes as mates . These young gentlemen have been mentioned to the General by persons whom I know to be worthy of confidence. I could wish that the appointments be made immediately as the young gentlemen are now ready to set out, —...
We have given Permission to Mrs Chamier, Widow of Daniel Chamier Esquire deceased, to bring her Household Furniture, Wearing Apparel, and other Goods mentioned in a List annexed thereto, from New York, to Hampton Road in Virginia. We are induced from Motives of Compassion, and the generous Conduct of her late Husband, to many of our Prisoners, to grant her Leave, and to solicit your...
Your letter of the 26th: Ulto. in answer to mine of the 21st: came to hand on the 1st: Instant; and I have barely time to acknowledge it now. The Examination has probably begun by this, and you will have your time and attention so fully occupied that letters to answer might prove an incumbrance. We have experienced so great & sudden fluctuations in the weather within the last ten days, as to...
You will form a Judgement upon the following Extract of a Letter from the Honble Thos Cushing by weighing it with the various Intelligence which you receive from other Quarters. It has been long on the Road from the Difficulty of passing Hudson’s River where the Express left his Horse on the 11th of this month. Extract Mr Hancock having just informed me that he shall send off an Express...
Th: Jefferson takes the liberty of putting two letters under the protection of General Armstrong’s cover. should mr Warden not be at Paris, the General is requested to take out the letter to mr Lasteyrie & have it delivered. otherwise to stick a wafer in the one to mr. Warden & have it delivered to him if at Paris.   the letter to Count Diodati, he is particularly anxious should get to hand...
52389September 1. 1796. Thursday. (Adams Papers)
The Summer is ended and the first day of Autumn commenced. The Morning is cold tho the Wind is West. To Work again on the high Ways. Billings out upon his Wall a little after Sunrise. Captn. Hall Surveyor of High Ways finished the Road between my Garden and new Wall.
I received your Letter of the 10 Inst. last night by Mr Bennett, & this morng Transmitted a Copy of It & of the Estimate to Congress for their order & direction so far as relates to the Seniors, mates &c.—As to the Medicines when Doctr Morgan arrives I shall direct him to send you immediately such a Supply as can be spared. I am &c. LB , in Robert Hanson Harrison’s writing, DLC:GW ; Varick...
My Sister handed me your favor of the 18th. 1 thank you for the advice respecting the mode of conveying a title for the Lands I purchased at your Brother’s Sale, & will pursue it; but necessity will oblige me to postpone the matter until I return from my Western jaunt; as, from Company & other circumstances, no leizure is left me to rummage for Papers before. My letter to your Brother John...
2 April 1811, St. Kitts. Declares that JM’s name has reached the West Indies and “is celebrated throughout the World.” Conveys his “respect and high esteem” and encloses his “literary compositions.” RC ( DLC ). 1 p. Enclosures not found. Clement Caines was a prominent St. Kitts planter and opponent of the slave trade. His publications included pamphlets on the history and agriculture of the...
I have just recd. the inclosed letter from Mr. Capellano, and write him the answer also inclosed. Be so good as to seal and forward it. As it is not presumable that a Model in clay without a Marble copy, would induce him to visit me, and as the expence of the latter is not to be thought of, it will be best to let the object vanish, in a manner most delicate towards the artist; and I must...
A young Gentleman of 17, must not talk of low Spirits for Small disappointments. He must reconcile his Mind to them. He will meet with many. My Friend Dr. Warren often told me, I was the most uniformly lucky Man, he ever knew, and indeed I must acknowledge, I have been often fortunate, both before and Since his Compliment. Notwithstanding which my Life has been a Series of dissappointments,...
[ New York, December 17, 1800. On December 25, 1800, Wolcott wrote to Hamilton : “I have recd. your favours of the 16th. & 17th.” Letter of December 17 not found. ]
52396September 1786 (Washington Papers)
Friday 1st. Mercury at 62 in the Morning—68 at Noon and 65 at Night. A heavy dull Morning, with little wind—close and warm all day—at least till abt. 2 oclock when the wind sprung up from the Eastward. Doctr. Craik went away after Breakfast. About 10 oclock I set out for Mr. Triplets—called upon Lund Washington. Mrs. French required more time for consideration before she could determine to...
Finding that the amount of the account (£22–13) which you left with me is such as that I can pay it in Philadelphia, and that this will be more speedy than any resource I can refer it to here, I have determined to remit it from thence. This I can do by sending a bank post bill to your brother at Fredericksburg, at which place it shall be by the last day of this month. The collector of the port...
Permit me to apologize to you for what might by some be deemed an intrusion, while I venture to solicit your friendly reception of a small volume, the contents of which I recently heard from the pulpit, and which sentiments I consider of imp great importance to our beloved Country, particularly at this momentous Crisis— The author though an adopted Citizen , I esteem as one of the best friends...
The first of this instant I met General Wilkeson at head Quarters. He ask’d me if I had receiv’d a letter from you I answered him in the negative he seemed Surprised & Says you certainly have. I assured him I had not he then called his Aid and ask’d him who he gave the letter to (mentioning the one directed to me). Mr. Wade told the Genl. he had given it to the Quarter Master Generals Boatmen...
New Windsor [ New York ] January 21, 1781 . Sends information concerning Captain William Gifford. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Barber was a lieutenant colonel of the First New Jersey Regiment and H’s former teacher in Elizabethtown, New Jersey.
Letter not found : from Isaac Sherman, 27 Aug. 1779. On 27 Aug., GW wrote Sherman: “I have received Your Letter of this date.”
On Friday last M rs . Hamilton favored us with a Visit.— Speaking of Doct r . Mason, she observed that the State of his Health not permitting him to write the Life of General Hamilton, she had received from him the Papers which had been put into his hands for that purpose.— She expressed her Desire to have the Life written, and remarked in Substance, that she knew of no Person who was both so...
Your favor of the 16th reached me last Evening. I do not see that any alteration is necessary in your instructions relating to Mr Laurens—From what we yet know, he is not at liberty to leave England and therefore as much a prisoner in fact as before the extension of his limits. I am with great Regard Gentn Yr most obt servt DLC : Papers of George Washington.
I am very sory that your Excellency’s last dispatch of the 24th instant arrived too late for the Packet and for the Ship bound for Philada., they having Saild both yesterday. The accounts your Excellency is pleas’d to give me are most alarming for our trade. We have been informed yesterday by the Packet arrived from Portsmouth that there is now a general Press for the Sailors thro all England,...
I do myself the honor to transmit to Your Excellency some late resolves of Congress. I have the honor to be, with perfect respect, Your Excellency’s Most obedient servant DLC : Papers of George Washington.
52406Council of War, 27 March 1780 (Washington Papers)
At a Council of War held at Head Quarters Morris Town the 27th day of March 1780. Major Generals Brigadier Generals St Clair Clinton DeKalb Maxwell Knox Hand Gist The Commander in Chief states to The Council, that by his latest advices from South Carolina Sir Henry Clinton was arrived there with the force under his command and about the beginning of this month was advanced as far as...
I had this morning the honor of receiving your letter of the 23d instant. I would with pleasure concur in removing the difficulty you suggest by anticipating the issuing of certificates for the debt of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania subscribed to the depending loan, were I not apprehensive of embarrassment, in other cases, in which a similar anticipation might be urged on probable ground,...
52408General Orders, 13 May 1778 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
His Excellency is sending a considerable detachment towards the enemy’s lines, which will march tomorrow morning. He desires you to select 50 men of your corps, under good officers, and send them to join that detachment. It will be at White marsh tomorrow afternoon where your party will be expected. A party of Indians will join the party to be sent from your corps, at White marsh and act with...
Genl McDougall return’d me yesterday the Inclos’d Plan for the formation of the Massachusets & North Carolina Brigades which he assures me will be perfectly agreable to the Commanding Officers of Regiments If your Excellency approves it, it may be publishd in orders & take place immediately. The movement of Genl Heaths Division & the late expedition of the Light Corps has hitherto prevented...