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Results 52331-52360 of 184,431 sorted by author
Engraving ( ViCMRL ). On 3 Mar. 1812 Gimbrede sent copies of this engraving to James Madison from...
M r Gimbrede has the honor to offer to M r Jefferson a Little Sketch in Cameo , which if he...
I was appointed two years ago professor of Drawing to this Institution ; the Situation is highly...
Having observed with pleasure that the Citizens of the United States of America, always have paid...
on me mande de paris, Monsieur, que Mr Le Mis de Lafayette, y est malade, et qui ne pourra peut...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Il nous a eté Remis de Bordeaux, une Traite de 670..12/...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Nous prenons La Liberté d’envoyer à Votre Excellence, La...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je Reclame votre justice, pour obtenir Celle qui m’est dûe...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Philippeville, February 17, 1777, in French: I have heard...
To the man of letters, The elegant and useful author, The scientific and amiable philosopher, The...
J’ai l’honneur de vous faire passer les deux excellentes brochures de Mengotti qui m’ont été...
Indisposition, resulting from the fatigue of my late Journey to Richmond , has prevented me from...
I ought long since to have thanked You for your very friendly attention in informing me of the...
Accept my deep and sincere thanks for Your Kind letter to M r Monroe, in my behalf. In the event...
You have rendered to my friend an essential Service by assigning to the business concerning which...
I take the liberty of enclosing to you two nos. of a little paper which I edit in this place....
Since Gen l Lafayette left Monticello, I have had several times the pleasure of conversing with...
I hasten to answer the enquiry contained in Your note of Yesterday .—The end of the present...
I am pressingly requested to apply to You on the subject which I will immediately mention; and,...
I have, from motives which I deem correct, sedulously avoided disturbing your repose by obtrusive...
I send to You, Dear & Respected Sir, some books of M r Joseph Cabell ’s, which Col. Randolph...
M r Simon Chaudron , a Gentleman probably better known to You by his talents than by his...
I have postponed returning my thanks to You for your friendly recommendation in my favour to the...
I am so unwilling to disturb a repose which I hold sacred, that I have felt, without expressing...
I do not know precisely how matters stand at the University with respect to the Mathematical...
I am so forcibly struck with the Justness of Your observations on the suppositious speeches...
It was natural for me, who well know Your goodness, to anticipate what You mention in respect to...
During the short stay of General La Fayette in this City, the letter which you were so good as to...
Philadelphia, April 17, 1797. “As I wish to have the Suit against Armstrong & Barnwall Brought to...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Girardot de Marigny a l’honneur de faire ses complimens a...