Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from James Moylan, 8 June 1782

From James Moylan

ALS: American Philosophical Society

L’Orient 8th. June 1782

Honord Sir

Mr. Henry Mitchell5 of Boston who arrived here in the ship Alexander from Virginia, thinks it necessary to have a Letter of introduction to your Excellency, and notwithstanding I am convincd that an American Subject do’s not stand in need of any to your Excellency, yet to gratify Mr. Mitchells desire I have freely consented to recommend him to your civilities. He is a very particular friend & nearly connected with Mr. Thomas Barclay, who, as well as myself will acknowlege any obligation this introduction may lay us under to your Excellency. I have the Honor to be with the utmost respect Hond. Sir Your most hl st

James Moylan

His Excellency B. Franklin Esqr. Passÿ

Addressed: His Excellency / Benj: Franklin Esqr. / American Ambassador / at the Court of Versailles / Passy

Notation: James Moylan 8. June 1782.

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

5BF had furnished Mitchell with a passport in March, 1780: XXXI, 365n. He was the owner of the Alexander: Charles Henry Lincoln, comp., Naval Records of the American Revolution, 1775–1788 (Washington, D.C., 1906), p. 223. On June 18, BF gave him a pass to travel to Amsterdam: XXXVI, 380.

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