5221To Benjamin Franklin from Dubuysson, 29 November 1781 (Franklin Papers)
LS : American Philosophical Society Permettez moi d’avoir l’honneur d’adresser à votre Excellence un mémoire pour M. le Marquis de Segur. Messieurs Le Duc Dayen et le Prince de poix ont déja parlé en ma faveur; Mme La Marquise de la fayette doit aussi en parler aujourdhui. Ils sont tous d’avis que si votre Excellence veut bien appuyer leur demande, cela ne souffrira aucune difficulté. Les...
5222From Thomas Jefferson to Auguste Belin, 6 March 1800 (Jefferson Papers)
I have to acknolege the receipt of the several copies of the funeral oration pronounced by Monsr. Chaudron on the death of our late most illustrious General Washington, which you were pleased to send me. no circumstances can ever efface the memory of those services which had rendered him so dear to his country; no time can dry their tears. the tender expressions of grief which flow from the...
5223Henry Dearborn to Thomas Jefferson, 8 August 1821 (Jefferson Papers)
Knowing the fatigue you a are subjected to by newmerous correspondents (and too many of them from mere selfish motives) I have refrain’d from writing to you as often as I should otherwise have wished, I have frequently had the pleasure of hearing from you by persons who had visited you, and of hearing that you continued to enjoy good health, and I have had the pleasure of seing several letters...
5224General Orders, 25 October 1782 (Washington Papers)
Morning Orders. The Army will march by the left—by wings the left wing will march at seven o’clock tomorrow morning and the right wing at the same hour the next day. The Quarter Master General will give the route and appoint persons to conduct each State Line to its ground or Quarters. The baggage, Sick, and Invalids will move by water. The Light Infantry, Sheldons Legion and Vanheers Dragoons...
5225To James Madison from James Monroe, 2 February 1806 (Madison Papers)
It is said that a letter is just recd. in town from Phila. of the last of Decr. wh. states that Mr. Adams of the Senate is or will be appointed Envoy Extry. to this country to adjust the commercial differences between it & the UStates. The gentleman who gave me the information declined mentioning the name of the author or receiver of the letter, tho he thought the fact might be relied on. On...
5226From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 8 December 1788 (Madison Papers)
This will be handed to you by Mr. Governeur Morris who will embark in a few days for Havre, from whence he will proceed immediately to Paris. He is already well known to you by character; and as far as there may be a defect of personal acquaintance I beg leave to supply it by this introduction. My two last were of Ocr. 8. & 17th. They furnished a State of our affairs as they then stood. I...
5227To John Adams from James Warren, 3 January 1774 (Adams Papers)
I Received your last and am to Acknowledge that the Contents of it gave me great pleasure. I have for some time thought it necessary that the People should strike some Bold stroke and Try the Issue. They have long enough Submitted to Oppressions and Insults following one another in A rapid Succession without finding any Advantage. They have now Indeed passed the River and left no retreat and...
5228From George Washington to William Dobbs, 28 August 1781 (Washington Papers)
Some particular Circumstances having produced an Alteration in my Plan of Operations—there will be no Occasion for the Services of the Pilots at present—they may therefore be desired to return to their several Homes as soon as they please. You will make a Return to me of the Expence incurred by your & the Other Pilots Attendance on this Call—& I will endeavour to procure you Payment as soon as...
5229From John Adams to United States Senate, 20 February 1799 (Adams Papers)
I nominate the following List of Officers in the Army Cavalry. Lieutenant James V. Ball Captain—vice Van Rensselaer.. appointed Major First Regiment of Artillerists & Engineers Major.. Henry Burbeck,,, Lieut. Col. Commdt. vice Rochefontaine dismissed 7. May 1798 Captain Mahton Ford Major vice Burbeck promoted... 7. Ma..1798 Lieutenant Piercy S. Pope Captain vice McRee resigned... 24 April..—...
5230Thomas Jefferson to John Barnes, 28 June 1814 (Jefferson Papers)
After an absence of five weeks, I returned home the day before yesterday, and found here your favors of May 18. & 24. & June 16. and 22. I am much rejoiced that you have been able to compleat the sale of Gen l Kosciuzko’s Pensylva bank stock, and to transfer it to the new loan of the US. there I know it will be safer than in any deposit on earth and will place him beyond those risks which...