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Results 52371-52400 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Yale University Library The inclosed Letter I recvd by this days Post from my House at L’Orient. I am at same Time informed that the Sailors you wrote Williams Moore & Co about are set at Liberty. I refer you to my last which was on the subject of your affairs with Mr de Chaumont. I am as ever with the greatest Respect most dutifully & affectionately...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Our Mutual friend the writer of the inclosed wishes me to contrive that it may come safe to your hands. He wishes that he may be instrumental in clearing away any obstructions which may be at present in the path which leades to Peace. I think it necessary to say that I have not the highest opinion of some of the present Men , but that I have not the...
Copy: William L. Clements Library You will have heared before you Receive this that Mr T. Td. is appointed Secretary of State for that department to which the American Corespondence belongs. He is, & has been for many years one of my most intimate Friends. A more honourable & honest Man do’s not exist. I have been Requested, in connection with him to undertake one branch of his Office,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Your Excellency will receive this by Mr Joly a Worthy Clergyman who has attended me during part of my confinement and who is gone to Paris on his own affairs as I wrot to your Excellency’s Secretary some time ago I shall not enter into a detail regarding the reasons of my Detention but beg humbly leave to refer you to Mr Joly who is fully informed on that...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je suis très ètonné de ce que vous ne m’aves pas ecrit il faut que vos affaires vous en empechent car je suis sur que vous ne m’oublies pas: Les affaires de Genêve sont remises en un assez Bon état et par consèquent je suis revenu de Gachet qui est comme je vous ai deja dit la Campagne du Frere de Monsieur de Marignac et nous allons j’espère Bientôt...
ALS : American Philosophical Society May I presume to acquaint you that I have directed the Business of the House of Penet DaCosta freres & Co. and that of Penet distinctly whilst I thought their dealings consistent with the Principles of Honour & Honesty. With the latter I relinquish’d all kind of Intercourse from the time I condescended to write in Paris Octr. the 30th Ulto. the letter to...
LS (draft): Public Record Office As the first Object of my Wishes, is to contribute to the Establishment of an honourable & lasting Peace, I address myself without Ceremony to you, upon the Conviction that you agree with me in this Principle. If I was not convinced that it was also the Real System of the Ministers of this Country, I should not now be cooperating with them. The Step they had...
Reprinted from William Temple Franklin, ed., Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Benjamin Franklin … (3 vols., 4to, London, 1817–18), II , 392. On the day Shelburne wrote the following letter, he also accepted as a basis for conducting negotiations the necessary terms that Franklin had communicated to Oswald on July 10. Shelburne informed Oswald on July 27 that “a Commission will be...
Two copies, press copy of copy, and transcript: National Archives I have but this Minute had an Opportunity by the Departure of my Company of perusing the Letters you put into my Hands this afternoon; and I return them directly without waiting till our Interview to morrow morning, because I would not give a Moment’s Delay to the Delivery of those directed to other Persons. The Situation of...
LS : American Philosophical Society; draft: Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères J’ai reçû, Monsieur, la lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’écrire le 24. de ce mois, ainsi que les deux piéces qui y étoient jointes. Les contradictions qu’elles renferment sont dignes de remarques; non-seulement elles s’entredétruisent réciproquement, mais elles sont aussi l’une et l’autre dans...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library Nothing but your promised Favour to Mrs Strange, would induce my so often giving you Trouble; She flatters me of her being in Paris about the Time this reaches, and I can value on no one so proper to apologize with you on this Score, with such Prospect of Pardon as herself. I am with every Sentiment of Esteem Sir Your most Obedient Servant Addressed:...
ALS : American Philosophical Society After my most hearty and Sincer love to you and your grandson—Friends &ce. I have The pleasure to tell you my hopes is more fixt on you then Ever My Inthuizam encreases Evry day and from good authority Can Say my politicall Creed is well founded: you will be Very Shortly Calld upon by the People—. (Providence Whome I trust) will Call all the wise honest...
ALS : American Philosophical Society We take the Liberty again of troubling you with the papers, relating to a prize taken by the Brig General Galvés Capt. Silas Jones of Salem— We beg leave to request your Execellency will please to Order the necessary paper to be forwarded to us by post, as Soon as possible. We are most Respectfully sir your most obedt Serts. Endorsed: The Anthony, a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je presente L’hommage de ma venération a Monsieur Franklin; plus ignorant quon ne peut dire, dans la Langue Angloise, J’ai Lu pourtant avec plaisir, l’ouvrage de M. de Crevecœur; par là je ne sai, si je peux juger quil a du en faire un peu a Monsieur Franklin; je le souhaite beaucoup et je prens a ses jouissances, Linterêt que Les honnetes gens doivent...
ALS : Massachusetts Historical Society Mr William Foster, the Bearer of this Letter, is a Native and a Merchant of this Town, he is a Gentleman of Character and firmly Attached to the Cause of America, Permit me to introduce him to your Acquaintance & to reccommend him to your Friendly Notice. Sir Guy Carlton is at New York, he has not as yet made any Propositions to Congress, however let him...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library Recevez nos Sinceres remercimens du cadeau sans prix que vous avez eu la bonté de nous faire. Le Peintre ne nous la remis qu’aujourd’hui jeudi. Puissiez vous vivre autant que durera votre portrait. Ce bijou devient un immeuble dont personne de nous ne peut jamais être tenté de se déffaire: il passera dans la famille de pere en fils, et Sera respecté des...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library Your Exellencÿ will permit me, that on 14th of maÿ Last your petitioner was taken prisonner in the ship Called the nancÿ from boston bound to L’orient and Caried in to plÿmouth were I was in prison till the 18th of june were I found means to Escape into a flemish Vessel were the Captain give me a passage to st malos upon mÿ arival I took a Certificat...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am happy that the inclosed gives me an opportunity of writing a line to one I have ever been taught to revere & respect. There are few Events I have so much at heart as once more enjoying your company. I hope from a change of men system & times that day may not be far distant. We have been too long accustomed to misfortunes not to rejoice at the least...
ALS : American Philosophical Society We are extreamly mortify’d that the circumstances of our business obliges us to trouble your Excellency so often: at present we wish to be furnish’d with a commission for the ship to our address mention’d in our last, to qualify her as letter of marque: She is call’d the Argo of 350 Tons burthen own’d in America by Messrs. Saml. R. Trevit & Co. and mounts...
LS : American Philosophical Society Votre goût distingué pour la litterature, et la protection que vous accordés à ceux qui cultivent les belles lettres, m’engagent à recourir à vous, pour en obtenir quelques éclaircissements dont j’ai besoin, pour terminer un ouvrage que je me propose de publier. Cet ouvrage, Monsieur, a pour objet l’etat actuel de l’Amerique. Comme j’y fais entrer les noms...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Un certain M. Pfister, sergent aux gardes Suisses qui remit a V.E. une lettre de ma part il y a deja plusieurs mois me marqua dernierement que cette lettre s’etoit perdue parmy d’autres papiers de V.E. et que ne se souvenant plus du Contenu Elle me permettoit de le Lui rappeller en peu de mots— ma principale curiosité rouloit sur le sujet de l’Abbé Raynald...
Copy: Yale University Library This will be delivered to you by Mr W Burgess late a london Merchant but now bound to America. In his passage through Paris to come hither he wishes to pay his personal Respects to you. I therefore beg leave to introduce him & shall esteem every Civility shewn him as a Favour confered on me. I am as ever most Dutifully & affectionately In March, William Burgess...
ALS : John Carter Brown Library; copy: North Carolina Office of Archives and History Mr Edward Bridgen, Merchant of London, a particular Friend of mine and a zealous one of the American Cause, acquaints me that his Lands on the Sound in Cape Fear River, with his Negroes & Debts owing to Bridgen & Waller have by virtue of some late Laws of your Province been all Confiscated. I have not seen...
ALS : American Philosophical Society We have been here above a fortnight, but I am sorry to find that there will not be a good opportunity of embarking for America till the beginning of next month, if so soon. I have been on board all the ships here, that are bound for the land of virtue and liberty , and have given the preference in my own mind to the Annette , which will sail in about 5...
ALS : American Philosophical Society We beg leave to trouble your excellency for information respecting the disposal of some Powder, taken in a Prize Consigned us. Believing a liberty is allowed to every American to sell any Article to the highest Bidder, (if for exportation) We yesterday made an Offer of a quantity of Powder at 20 s. a lib to the Comissary at Port Louis. He declined giving...
DS : Joseph Kleiner, Trenton, New Jersey (1968) I do hereby certify whom it may concern, that the Commissioners of the United States of America at the Court of France, did issue on the first Day of March One thousand seven hundred & seventy seven, to Captain Gustavus Conyngham a Commission of Congress appointing him a Captain in the Navy of the said States and to command a Vessel then fitting...
AL (draft): Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères J’ai lhr [l’honneur] de vous envoyer M une ordonnance que le Roi a jugé a propos de rendre, pour rappeller les dispositions des anciens Réglemens qui défendent aux domestiques, gens de livré et à toutes personnes Sans état, de porter aucuns armes, épés, Couteaux de chasse &. Sa majesté m’a ordonné, M, de vous donner connoissce. de cette...
Draft: University of South Carolina Library; incomplete copy: Library of Congress Very late in the evening of the 12th of July I had the honor of recieving at Vigan your favor of the 2d. By the dawn of day the next morning I had mounted the chaise in order to prosecute my journey to this place & here I arrived in a very shattered state of health on the 30th. & have been ever since confined to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society When you have a few minutes to spare from the more weighty concerns of State I wish to interest you in favour of two young men belonging to NorthCarolina who are now Prisoners in England. They saild from Edenton about the month of Augt. 1780 in the Brig Fair-American, Captn Smith bound for France and were captured on their outward Passage. They are Twins,...
LS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères Yesterday Mr Oswald communicated to Mr. Jay and me a Paper he had just received from his Court being a Copy of the King’s Order to the Attorney or Sollicitor General to prepare a Commission to pass the great Seal, appointing him to treat with us &ca. and he shew’d me a Letter from Mr Secretary Townshend, which expresses his Concern that the...