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Results 52351-52380 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I enclose a letter from Mr. Jones the principal clerk of the Treasury, by which it appears that a...
I was yesterday honored with your Excellencys letter of the 28th ulto by General Potter and Colo....
LS : American Philosophical Society Altho I am but a Child of Eight years of age And you Dear Sir...
I set out today, but being forc’d thro Caroline by some private concerns with the family of my...
I observe your name, among many others, on the lists of seasons of Lightfoots Horses Hamilton &...
One day last week a number of british waggoners, who were carrying Cloathing &c. to some of their...
The enclosed copy of a letter from Genl. Turreau, enclosing a report from Monsr. Beaujor,...
Copy: Library of Congress I embrace this Opportunity of the Marquis de La Fayette’s return to the...
Having received a letter from Mr. Arnold informing me that the delay of payment of his bond had...
you will be surprized at the liberty I take of add r essing a letter to you, and asking a favour...
I shall write to a friend of mine by this Post requesting him to pay for what wood Captn Morris...
War Department, Accountant’s Office, August 19, 1794. “… I have … in the absence of the Secretary...
ALS : Massachusetts Historical Society I did my self the honor to write you, 13 Septr last, by...
I have already appointed Mr. Robinson Deputy Commissary Issues and hope that Department will soon...
I have duly received your favor of the 16 th inclosing Jonathan Shoemaker & Son’s dft on W m...
[ New York, September 27, 1790. The dealer’s catalogue description of this letter reads:...
I heretofore informed you that the several Matters recommended by your Excellency and the...
The day after receiving your last favour 30 of September I rode over to mr Maverick. I Called on...
Your letter of the 6 th . of February, with a duplicate of that of August last, directed to the...
On fryday last a Vessel arrived at Piscataqua in forty Days from Nantz, in France, Dispatches...
Your letter of the 15th. was recieved yesterday, and the opinion you have given to General...
The enclosed packet marked No 1, was written at the time it is dated—The subject of it is very...
52373General Orders, 1 November 1776 (Washington Papers)
Peter Buise under sentence of death, and to be executed this day, is reprieved until Monday 11...
52374Guardian Accounts, 30 April 1764 (Washington Papers)
Mr John P: Custis Dr Sterlg Curry s. d. £. s. d. 1763 Apl 30 To my order on Robt Cary Esqr. & Co....
I called yesterday morning to see you previous to my leaving the City. Your engagements prevented...
13 June 1810, Providence. Reports that Justice William Cushing will resign from the Supreme Court...
52377[Diary entry: 21 February 1785] (Washington Papers)
Monday 21st. Mercury at 42 in the Morning at Noon, and 46 at Night. Wind at No. West, and pretty...
Lieutenant Pope reports to me that there are in Capt Eddins’s company now under his command...
I have made Enquiry respecting the 1000 Arms you complain of being Detained—No Orders of mine are...
My ever esteem’d friend I return you many thanks for your favor from Bedford , be assured it...