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Results 52351-52380 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
ALS : American Philosophical Society If I was to permit my friend and nabour Mr. Green to visit Paris without convaying this to your excellency, I should think myself defecient in that friendship I have ever wished to shew him. He is an Artist of distinguished merrit in Mezzatinto engraving, and has done most of the esteemed prints in that manner from my paintings. He visits France in the line...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. D’amezaga, fait ses Plus Tendres Complimens à Monsieur de franklin, Il luy fait demander Sil dinne demain chés luy, dimanche et Sil veut bien que Mr. Damezaga aille L’embrasser. The only year during BF ’s stay in France that July 20 fell on a Saturday.
ALS : American Philosophical Society Jay lhonneur de joindre icy suivant vos desirs, l’Etat de Situation du Compte de Mr. Morris, dicy à la fin de l’année; Vous y verrés monsieur, que les Gros payements faits & à faire absorbent les fonds qu’il à en france, & qu’au lieu de pouvoir contracter de nouveaux Engagements, il faut S’occuper des actuellement des moyens de pourvoir aux anciens qui...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I take the Liberty of recommending to your notice the bearer of this Mr. Philip Livingston a Gentleman with whom I have had a very great Intimacy for many Years Past both in this Country & on the other side the Atlantic & I will answer for it that you will find him in every respect worthy of your Acquaintance. My Wife & Family join me in our most...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Altho.’ we are without any answer to the Letters we have had the honor of writing to your Excellency the 18 December and the 8 of last Month you will please to permit us to refer thereto. By Letter received the day before Yesterday from Philadelphia via Cadiz we have inclose a resolve of Congress authorising Joshua Johnson Esqe. to examine our account...
LS : University of Pennsylvania Library Si nous devons, Monsieur, avoir l’honneur de vous voir après demain mardy, je vous prie de ne pas oublier d’apporter votre cachet, pour être apposé sur la convention signée le 16. du courant entre vous et M. le Cte. de Vergennes; Si au contraire vous ne deviez pas venir ici, je vous prierois en ce cas de vouloir bien m’adresser par une occasion sure le...
AL : American Philosophical Society I wrote you some Weeks ago how pleased I was with the Spirit of my Countrymen in the Manner in which they received the Account that Genl. Carleton was come from the new Ministry to attempt a seperate Peace with these States, and to detach us from our Allies. The Idea was every where treated with Scorn and Indignation. The Legislature of this and the other...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library Le Pere d’un de mes amis croit avoir fait une découverte en Phisique qui Seroit très importante, il a chargé Son fils de la Soumettre au jugement de la Personne la plus éclairée et Surtout de celle qui l’est assés pour ne pas se laisser aveugler par les prestiges des Sistêmes. C’est vous Monsieur qui avés cet amour de la verité, c’est vous qu’il desire...
ALS : American Philosophical Society We take the liberty to inform your Excellency that we are fitting out a Brigg for Philadelphia call’d the Grace Bermuda Built 160 Tons Burden Mounts Ten Six pound Cannon, & Forty Men. Commanded by George Mitchell intierly American property for which Vessell we Stand in need of a Commission. Shoud it be convenient to your Excellencey to send One, to Mr....
Copy: Massachusetts Historical Society The two inclosed Accounts have been compared with my List of Acceptations and found right. I am ashamed that they have not been sooner returned: but I have waited for my Clerk who keeps the Account of those Affairs to get well in order to assist me in the business, he having been long confined and disabled with the Fever of this Country, but is now well....
AL : American Philosophical Society Your Favor of 31 March I received some time ago, since which we are without the pleasure of hearing from you— I am unhappy at not having it in my power at present to comply with your request, by remitting you your Interest Money— my accounts as postmr. General are upon the Eve of being settled, on which there is a Balance due me of upwards of five thousand...
AL : American Philosophical Society I recd last night your kind Note of July 7. with the inclosed. The principal kind thing is, that you will write in your humane way to the Pens. Govt. to take effectual Care to protect & save the Remainder of those unhappy People. These poor Indians were indeed most unlucky, they had been torn with violence & Plunder from those Habitations by the Indians...
LS : American Philosophical Society Being informed by Majr. Shurburn, that your Excellency, had made mention of some Gentleman at Paris, in the Intention of taking their Passage on board the Argo for America—We make free to acquaint your Excellency that the Argo is to our Address; and that she mounts 16—9 lb. & 2—18 lb. & is exceedinly well Calculated for receiving several other Passengers...
LS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Yale University Library I have Received your Favour of the 15th Inst. by Mr Paradise and Mr Jones who arrived here last evening. I am astonished Mr de Chaumont should persist in such ridiculous as well as unjust Demands, he surely is much altered, for I think I can remember when he would have despised the same conduct in another; Our Defence is so...
ALS : Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, England Being much oppress’d by the Heat of this Weather, I dare not attempt the Journey to Versailles. I therefore send my Grandson, who will affix my Seal to the Instruments, and bring that which appertains to me. I am to request at the same time that you would give Directions to the Tresor Royal, &c, for Returning to me all the Promises I have heretofore...
Reprinted from William Temple Franklin, ed., Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Benjamin Franklin … (3 vols., 4to, London, 1817–18), II , 390–1. … In answer to your questions, Mr. Oswald is doing nothing, having neither powers nor instructions; and being tired of doing nothing, has dispatched a courier requesting leave to return. He has I believe received no letters since I saw you, from Lord...
ALS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères The two extracts inclosed in this letter were brought to Passy as part of a conciliatory mission that backfired. On July 11, Franklin wrote Benjamin Vaughan to express doubts about Shelburne’s intentions. Vaughan immediately showed that letter to Shelburne, who denied any grounds for suspicion. Vaughan volunteered to visit Franklin and...
L : American Philosophical Society M de Castries a reçu avec beaucoup de reconnoissance l’ouvrage que Monsieur francklin a eu l’attention de lui envoyer; il a lhonneur de lui en faire ses remerciemens.
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library I have long diclinead(?) the thought of wrightg, but after, your Long Seilece—which has given me the great pleasure, to onse more recive a Line from my dearst friend, you say mr Thabald tells you i am well I wish i was will enuf to injoy that Same hope you mention, but that is to much for me to except not but that Pleasing hope, in soom reeged may be a...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania J’ay entendû chez Monsr. Charles, Démonstrateur de Phisique, un harmonica, apartenant au Sr. hulmandel, Professeur de musique, on m’a assuré qu’il était de vôtre Invention, j’en ay été enchanté & je meurs d’Envie d’en posséder un pareil, mais malgré toutes mes recherches, je n’ay encore pû me le procurer, oserais-je vous Suplier de vouloir bien...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Yale University Library The inclosed Letter I recvd by this days Post from my House at L’Orient. I am at same Time informed that the Sailors you wrote Williams Moore & Co about are set at Liberty. I refer you to my last which was on the subject of your affairs with Mr de Chaumont. I am as ever with the greatest Respect most dutifully & affectionately...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Our Mutual friend the writer of the inclosed wishes me to contrive that it may come safe to your hands. He wishes that he may be instrumental in clearing away any obstructions which may be at present in the path which leades to Peace. I think it necessary to say that I have not the highest opinion of some of the present Men , but that I have not the...
Copy: William L. Clements Library You will have heared before you Receive this that Mr T. Td. is appointed Secretary of State for that department to which the American Corespondence belongs. He is, & has been for many years one of my most intimate Friends. A more honourable & honest Man do’s not exist. I have been Requested, in connection with him to undertake one branch of his Office,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Your Excellency will receive this by Mr Joly a Worthy Clergyman who has attended me during part of my confinement and who is gone to Paris on his own affairs as I wrot to your Excellency’s Secretary some time ago I shall not enter into a detail regarding the reasons of my Detention but beg humbly leave to refer you to Mr Joly who is fully informed on that...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je suis très ètonné de ce que vous ne m’aves pas ecrit il faut que vos affaires vous en empechent car je suis sur que vous ne m’oublies pas: Les affaires de Genêve sont remises en un assez Bon état et par consèquent je suis revenu de Gachet qui est comme je vous ai deja dit la Campagne du Frere de Monsieur de Marignac et nous allons j’espère Bientôt...
ALS : American Philosophical Society May I presume to acquaint you that I have directed the Business of the House of Penet DaCosta freres & Co. and that of Penet distinctly whilst I thought their dealings consistent with the Principles of Honour & Honesty. With the latter I relinquish’d all kind of Intercourse from the time I condescended to write in Paris Octr. the 30th Ulto. the letter to...
LS (draft): Public Record Office As the first Object of my Wishes, is to contribute to the Establishment of an honourable & lasting Peace, I address myself without Ceremony to you, upon the Conviction that you agree with me in this Principle. If I was not convinced that it was also the Real System of the Ministers of this Country, I should not now be cooperating with them. The Step they had...
Reprinted from William Temple Franklin, ed., Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Benjamin Franklin … (3 vols., 4to, London, 1817–18), II , 392. On the day Shelburne wrote the following letter, he also accepted as a basis for conducting negotiations the necessary terms that Franklin had communicated to Oswald on July 10. Shelburne informed Oswald on July 27 that “a Commission will be...
Two copies, press copy of copy, and transcript: National Archives I have but this Minute had an Opportunity by the Departure of my Company of perusing the Letters you put into my Hands this afternoon; and I return them directly without waiting till our Interview to morrow morning, because I would not give a Moment’s Delay to the Delivery of those directed to other Persons. The Situation of...
LS : American Philosophical Society; draft: Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères J’ai reçû, Monsieur, la lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’écrire le 24. de ce mois, ainsi que les deux piéces qui y étoient jointes. Les contradictions qu’elles renferment sont dignes de remarques; non-seulement elles s’entredétruisent réciproquement, mais elles sont aussi l’une et l’autre dans...