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Results 5221-5250 of 184,431 sorted by author
I am under Such Restrictions, Injunctions and Engagements of Secrecy respecting every Thing which passes in Congress, that I cannot communicate my own Thoughts freely to my Friends, So far as is necessary to ask their Advice, and opinions concerning Questions which many of them understand much better than I do. This however is an inconvenience, which must be Submitted to for the sake of...
In answer to the Letter, your Excellency did me, the Honour to write me on the 15 of October, a Copy of which you delivered me Yesterday at Mr Oswalds the original not being received, I have only to Say that there is Money enough in the Hands of Messieurs Wilhem and Jan Willink, Nicholas and Jacob Van Staphorst and De la Lande and Fynje, of Amsterdam, to discharge the Interest of the Ten...
I thank you for your address to the New Bedford Auxilliary Society for the suppression of Intemperance which I have read with pleasure and edification it abounds in ingenuity and information it is eloquent and pathetic it is pious and virtuous it addresses itself to the understanding & the heart. A drunkard is the most selfish being in the universe he has no sense of modesty shame or disgrace...
I have the Honour to inclose to your Excellency a Copy of a Memorial to their High Mightinesses the States General of the United Provinces. With the greatest Respect and Consideration, I have the Honour to be, Sir, your Excellency’s most obedient and most humble Servant. RC in John Thaxter’s hand ( Adams Papers ). LbC ( Adams Papers ) Signed by JA , this is likely the copy of the letter he...
In my last, I ventured to Say, that I would hint, in this, at a principal Misconception that had misled, either you or me. I Shall Submit the question to yourself, and to the World if you or I please, to be decided between Us with candour. You appear to me in all your Writings to consider hereditary descent as essential to Monarchy and Aristocracy. When you mention Monarchy, Monarch, or King,...
I shall inclose with this, some Letters between Randolph and Hammond which will shew you how quarelsome they are. Poor Fellows! They both desire Peace, but think themselves obliged to wrangle for their Countries. It is fashionable to charge Wars upon Kings: but I think Le Peuple souvereign is as inflamable, and as proud and at the Same time less systematick, uniform & united: so that it is not...
I thank you for the information contained in your letter of the 6th. I congratulate you and Mrs Johnson—your Father, and Mother, your Ladies Mother—and your two Elder Sons—on the Birth of your third Son—Altho it is always a pleasure to be informed of the Multiplication of my Posterity—that pleasure is always attended with a degree of anxiety for their future fortunes—this anxiety however I...
I thank you for your kind Letter of July 26. Your Visit to Mr Clarksons must have been very pleasant. Such a number of young Ladies who all spoke in your mother tongue must have had to you, all the charms of Novelty as well as beauty. I have never read Mr Clarkson’s History of Quakers Anabaptists or Methodists You are too young to form a permanent Judgment whether you like London, Petersburg...
Your kind favor of the 5 th. of this month is just now brought to me, & I beg leave to reciprocate to you & your amiable family all your obliging wishes— the latest accounts from the massachusetts assure us of a returning tranquility, altho the spirit of sedition in the County of Worcester was not wholly suppressed— I have no doubt it will all soon subside. With equal surprize & satisfaction I...
I have received the two Letters which your Excellency did me the Honour to write me, on the fifth and on the twelfth of this Month. I do not mean to give your Excellency the Trouble of answering, these Letters of mine, which contain Extracts of Letters from abroad, or simple News. This would be giving your Excellency too much trouble and taking up too much Time. Indeed, I think it will very...
On September 11th. I wrote you a line inclosed in a pacquet with four original letters from Governor McKean and a pamphlet of my own. I requested the return of them: but have not been informed whether you have received them or not. Whether it was jocularly or ironically, or ludicrously, or vanity, that I promised you a specimen of the manner in which I would write the history of our country...
Last Thurdsday afternoon, rode to Germantown, and there stayed at my friend Cs. till the last Night. Four Nights, and four days. Those 2 families well deserve the Character they hold of friendly, sensible, and Social. The Men, Women and Children, are all sensible and obliging. Mem. The notable Anecdote of Coll. Josa. Quincy. The Hydrostatical Experiment. And the other of Mrs. Lincoln, equally...
Permit me to congratulate the United States, upon the Acquisition of a Minister of foreign Affairs, whose long Services have So justly acquired their Confidence and whose Experience as well as his Talents, so fully qualify him for this important Trust. The joint Dispatches of their Ministers here will inform Congress of the Slow Progress of the Negotiations entrusted to their Care. These...
I am grieved at our disappointment, and at yours—and much more for the illness of my dear little Susanah—I presume you have returned to Utica—And I hope still, you will return to Montezillo, as soon as the Child recovers, and you can find a Convenient opportunity— We go on here in the old way—just now interrupted in our Harrvest, by easterly winds—and frequent rains—I find myself two much more...
From the Time, of the Arrival of my Commission, I have been constantly employed in forming Acquaintances, making Inquiries and asking Advice; but am Sorry to be obliged to Say that I hitherto See no certain Prospect of borrowing any Money, at all. For Some Years past, all the Information I could obtain from this Country led me to think, that America had many Friends in this Republick, and that...
5236[Wednesday March 6. 1776.] (Adams Papers)
Wednesday March 6. 1776. A Letter from General Washington of the 26. of Feb. was read. Resolved that it be referred to the Committee to whom his other Letters are referred. The order of the day renewed. Washington’s letter is printed in his Writings , ed. Fitzpatrick The Writings of George Washington from the Original Manuscript Sources, 1745–1799 , ed. John C. Fitzpatrick, Washington,...
I pray you to accept my thanks for a very elegant present, which delicious as it is in itself is rendered still more exquisite by comeing from the hands of a young Lady whose Character and accomplishments I have long admired, and in whose fortunes I have feelt a deep interest, may every human felicity be your portion, my Compliments and best thanks to your Father, for furnishing you with the...
I have received with pleasure your favour of the 30th. of September; and can express nothing but the most respectful Approbation of the Proposal to publish in a Volume the Speeches of the Governors of Massachusetts from 1765 to 1775. with the Answers. and if a Pamphlet of the Town of Boston within the Same Period, the last Effort of Mr Otis could be added it would enhance its Value.— These...
I have received your Letter of the 14 of August, and have the Pleasure in Answer to it, to inform you, that I Saw your son, Several Times in France, and in particular, Some time in the Month of February, or Beginning of March last, at Dr. Franklins House, consulting with him about Some of his Philosophical or mechanical Inventions or Projections. He was in good Health. I thank you, Sir, for...
Yesterday Morning I took a Walk, into Arch Street, to see Mr. Peele’s Painters Room. Peele is from Maryland, a tender, soft, affectionate Creature. . . . He shewed me a large Picture containing a Group of Figures, which upon Inquiry I found were his Family. His Mother, and his Wifes Mother, himself and his Wife, his Brothers and sisters, and his Children, Sons and Daughters all young. There...
My letter to you of 22 Decr was unacknowledged till 24 March. Yours to me of 24 March, is not to be answered, This you see is but retaliation, which in these days seems to be the law of this land & of all lands & all seas. I do not accept the lame hand as an apology—Nor is the insinuation of ambidexterity of Jefferson any ornament or seasoning to the dish to my taste. Jefferson was my friend...
AL : American Philosophical Society As there are Several Things which require the Deliberation of the American Ministers, Mr Adams has the Honour to propose to Dr Franklin a Meeting at the Hotel du Roi Tomorrow at Eleven, if that time and Place are convenient to his Excellency. Mr A. will give notice to the other Gentlemen. Addressed: Son Excellence / Monsieur Franklin / en son hotel / Paris...
5243[April 1782] (Adams Papers)
Chez M ess rs. De Pallandt } Korte Houtstraet chez Scheuer Lohman De Schepper Hekeren De Brantsenbourg Heeregragt Grand Pensionaire Van Blyswijk Heeregragt Van Citters—Princesse gr acht à coté de l’Amte. d’Amst. l’Admiralité d’Amsterdam D’Aylva—ibid. Bigot—Kl eine Voorhout, over York’t hoek Hardenbroek }
Your favours of 5. and 8th of Jan. are recd. and thankfully recd and read with inexpressible delight,—Notwithstanding your Calvinism.!!! For We Unitarians, One of whom I have had the Honour to be, for more than Sixty Years; do not indulge our Malignity in profane Cursing and Swearing, against you Calvinists; one of whom I know not how long you have been. You and I, once Saw Calvin and Arius,...
I took the first Opportunity of transmitting to Congress, the Letter which your Lordship did me the Honour to write me on the Eleventh of December last: and as I wished it might be considered, by Congress and by the States of South Carolina and Georgia in the Same light as if it had been presented to Congress by a British Minister Plenipotentiary, I transmitted it without any Remarks of mine....
52461775. Septr. 25. Monday. (Adams Papers)
Rode out of Town and dined with Mr. Macpherson. He has the most elegant Seat in Pensilvania, a clever Scotch Wife and two pretty daughters. His Seat is on the Banks of Schuylkill. He has been Nine Times wounded in Battle. An old Sea Commander, made a Fortune by Privateering. An Arm twice shot off, shot thro the Leg. &c—He renews his Proposals of taking or burning Ships. Spent the Evening with...
I have paid Turner, his Wages up to this day, and settled all Accounts with him. Besides which I have given him £3:2s:od. L.M. towards his Expences home. When he arrives he is to produce his Account to you, of the Expences of his Journey. See that he produces Receipts from the Tavern Keepers. Dont pay a Farthing, but what he produces a Receipt for. I am glad he is going, for between you and me...
It is my Duty to transmit to Congress, as soon as Prudence will admit, every Thing which deserves Consideration, as having either a direct or an indirect tendency to Peace, or even to Negotiation for that important Object. The inclosed Letter has been transmitted to Paris in such a Channel, that I have Reasons to believe it was particularly intended for my Inspection. It is from a Gentleman,...
Mr. Samuel Cooper came out with a packet from the consul at Gibralter. My son and Mr. Shaw have taken the tedious pains to copy them. No man in Boston is found to undertake to decypher them. I hope you will find one in Philadelphia. Mr. Lovel the naval officer, who was much occupied in congress formerly in cyphering & decyphering, came out to see them; but despairs of being able to make a key....
Thanks for your favour of Novbr. 13th. Of Lord Holland, I know nothing. I pity the people, I pity all men of destinction. I pity Emperors, Kings and Popes. they are all when invested with a little brief authority, hurried, and driven by their associates, into measures, they do not and cannot approve: What is to be the fate of Napoleon? no matter; Split him for a Mackerel and broil him for the...